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Karmasik перевод на английский

72 параллельный перевод
Gösterinin temel uygulamasi dahilinde, ilk bakista önemsiz ve apaçik görünen fakat aslinda çok karmasik ve metafiziksel inceliklerle dolu olan eski düsmanimiz metayi taniriz ; gösterinin bu temel uygulamasi, insan eylemlerinin tüm akiskan yönlerini onlara donuk bir sekilde sahip olmak için kendi bünyesinde toplamasi
In this essential movement of the spectacle, which consists of recapturing... within itself everything that existed in human activity... in a fluid state, in order to possess it... in a coagulated state, as things which have become the exclusive value, by their formulation in negative of lived value, we recognize our old enemy... who knows so well how to appear at first glance... something trivial and, self-evident when it is, on the contrary, so complex,
Bir yanda Batili isçilerin sendika karsiti çabalari öncelikle sendikalar tarafindan bastirilmakta, diger bir yanda ise asi gençlik hala belirsiz ve karmasik olan ama sanatin, günlük yasamin ve eski özellesmis siyasetin açik bir reddini içeren yeni protestolarda bulunmaktadir.
When the anti-union struggles of western workers... are repressed first by the unions, and when rebellious currents of youth... launch a first formless protest, in which, however, the refusal of the old specialized politics,
Duydugum sey, binlerce kayip ruhun... cikarttigi karmasik seslerdi!
What I heard was the jingle-jangle... of a thousand lost souls!
O kadar karmasik ki, degil mi?
It's all so complicated, isn't it?
Sence 80'li yillarin kadini olmak karmasik degil mi?
Don't you find being a woman in the'80s complicated?
Hükümdarlar hükmettiler ve birbirlerini alt etmek için karmasik stratejiler kullanip durdular.
Rulers ruled and used complicated strategies to fight one another.
Bir nevi karmasik bir fügün sesleri gibi hepsi birlikte yerine oturuyordu ama birini isgal edip onunla takilmak da yeterliydi.
All of it fit together like the voices of a somewhat complicated fugue, but it was enough to take hold of one of them and hang on to it.
Bitti, artik karmasik duygular istemiyorum zalim duygular istemiyorum.
I don't want any more complicated emotions the tyranny of feelings.
Ama kader karmasik bir sey degil mi?
Tina's the best. Look, before I put my foot in my mouth I think I owe you an apology.
En karmasik hayvanlar bile alacakaranlik kusaginda saydam hale gelmislerdir.
Even really complex animals have become transparent in the twilight zone.
Bu karmasik bir mesele, Sedgewick.
It's a complicated matter, Sedgewick.
Karmasik ama yine de basit.
Complicated yet simple
Biliyor musun, eger onlar insan klonu iseler bu karmasik duygulara sahipler anlamina gelir, hatta ask.
You know, if they were human clones... that means they're capable of complex emotions, maybe even love.
Dogrusu, bu çok karmasik...
Well, that's very complicated...
Bir kaç yil önce burda ders verdigimi hatirliyorum ve Niels Bohr'un kendi tasarladigi tahtalari asagi yukari çeken karmasik makineleri biliyorum.
I remember lecturing here a few years back and I know that Niels Bohr himself designed some of the machinery that raised and lowered blackboards.
Onun basit fiziksel yorumunu Heisenberg'in soyut, karmasik matematigine tercih ederler.
They much prefer his simple physical interpretation to Heisenberg's abstract, complicated mathematics.
Ve yasadigin bütün o karmasik duygulara.
And all the... the mixed feeling you have about it.
Senin için çok karmasik bir tecrübe olmali... .. baska... Bu kadar zamandan sonra baska bir kadinla olmak.
It must have been a very, uh... complex experience for you... being with, uh... being with another woman, after all this time.
Karmasik, dogru.
"Complex"... right.
Karmasik düsünce ve davranislarin Turkana Çocugu'nun türüyle basladigini ve gerçek anlamda insan olmanin izlerinin burada bulundugunu düsünüyorum.
Turkana Boy is definitely starting to look like a human being. And behind those eyes, his mind was becoming human too.
Bu dogruysa karmasik akillara sahip bu canlilarin sembolizm ve inanca sahip olduklari ortaya çikar.
They believe it was an offering, the first symbol ever found.
Taslari belli bir kesme isini yapmak için gerekli olandan daha karmasik yapiyorlardi.
At this point, we begin to see people treating stone tools as symbols.
Yeni bir insan kültürü türünün dogusu. Daha karmasik ama nesilden nesle aktarilmasi daha kolay.
It is the birth of a new type of human culture, more complex but easier to pass on from generation to generation.
Kültür, bizim karmasik düsünme ve algilama sekillerimizin deposudur.
Culture is the storehouse of our complex ways of thinking and perceiving.
Büyük karmasik bir uzay ve zaman olgusuyla.
- Feed it what? - A big complicated space-time event,
- Büyük karmasik bir uzay zaman olgusuyum.
I'm a complicated space-time event too, throw me in.
Bu Melekler senden daha karmasik ve her biri en az benim kadar degerli. Kisaca, kendine bir dayanak bul.
Compared to me, these Angels are more complicated than you, and it would take every one of them to amount to me, so get a grip.
oncesinde rutin olarak basladi simdi ise cok. Karmasik ve tehlikeli.
What started out as a routine multiple pole impaling has become a socioracial minefield.
Kochi'ye turist olarak gelecekler onlar silah ile dolu olan bizim balikci teknemiz ile Mumbai'ye gececekler sadece bir kisi bu karmasik olayin üstesinden gelebilir
.. in kochi for these people who come as tourists. they will go to mumbai in our fishing boat which is filled with rdx and weapons. a person who can face a complicated case can only handle this.
Oh, karmasik ile bas edebilirim.
Oh, I can handle complicated.
Özür dilerim, çok karmasik.
I'm sorry. It's confusing.
Bugün bir garip oldum çünkü karmasik oldugunu biliyorum ama sanirim, senin için de ne kadar karmasik oldugunu görebiliyorum yani bulmusuz, bunmayalim.
I freaked today and I know this is complicated, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can see how complicated it is for you too, so one day at a time.
Ihtiyacim olan son sey senin kisisel ilgi alanlarin Karmasik konular.
The last thing I need is your personal attachment complicating matters.
Bu karmasik.
It's complicated.
Durum ondan daha karmasik!
It's more complicated than that!
ve "bu karmasik" ve...
and "it's complicated" and...
Olaylar dusundugumden daha karmasik.
Things are more complicated than I thought.
Beyaz yakalilarla dolu karmasik bir birim ve bas zanli kayip, ölü varsayiliyor.
It's a complicated white-collar crime and the offender's missing presumed dead.
Rüya mimarligi bayagi bir karmasik olabilir.
Dream architectures can be quite complex.
Dünya tabii ki engin ve karmasik.
Of course the world is vast and complex.
Hayir bu konuda boyle ne yeni ne de karmasik bir bilgi var, Julia.
No, there's nothing warm and fuzzy about this, Julia.
Böyle bir ise sahip olduguna bakilirsa bu karmasik saldirilari planlayacak yetenege sahiptir.
With a pedigree like that, he would have the skills to design these sophisticated attacks.
Bilmesi, isleri karmasik hâle getirecekti.
Him knowing would just complicate things.
Bir kronometreye benzese de oldukça karmasik bir yapisi var.
It appears to be a chronometer, although of a uniquely complex nature.
Bu basïnc-kabinleri karmasïk.
These pressure-cabin jobs are tricky.
Evet ama, olaganüstü güçlü bir hafïzasï olan biri bile... ... o formülleri ezberleyebilir mi? Bütün o karmaşïk şeyleri?
Yes, but do you think that a man - even with a very unusual memory - could get those formulas out... all that complicated stuff?
Çok daha karmaşik bir program.
A much more complex program.
Sen karmasik bir kadinsin.
You're a complicated lady.
Artik lisan gibi karmasik özelliklerin birden fazla gen ile kontrol edildigini biliyoruz.
We now know that complex traits like language are controlled by many genes.
Oldukça... karmaşik bir şey.
It's Pretty complicated.

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