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Eşyalarimi перевод на английский

32 параллельный перевод
Sadece eşyalarimi toplayip, gidecegim.
Okay. I'm just going to grab my things I'm gonna go.
Esyalarimi alayim
I'll just get my bag.
Yarin esyalarimi ve maasimi aldiririm.
Tomorrow I'll send for my things and my pay.
Evime giriyorsun ve esyalarimi karistiriyorsun.
You move in and go through my things.
Geri kalan esyalarimi sonra alirim.
I'll get the rest of my things later.
Esyalarimi otoBüste Birakin, çünkü hapishanenizde kalmayaçagim,
Leave my kit on the bus,'cause I'm not staying in your jail.
Esyalarimi toparlayacagim.
I'll collect my things.
Gidip esyalarimi yerlestireyim sonra takiliriz.
Let me go put my stuff down and we can get going.
Benim esyalarimi aldiniz.
You took my stuff.
Ve esyalarimi geri istemiyorum.
And I don't want my stuff back.
Senden sacede bir sey istiyorum benim esyalarimi kurcalama!
It's darwinism. All i ask from you, the one thing, Is that you don't mess with my stuff!
Esyalarimi geri istiyorum Burasi benim evim!
Can't I... leave my things where I want to? This is my house, for God's sake.
- Esyalarimi da koyacaklar miymis?
And fill it with my things?
Kendi esyalarimi parca parca takas ettim.
I've been trading off my things bit by bit for food.
Esyalarimi kutuya doldurup yuzume dayamasina ne diyeceksin?
What about her shoving her box in my face, huh?
Ben oraya esyalarimi koymustum.
Oh, um, I set my stuff up in there.
Esyalarimi alacagim.
I'll just get my things.
Buraya esyalarimi geri almaya gelmedim.
I'm not here to get my things back.
Ama sen boyle yatak odamdan esyalarimi calmaya devam edersen, yemin ederim asil senin cenazen olur.
But if you keep stealing stuff out of my bedroom, I swear, it will be youruneral and my trial.
Esyalarimi almak icin dondum, vee, bom, bir agac!
I coming back to pick up my things and, boom, it's a tree here.
Esyalarimi alayim.
I'll get my things.
Esyalarimi çalmayin!
They steal my stuff!
Hiçbisi sadece esyalarimi kaldiriyorum
Nothing, just putting away my shit.
Hayir, hayir ben geldigimde kimse yoktu esyalarimi yerlestirdim ama elektrik çoktan gitmisti
No, no, I got here, there was no one here, so I put on the stuff, right, and, no, but the power was already off.
Esyalarimi alayim.
Let me get my things
- Esyalarimi alayim, çikalim.
Just let me grab my stuff - and we'll go?
Look trought my things, and figure me out.
Esyalarimi aliyorum.
I'm getting my things.
Esyalarimi getirdim.
I brought my gear.
Umarim Anderson esyalarimi otoparkta yakmamistir.
Hey, Anderson better not have torched my shit in the parking lot, man.
- Esyalarimi alayim.
I'm gonna get my stuff.
Ve ben uyurken de esyalarimi karistirmis.
And whilst I was sleeping, he went through my things.

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