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Translate.vc / русский → португальский / [ T ] / Told

Told перевод на португальский

142 параллельный перевод
With everything you've told me about your father, it should be a walk in the park.
Com o que me contaste sobre o teu pai, isso é canja para ele.
- And a voice that told her when and where to act - She said I've lost control
E à voz que lhe disse para agir Ela disse "Perdi o controlo"
Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you
* Porque elas sempre me disseram que eu iria passar minha vida com você *
My little secrets, I told you in confidence
* Meus pequenos segredos, que te contei na confiança *
And they always told me I would spend my life with you
* Porque eles sempre me disseram que eu iria passar minha vida com você *
I became important to the tough guys in town. They were the first people ever told me I was a winner, said I was one of them, and it went from there.
Tornei-me importante entre os rufias da cidade, foram os primeiros a chamar-me vencedor.
You just told me who you are.
- Acabaste de me contar quem és.
I told you, I grew up Native.
- Eu disse-te que fui criado com índios.
And it's like you told me before, you never thought through a major decision in your life.
É como me disseste antes, nunca pensaste em tomar uma grande decisão na tua vida.
Remember how you told me I should start making my own money?
Lembras-te de teres dito que devia começar a ganhar o meu próprio dinheiro?
I told myself I wasn't missing much.
E disse a mim mesmo que não estava a perder grande coisa.
Ну может сначала скажешь глухому парню, что его дедуля мертв?
What, like Deaf Boy needs to be told his granddad's dead?
- И ты ему сказал?
- And you told him?
Тебе кто нибудь говорил, что ты выглядишь, как одна из Sugababes?
Has anyone ever told you - you look like one of the Sugababes? - No.
Если можно оступиться, то это сделаю сама, Кто вам позволит портить
# Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade #
По правде говоря, я скучаю по тебе, По правде говоря, я вру.
And truth be told, I miss you and truth be told, I'm lying
Йо, я говорю тебе не трогать это
Yo, I told you, can't touch this
Я говорю тебе, не трогай это
I told you, can't touch this
* Просто забудь все, что тебе говорили *
Just forget the things that you've been told
"Событие" Сезон 1 Эпизод 1.
The Event S01E01 "I Haven't Told You Everything" Sincronização : Italian Subs Addicted
* Хотел бы я сказать ему, * * когда он был жив. *
I just wish I could have told him In the living years
* Ну, они показали тебе изваяние и сказали, чтобы ты молился *
Well, they showed you a statue, told you to pray.
* Да, но они никогда не говорили тебе цену, которую ты готова заплатить * * За вещи, которые ты могла бы сделать *
Oh, but they never told you the price that you'd pay for things that you might have done.
I should have told you what was going on.
Devia ter-te contado o que se estava a passar.
I should have told you the truth about... Who I was.
Devia ter-te contado a verdade sobre... quem eu era.
You could have told me Rizzoli can run her ass off.
Podias ter dito que a Rizzoli corre muito.
My FBI contact told me that a Mexican gangster recently turned up at a hospital in Washington state with an arrow wound.
O meu contacto no FBI contou-me que um gângster mexicano apareceu num hospital em Washington com uma ferida de flecha.
Look, I knew if I told you that my marriage was in trouble, that I would be suspect number one.
Eu sabia que se falasse sobre o meu casamento, era o suspeito número um.
He told us that you left Right after you got an e-mail from Sarah.
Ele disse que você saiu após receber um e-mail da Sarah.
I told her Angela Cannon is the heart and soul of the show.
Disse-lhe que a Angela Cannon é o coração e a alma do programa.
I'm sorry, my dear, But after everything I've told you, I can't let you leave this room alive.
- Perdão, querida, mas depois de tudo o que te disse, não posso deixar-te sair com vida.
A friendly conversation in which she told you She was going to go back to her husband.
Uma conversa amigável onde ela lhe disse que ia voltar para o marido.
When Lance came here, Sarah told him That someone wasn't who she thought they were.
Quando o Lance veio aqui, a Sarah disse que alguém não era quem ela pensava que fosse.
Hey, dad. Gram told me how you went all Jason Bourne on her date.
A avó contou-me que deste uma de Jason Bourne no encontro dela.
Oh. In a moment of weakness, I told her I'd read it.
Num momento de fraqueza, eu disse que ia ler.
Tracked down an ex of hers who said she showed up on his doorstep, scared out of her mind, told him she had come out from L.A. With Royce, but he had disappeared, so the ex let her stay the night.
Procurámos um ex dela, que disse que ela apareceu à sua porta, morta de medo. Disse que veio de LA com o Royce, mas ele tinha desaparecido, então deixou-a passar a noite.
What if I told you that we could keep living like this?
E se te dissesse... que podíamos continuar a viver assim?
I told Hughes we need more agents.
Disse ao Hughes que precisamos de mais agentes.
You told me JT's weakness was gonna bring violence to Charming.
Disseste-me que a fraqueza do JT iria trazer violência para Charming.
She told Ouellette that my big brother was involved with Pouncy House and I looked up to you.
Ela disse ao Ouellette, que meu o irmão estava envolvido com Pouncy House e que eu me inspirava em ti.
Теперь я всё вспомнил. Всё, что рассказывал мне дедуля.
Eu me lembro de tudo agora, isois mink Told Me.
He told me...
Ele disse-me...
Why haven't you told already? - I can't.
- Por que não lhe disseste nada?
Jasmine's told me a lot about you.
A Jasmine falou-me muito sobre ti.
And when they told me he was in here,
Disseram-me que ele estava aqui.
То есть... #'Cause they told me everybody's gotta pay their dues # And I explained that I had overpaid them
E o primeiro verso da canção, como se... fosse premonição, era "perdi o emprego duas semanas antes do Natal".
She sent in all her couponing freaks, and told them to use my checkout line.
- Disse a todos os viciados em cupom para usarem a minha caixa.
She ran out in tears when I told her.
Ela começou a chorar quando lhe disse.
Well, she called me from aunt's house, said you told her to go home.
Bom, ela ligou-me e disse que a mandaste ir para casa.
Я говорю тебе, мальчик
I told you, homeboy
# They told me, "Don't go walkin'slow" #
Tão bom!

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