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Why перевод на португальский

413 параллельный перевод
Что это значит?
♪ HaIIeIujah, Mary Ioved her son ♪ Why don't my mother Iove me?
Aleluia, Maria amou o seu filho Porque não me ama a minha mãe?
So why didn't you ask me, baby
Por que não me pediste, querida
* Так зачем менять её?
Então porque a teria ele mudado? * So why would he change her?
Да, и чем же?
Oh yeah? ! Why?
О, ты лучше будь осторожней, Ты лучше не кричи лучше не дуйся, я скажу почему
Oh, you better watch out, You better not cry Better not pout I'm telling you why
Так почему б и нет?
So why don't you?
Это то, как я это вижу, мы все равно все портим, что бы ни делали так почему же не делать этого со словами, "Ай, какого черта?"
The way I see it is we're all gonna screw up whatever we do so why not screw up on the side of, "Why the hell not?"
B мoeй кoмнатe всe eщe пoлный бeспрeдeл
My room is still messed up, and I know why
Пoчeму, парeнь?
Why, man?
Нo я oбкурился И я oстался на пoвтoрный курс
But l got high I'm taking it next semester, and I know why
Пoчeму, чувак?
Why, man?
Тeпeрь я прoдаю траву И я знаю, пoчeму
Now I'm selling dope, and I know why
Они забрали всe мoи дeньги И я знаю, пoчeму
They took my whole paycheck, and I know why
Тeпeрь мeня парализoвалo
Now I'm a paraplegic, and I know why
Тeпeрь буксир oтгoняeт мoю машину И я знаю, пoчeму
Now the tow truck's pulling away, and I know why
И тeпeрь я дрoчу И я знаю, пoчeму
Now I'mjacking off, and I know why
И тeпeрь я сплю на трoтуарe И я знаю, пoчeму
Now I'm sleeping on the sidewalk, and I know why
И eсли никтo нe захoчeт Пoкупать эту пeсню Я знаю, пoчeму
And ifl don't sell one copy l'll know why
If you want to vanish, why go through the trouble?
Se se quer desaparecer, para quê dar-se a esse trabalho?
- Why was Molly there?
- Por que é que a Molly esteve lá?
- And how I'll never know just why or understand - She said I've lost control again
E nunca perceberei porque disse "Perdi de novo o controlo"
- Why is the bedroom so cold
Porque está o quarto tão frio?
S-so, why are we so concerned what two nerdy teenagers think of us?
Por que estamos preocupados com o que dois totós adolescentes pensam de nós?
I been doing this forever So why you choosing now?
Faço isso há anos Então, porquê escolher agora?
I wonder why the hell I stay in this town
* Me pergunto porque infernos fico nessa cidade *
МЕЖДУ ЛЮБОВЬЮ И ПРОЩАНИЕМ Still don't know why you went away
* Ainda não sei porque você foi embora *
Why should we care for the powers that be?
* Por que nos importarmos com o poder? *
Why should we plan what tomorrow will bring
* Por que devemos planejar o amanhã? *
Why believing that it could change anything
* Por que acreditar que isso pode mudar algo? *
Still don't know why you went away
* Ainda não sei porque você foi embora *
Почему сердце так радо?
Why is the heart so happy? Why..
Почему сердце так радо?
Why is the heart so happy?
Почему каждый вздох похож на плачь?
Why does my every breath seem to be crying?
И почему моим другом стало одиночество?
Why do I seem to have befriended loneliness?
То со мной все будет хорошо.
I'll be all right. I'll be all right. I don't know why.
Не знаю, почему..
I don't know why..
This is why they're useful.
- É muito útil.
Why don't you stay the hell out of it, old man.
- Por que é que não paga então, meu? - Disse desnecessário?
Well, why'd you have to leave?
- Mas por que é que tiveste que vir embora?
Why do you think you made them uncomfortable?
- Por que é que achas que os incomodaste?
Why would you do that?
- Por que é que fizeste isso?
Why is that, sir?
- Fica quieto. Em silêncio, senhor.
Why were you in jail?
- Por que é que estava preso?
I want to know why.
- Quero saber porquê.
I guess I'd have to tell you the all of it just to get to the why.
Acho que vou ter que te contar todos... Para chegar ao... porquê.
"And all of the people and I don't know why"
Почему это так?
Why is it so?
Не знаю почему
I don't know why..
Не знаю, почему..
I don't know why. I don't know why..

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