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Karsiliginda перевод на английский

81 параллельный перевод
Bu heykelcigin asiI sahibi adina... heykeli geri almaniz karsiliginda size 5.000 dolar ödemeye hazirim.
I am prepared to pay, on behalf of the figure's rightful owner, the sum of $ 5,000 for its recovery.
Onu elinde tutan adamdan almam karsiliginda bana 500 sterlin teklif ettiler.
They offered me L500 if I'd help get it away from the man who had it.
Sonra 10.000 dolar ve Wilmer karsiliginda... bize birkaç saat mühlet ve sahini vereceksiniz.
Then in exchange for the $ 10,000 and Wilmer you'll give us the falcon and an hour or two of grace.
Aslinda % 10 karsiliginda... herkes bana destek çikardi. Ama ben seni sevdim Wyatt Earp, tarzini sevdim.
Now, actually, any number of people would be glad to back me for 10 %, but I like you, Wyatt Earp.
Komançerolar at karsiliginda, alkol ve tüfek degistiriyorlar.
Comancheros trade liquor and guns to Comanche for horses.
Ve sonra, karsiliginda yolculuk'bölge'ye girdi... ve Hayao bana benim imajlarimi gösterdi, zaten epeydir zamanin yosunundan etkilenmis, sarmalin yutmus oldugu o anlarin varolusunca süren yalandan siyrilmis halde...
And then in its turn the journey entered the'zone,'and Hayao showed me my images already affected by the moss of time, freed of the lie that had prolonged the existence of those moments swallowed by the spiral.
O, karsiliginda bana içindeki boslugu verdi.
He gave me his emptiness in return.
Bunun karsiliginda sana dolar verecegim.
I'll give you $ 20 for that leash.
Ama karsiliginda ne istedi?
But what did you offer him in return?
Para karsiliginda insanlari korur.
For a price, he protects the people.
ovadaki bu yagis... ailenin yogun emeginin karsiliginda hayata gelen... yavrunun hayatta kalma ihtimalini guclendiriyor.
The plain is refreshed... greatly increasing the chance of survival... for the fruit of a parent's labor.
Peki, oyleyse bunun karsiliginda ne istiyorsun?
Okay, so what do you want for it?
Her hareketin karsiliginda bir reaksiyon vardir.
For every action, there is a reaction.
Raul Hernandez'i öldürmemi istediginizde karsiliginda istedigimi alabilecegimi söylemistiniz.
When you asked me to kill Raoul Hernandez, you said I could have anything I wanted in return.
Karsiliginda daimi ve güvenilir sperm temin eder. Acik denizdeki engin boslukta es bulma sorununa harika bir cözüm.
in return, she gets a continuous, reliable supply of sperm - a brilliant solution to the problem of finding a mate in the vast emptiness of the deep sea.
Karsiliginda pek cok yirtici hayvan icin harika bir yemek olur.
In turn, it is excellent food for many predators.
Kapak sayfasi icin 300,000 harcadim, siz bana karsiliginda ne verdiniz?
a bungalow and a Mercedes each You are joking, sir. - Who started it?
Emek sarf ediyor. Ama emegi karsiliginda bir kazanci yok.
He labours, but he gets no benefit from his labour.
Eminim yol boyunca durdugum yerlerde, Yabanclilar renkli yol hikayelerim karsiliginda bana acili fasulye yemegi ikram edeceklerdir.
I'm sure that at stops along the way, strangers will just offer me hot pots of beans in exchange for colorful stories from the road.
- Bana karsiliginda bunu verdi.
He gave me this in trade.
Bu nedenle kuslari satiyorum, insanlar onlari satin alsinlar ve azat etsinler ki, karsiliginda sevap kazansinlar.
That's why I sell these birds, so that people buy them.. .. and set them free in the greed of grace.
'Bu nedenle kuslari satiyorum, insanlar onlari satin alsinlar ve azat etsinler ki karsiliginda sevap kazansinlar.'
'That's why I sell these birds, so that people buy them.. .. and set them free in the greed of Allah's grace.'
Karsiliginda, para, ortaklik ne istersen verecegim.
In return, money, partnership.. .. I will give you all that you want.
Karsiliginda baska bir sey istemeleri gerçekten çok berbat bir duygu olmali.
It must've been real bad, wanting something else in return.
Bunun karsiliginda Roma, Sicilya'daki ikinci ordusunu Scipio'nun birliklerine katilmak için geri çagirdi.
In response, Rome withdrew its troops from Sicily - - - To strengthen the forces of Scipio.
Biz kapiyi çaldi bir DOLARI 5 veya 10 notu geçti fiyat doz dope karsiliginda.
We knocked the door, we put there 5 or 10 dollars - - or what it olikaan money and we got our money. We asked each one of the familiar knock on the door.
Hojo ´ ya Meow Meow karsiliginda oglunun geri verilecegi sözü veriliyordu.
Hojo was promised the return of his son in exchange of... Meow Meow.
- Karsiliginda ne yapacagim?
What do I have to do in return?
Karsiliginda babamin borçlarini silecek.
Promised to settle all my dad's debts.
Belki elmaslarim olmayacak fakat emeklerimin karsiliginda sen kaybedeceksin.
I might not have the diamonds but you gonna take the fall for my efforts.
- güzel mavi bir misket istermisin karsiliginda?
- Do you want a beautiful blue marble for It?
Fakat karsiliginda bize bir sey vermelisin.
But you have to give us something in return.
Hayatim karsiliginda yalvarmamdan zevk almak istiyorsun, degil mi?
Oh, you want the satisfaction of me begging for my life, don't you?
Biliyorum. Yarim saatten uzun bir süre müdüre yag çektim ve 800 dolarlik yeniden stoga koyma ücreti karsiliginda arabayi geri almaya ikna ettim.
I spent an hour sweet-talking the manager down to a restocking fee.
isimizi bitirmemiz karsiliginda.
In return our business is concluded.
Demek istedigim bir sey yaptiginizda karsiliginda hiçbir tepki almazsaniz ne anlama gelir ki bu?
The thing is, if you just do stuff and nothing happens what's it all mean?
Düsünüyorumda senin pulse damperin karsiliginda, benim bilmem gerekenler var,
I'm thinking, in exchange for your pulse damper,
Karsiliginda yapabilecegim birsey varsa, tek yapman gereken istemek.
Anything I can do in return, all you got to do is ask.
Ama ona, kardesini kurtarmasi karsiliginda, mirasi kendi uzerine aldirmasini soyledim.
But I've said that in exchange for springing him, he should get the brother to sign the estate over to him.
Üç tokat karsiliginda.
For three slaps.
Ne sikimi verip de karsiliginda araba alacagim?
What the fuck am I gonna buy a car with?
200,000 Rubi karsiliginda sana 6 tane silah verecek.
He'll give you 6 guns for Rs.200,000.
.. 51000 rubilik çeyiz parasi karsiliginda..
.. you're marrying to Shama Parveen..
Peki sen biraz huzur karsiliginda o parayi vermeyi düsünmez miydin?
Couldn't you spare that interest in exchange for my peace of mind?
% 15 karsiliginda avans olarak, $ 250,000 kulaga hos geliyor.
A $ 250,000 advance against 15 % of the gross. That sounds great.
Olur, size yardimci olurum birazcik ganimet karsiliginda.
Aye, I'll help ye for a cut of the booty.
Peder Dean'in paranormal hizmetleri karsiliginda rusvet aldigina dair bir cok soylenti vardi.
Father Dean was rumored to be taking bribes in exchange for assistance in dealing with the paranormal.
Oda karsiliginda sekiz saatlik uykuya kavusursunuz.
Room and board, you'll get eight hours of sleep a night.
Bu yalnizlik karşiliğinda şimdi ödediğimiz bedel, işte sensin.
You are the price we now pay for that isolation.
I... apologize.

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