Was перевод на португальский
1,258 параллельный перевод
I mean, in my own way, I was I was fond of Sarah.
Há minha maneira, eu gostava da Sarah.
Sarah didn't tell me that, But whoever he was, they must have just split up, because he was trying to win her over.
- A Sarah não me disse, mas seja quem for, devem ter acabado há pouco, porque ele tentava fazer as pazes outra vez.
I was nowhere near this godforsaken soap set.
Eu nem estava perto desse estúdio miserável.
When she died, I... I was doing something useful with my time.
Quando ela morreu, eu... estava a fazer uma coisa útil com o meu tempo.
I was donating.
Eu estava a doar.
I thought fake mom was a lock.
Achei que a mãe falsa ia mentir.
Okay, so maybe Gloria was telling us the truth.
Se calhar a Gloria está a dizer a verdade.
Maybe sarah was having an affair.
- Se calhar a Sarah tinha um caso.
Sarah was separated from her husband Vince, and after long, grueling days at work, she'd go home to a cold, empty apartment.
A Sarah estava separada do marido Vince, e após longos dias de trabalho, ela voltava para um apartamento vazio e frio.
Sarah was motherless, childless, she was taking young writers under her wing.
A Sarah era órfã de mãe, sem filhos, e tinha jovens escritores sob a sua asa.
- She was looking for family. - Wow, Castle.
Procurava uma família.
My mother was speaking to him earlier on set.
A minha mãe estava a falar com ele no set.
Guys, it was completely my idea.
Pessoal, foi tudo ideia minha.
Well, the knife may be fake, But the ax you put into Sarah's back was real.
A faca pode ser falsa, mas o machado que usou em Sarah era verdadeiro.
It was a friendly conversation between colleagues.
Foi uma conversa amigável entre colegas.
A friendly conversation in which she told you She was going to go back to her husband.
Uma conversa amigável onde ela lhe disse que ia voltar para o marido.
Because she was breaking up with you.
- Porque ia acabar consigo.
Yes, but not to woo her. It was to encourage Sarah, to let me out of my contract for a movie role.
Mas não para cortejá-la e sim encorajá-la a violar o meu contrato para fazer um filme.
When I got there, she was reading a script, and she seemed upset.
Cheguei e ela estava a ler um roteiro e parecia aborrecida.
- Well, at first, I thought it was me, for taking the movie role, but then... she said that someone wasn't who... she thought they were.
- Primeiro achei que fosse eu, por ficar com o papel no filme, mas então... - Quem? Ela disse que era alguém que não era quem ela pensava.
And she didn't let on as to who this person was?
E ela não disse quem era essa pessoa?
Oh, come on, Castle. She'll probably think it was sweet that you were concerned about her.
Castle, ela deve achar que foi fofa a tua preocupação.
Who do you think that was?
Quem achas que era?
Maybe... Maybe it was her cheating husband.
Talvez... fosse o marido traidor.
Yeah, but even if Sarah decided That she was gonna get back together with Vince, It doesn't mean that she didn't have doubts.
Mas mesmo que a Sarah tivesse decidido voltar para o Vince, não significa que não tivesse dúvidas.
Oddly enough, it was identical to yours.
Curiosamente, era idêntico ao teu.
Look, I'm... I might have mixed up some of the scripts, but I was at The Fellowship mixer The night that Sarah died.
Olha, eu... posso ter misturado alguns dos roteiros, mas eu estava na reunião do Clube na noite em que a Sarah morreu.
Sarah was killed with an axe, Reese.
A Sarah foi morta com um machado, Reese.
It was never yours to begin with.
Nunca foi tua, para começar.
Maybe Royce was doing some kind of P.I. Work for her. Hmm.
Se calhar o Royce estava a fazer alguma investigação para ela.
Maybe she was researching a role.
Se calhar pesquisou para um papel.
Я поняла, где видела это здание he was coming out of before.
Lembrei-me de onde vi aquele prédio.
It was the bad guys'headquarters in " Primal Fury :
Era o quartel dos bandidos em " Primal Fury :
The dissolving property was a complete accident.
A dissolução foi um completo acidente.
Next morning, Violet was gone, so was his wallet.
Na manhã seguinte, a Violet tinha desaparecido com a sua carteira.
He know where she was headed?
- Ele sabe onde ela ia?
Mm-hmm, that's what I was thinking.
Sim, foi o que pensei.
Kelvin said that the last time that vault was accessed 46 Tuesday night.
O Kelvin disse que a última vez que o cofre foi acedido - foi às 23h46 de terça.
So I called the security company, and they said that the only guard that was stationed at the loading bay that night was some guy named Reggie Walsh.
Então liguei para a companhia de segurança e disseram que o único guarda que estava na plataforma naquela noite era um homem chamado Reggie Walsh.
I-I thought that was child molesters.
Pensei que fossem os pedófilos.
You said she was a star, and that's right.
Disse que ela era uma estrela e estava certo.
I bet Ganz was calling to ask why the hell Violet Young was still alive.
Aposto que o Ganz ligou para saber porquê a Violet estava viva.
I'll tell him I met Ganz. Ganz was gonna cut him out of the deal. Mannis wasn't pulling his weight.
- Vou dizer que encontrei o Ganz, que ia tirá-lo do assunto, porque ele não se esforçava.
I know it was wrong to run, but I was afraid to go to the cops.
Sei que foi errado fugir, mas tinha medo de ir à polícia.
* Вы источник движения этого сотрясающегося мира * * Я был обыкновенным тощим пареньком *
You make the rockin'world go round Hey I was just a skinny lad
* Такой порочной нянюшкой *
She was such a naughty nanny
Я работала официанткой в коктейль-баре
I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
И тебя сейчас ничего не волнует, А я и не знал как
You don't even care now, I was unaware how
Мила ты была Пока ты не выпила
Fine you was before my buzz set in - My buzz set in
I mean, that must have been why he was targeted, but, I mean, we never figured out what they were up to.
Deve ter sido por isso que ele foi marcado como alvo, mas nunca descobrimos o que eles andavam a tramar.
It was when Mr Nimmo was being treated for his injuries that police found evidence of covert surveillance in the shop's changing rooms.
Enquanto o senhor Nimmo tinha os seus ferimentos tratados a polícia encontrou provas de uma câmara escondida nos provadores da loja.