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Kizin перевод на английский

217 параллельный перевод
KAYIP BİR KIZIN GÜNLÜĞÜ Margarete Böhme'nin romanından uyarlama.
DIARY OF A LOST GIRL after the novel by Margarete Böhme
Çünkü o senin KIZIN.
She's your daughter.
- Beyaz bir kizin odasini ziyaret mi?
- Visit in a white girl's room?
Kizin annesini bilmiyosun.
Well, you haven't met her mother
Sanki yeterince sorunu yokmus gibi bir de kizin uzerine gidiyorsun!
Haven't she had enough trouble sitting in here without you getting at her all the time?
Evet, kizin babasi burada, ancak su an sizle konusacak durumda degil...
Yes, the girl's father is upstairs, but he can't tell you.
Yoksa kizin beynini dagitirim!
Back up, or I'll blow her head off!
Ellerim küçük bir kizin elleri gibi.
I got these small, little girl's hands.
Ona Orly'de olanlardan bahsettim, ayni sey burada da olmus... kizin teki kapiya toslamis.
I told her what happened at Orly, and the same thing just happened here... a girl bumped into the door.
Bu kizin bir seyler bildigi asikar.
It's obvious this girl knows something.
Bu kizin bir enayiyi agina düsürdügü asikar.
It's obvious she knows she's hooked a sucker.
Karsiniza bir kizin tam sayfa çiplak fotografi çikiyor.
You come across a full-page nude photo of a girl.
Ama o kizin o yönetmenle ne isi olabilecegini de anlayabilmis degilim.
But for the life of me I cannot understand why she hangs around with that director.
Sana baska bir kizin çikolatasini vermem.
I wouldn't give you another girl's candy, I swear.
Bu yarilmaya tepenin dorugunda dokundum... 1945'te Amerikali'lara teslim olmaktansa el bombasiyla intihar eden ikiyüz kizin bulundugu hendegin kenarindayken nasil dokunduysam... insanlar, hendegin önünde fotograf çektiriyor.
I touched that break at the summit of the hill, as I had touched it at the edge of the ditch where two hundred girls had used grenades to commit suicide in 1945 rather than fall alive into the hands of the Americans. People have their pictures taken in front of the ditch.
Bu is sona erdi, söz etmek bile istemiyorum. - Özellikle de kizin yanindayken.
Let's not talk about it, not in front of her.
En iyisi bana bir kizin ismiyle yaz.
Write under a girl's name.
Sizin gibi guzel bir kizin Prag'in bu korkunc bolgesinde ne isi var?
What is a beautiful girl like you doing in this terrible part of Prague?
Bizim orada bu yasta pek çok kizin bebegi var.
Lot of girls back home about that age have babies.
Kizin isiklarin... surekli yanmasiyla ilgili soyledigi birsey...'43 teki baska bir kizi dusunmeme...
Something the girl said... about the light that is always turned on... made me think of another girl in'43...
Kizin baltayla boynu vurulmustu.
She was decapitated with an axe.
Hemen kizin kalbini kirmak istemedim.
I just didn't wanna break her heart right off.
Bir kizin aramiza girmesine izin mi vereceksiniz?
Whassup? Y'all gonna let a girl come between us, man?
Anlasilan kizin Thakur'lara saygi duymuyor.
Your daughter seems to have no respect for Thakurs.
iste kizin, Devideen, sag salim burada.
Here's your girl, Devideen, hale and hearty.
Babasi kizin kefaleti icin Thakur Gulab Singh'e 25000 rupi borclu.
Her father owes 25,000 rupees to Thakur GuIab Singh for her ball.
Kizin yanindan uzaklastirin sunu!
Get his filth away from her!
Bu kizin katil oldugunu bilmiyor sanki.
Sounds like he doesn't know this girl is a killer.
Senin gibi güzel bir kizin böyle bir suratla ne isi var?
Say, what's a nice girl like you doing with a face like this?
Çünkü, kadin olmanin normal ve harika süreciyle ilgili, her ergen kizin babasinin her ergen kizin babasinin konusmasi gereken bir konu bu.
Because that's what I would advise the father of any teenage daughter who's continually emotionally upset about the perfectly normal and wonderful process of becoming a woman.
Bu senin kizin.
Your daughter.
Ya, kizin söyledigine gore Polly öyle siddetli bir tepinmeye baslamiski baska yapacagi bir sey yokmus.
She said Polly threw a tantrum so fierce, there was nothin'else she could do.
- Ya, bu kizin bize anlattigi hikaye.
Well, that's her story.
Kücük kizin icindeki seytani cikarirlardi..
They would have driven the demon out of that little girl...
Kizin dogum gününden once denize acilmistik,
We'd set out to sea on the girl's last birthday.
Ve kizin biri girdi, ağzinda sakiz konuşmasi burnundan, bir bacak var, maşallah.
So, some girl walks in, chewing gum and talking through her nose has legs up to her neck.
Dev bey, hayatiniza nese getirecek bu kizin adini bizimle paylasmak istemez misiniz?
Now Mr Dev, won't you tell us the name of the girl who is bringing the joy into your life?
O masum kizin adi Priya.
Her name is Priya.
- Kizin bir bardak ister mi?
Would your girl like a drink?
İki saniye once bana su Jackie denen kizin bir numara oldugunu soyledin.
Like two seconds ago, you told me how you think this girl Jackie is the one.
KÜÇÜK KIZIN KÖPEĞİ Bu çılgınca, Gino.
This is crazy, Gino.
Artik kizin kirletildi.
The girl has been soiled.
Bu arada kizin nasil?
How's your daughter, by the way?
Harika bir düsünce, bunun disinda Zeki Alekssandir yorumunu duydum. ozaman neden senin ufak hamile olan kizin isini halletmiyoruz?
Wonderful idea, except I heard your smart-aleck remark so why don't you keep your little pregnant girl?
Hayir, Kimsenin bizi bulmasina izin veremeyiz Özellikle o kizin.
No. We can't let anyone find us, especially that girl.
Yoksa bu kizin beni Köye geri götürmesini mi istiyorsun?
Do you want that girl to take me back to the village?
Bu kizin seni bulmasini istemistin.
You wanted that girl to find you.
O kizin gitmesine izin verme
Don't let her get away.
su anda, çok güzel bir kizin üstünde duruyorsun.
Right now, you're.. on top of a beautiful girl.
Sadece kizin icin degil... Kralligin icinde.
Not only for your daughter... but for your Kingdom.

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