Olmali перевод на английский
706 параллельный перевод
Uzun yoldan geldi, yorgun olmali.
He probably feels tired after his long trip.
Judy'e yardim etmemizin bir yolu olmali.
There must be something we can do to help Judy.
Göremiyorsam gözlügümde bir sorun olmali.
If I can't, there's something wrong with my glasses.
Biriyle rekabet edeceksem, sartlar esit olmali.
If I have to compete with someone, you might let me start on even terms.
kalbimi kirmak istemiş olmali.
He wants to break my heart.
Bir ailen olmali.
You gotta have a family.
Çok zor olmuº olmali.
Must have been pretty rough.
Ve bu, son beraberligimiz olmali.
And this moment must be our last.
Bunlar Ben Wade ve cetesi olmali.
That must be Ben Wade and his gang.
Arkanda paran olmali.
Got to have money behind you.
Evet, cok guezel olmali her sabah birlikte ata binecegin oeyle iki oglun olmasi.
Yeah, must be real nice having a couple of boys like that to ride out with every morning.
Guezel olmali.
That must be nice.
Lyi asker böyle olmali.
That's what makes a good soldier.
Eskiye saygin olmali.
You ought to have respect for things that used to be.
Almanlar oradaki agaçlarin altinda olmali.
The Krauts must be dug in behind that row of trees.
Tümen, 3040 km ötede olmali.
Well, the Division must be 20, 30 miles away.
Sorun aksam gösterilen film olmali.
The main complaint seems to be about the evening movie.
Biyerde hasta bir adam olmali.
There must be a sick man somewhere.
Ama cömert olmali ve ona iyilik yapmama izin vermeli.
Well, he ought to be generous and let me do him a favor.
"Bu çöplükleri olmali, Kamp nerede?"
"I see their dump. Where's the camp?"
- Bilmiyorum, McGee, Sendeydi, - Biliyorum, Holde olmali,
- l don't know, McGee, You had it last, - l know, lt's in the hall,
Telefonunuza bir cihaz yerlestirmek istiyoruz, ancak once sizin izniniz olmali.
I would like to put a tap on your phone, but I need your written permission to do that. Is that okay with you?
Bilmiyorum... mutlaka bir sebebi olmali... butun bu cinayetlerin.
I don't know. He must commit a call after... after each murder!
Is hayatinda temkinli olmali.
Only good business to play it safe.
Mektuplarinda benden söz etmis olmali.
I reckon he wrote you all about me.
Demir insanda olmali.
It must come from men.
O olmali.
Had to be him.
Iste böyle olup bitti, Josey Wales ölmüs olmali.
If that's what happened, then Josey Wales must be dead.
Texas'ta onlardan bes bin tane olmali.
Must be 5000 lawmen in Texas right now.
Ama orda bu yerlilerle birlikteyken, tanriyi oynamak... cok cazip hale geliyor olmali...
But out there with these natives, it must be a temptation to... be God.
Sanirim müteveffa ¡ le c ¡ dd ¡ boyutlu b ¡ r... mal ¡ baglantisi olmali.
He must have been involved on some major financial level with the deceased.
Eratosthenes ayni anda Syene'de hiç gölge yokken, Iskenderiye'de belirgin bir gölgenin nasil izah edilecegini kendi kendine sormus olmali.
But how could it be, Eratosthenes asked that at the same instant there was no shadow at Syene and a very substantial shadow at Alexandria?
Daha sonralari Eratosthenes'te dünyanin çevresini dolasmaya, tesebbüs etmis olmali mutlaka.
After Eratosthenes, some may have attempted to circumnavigate the Earth.
Diger gezegen sistemleri Haziran, Temmuz ve Agustos'ta ortaya çikmis olmali, fakat günesimiz ve dünya ise Eylül ortalarina kadar henüz ortada yok.
Other planetary systems may have appeared in June, July and August but our sun and Earth, not until mid-September.
Hata olmali.
Must be some kind of mistake.
sehirde arkadaslari olmali.
He must have friends in town.
Aciyor olmali.
You're in pain.
Kizinizla o kadar ugrasmis olmali ki uzmanlasmis olsa gerek.
He's had so much work with her that he's an expert.
- Çok uzaklasmis olmali.
- He must be far away by now.
Beyin sarsintisi olmali.
Must be a concussion.
30.000 fit pek rahatsïz edici olmalï, degil mi?
It must be pretty uncomfortable up at 30,000 feet, isn't it?
Her evde bir tane olmalï.
No home should be without one.
Bu is için, vicdanlï olmalï ve en önemlisi, alçak gönüllü olmalï, yoksa burada isi yok.
For this task, he must be conscientious and above all, humble, or he has no business being here.
- Ben de, bu olmalï.
- Well, so did I, and this must be it.
Yerdeki gibi çalïsïyor, cantada keklik olmalï.
It works the way it has on the ground, it ought to be a cinch.
Yükseklik hastalïgï olmalï.
It must be high-altitude sickness.
Haftalar olmalï, degil mi?
Must have been weeks, wasn't it?
Bilgi kaynaklarïn iyi olmalï.
You must have good sources of information.
Heyecanlï hafta sonu olmalï.
Should make exciting weekend.
Kalçanïn alïnmasï korkunç olmalï.
It must be ghastly to have a hip removed.
Asçï olmalï.
That's probably the cook.