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Ustune перевод на английский

58 параллельный перевод
Ne zamanki filozofi gri ustune grinin resmini cizerse, hayat zayiflamis demektir.
When philosophy paints a picture of grey on grey, life fades.
Ayni muhtesem Dürer gibi, Nazizmin selefi ve habercisi, dogayi kanvasinin ustune koyan... ve olduren Durer.
Like the awesome Dürer, precursor and predecessor of Nazism, who put nature on his canvas... and killed it.
Harvard Hukuk is bulma burosundaki sekretere rusvet verdim En yuksek teklifin kesin miktarini ogrendim ve ustune % 20 koydum.
I bribed a clerk in the Harward Law placement office for the exact amount of the highest offer and then added 20 %.
Evet koc ama senin ciddi oldugunu dusunmedim Ustune baya iyi calisiyor.
Yes, sir, but I didn't think you were serious, Coach. Besides, he does a great job.
Dizlerinin ustune cok hemen simdi!
Get down on your knees right now!
Babanin isyerini senmi ustune aliyorsun?
Are you taking over for your dad?
Giy ustune.
Pull it on.
- Olu vucudum ustune.
- Over my dead body.
Yaptiklari iyi anlasmalarda ustune birde kopek verirler.
They're always throwing dogs in with deals.
Lanet olasi cocugun ustune bastan asagiya siyah murekkep doktum.
I got fucking black ink all over fuck boy.
Jump on that ball carrier like a starving man on a Christmas ham.
Niye ustune aliniyor?
Fuck him, who does he think he is?
Dort ayak ustune dustun degil mi?
You really have landed on your knees, haven't ya?
Beni aksam bir an bile birakmadi. Kolu hep uzerimde idi ve surekli icki ismarladi. Butun gece bardak ustune bardak getirdi.
Now this character, he's following me around all night... he's got his arm around me all night, he's buying me drinks, buying me drinks... buying me drinks, in my company, right here, all frickin'night.
ve ustune ayrildik.
We broke up already.
ustune gidebilirdiniz.
She was terrified of losing you.
Siz savasi hepimizin ustune getirdiniz.
You brought war down on us - - On all of us.
Elektrikli testerenin ustune dusmus.
falls on his own power saw.
And, you put it on your dead grandmother's coffee table.
- Tyler Lockwood'in ustune gidecegim.
I'm going after Tyler Lockwood.
- Bicagin ustune dustum.
I "walked" into a knife.
Benim alanimda, bugunlerde bir yatirim yaparsaniz veznedar goguslerini bardagin ustune sunuyor.
At my branch, when you make a deposit now, the teller puts her tits on the glass.
Son 30 yildir elektirik faturasini burnumuzun ustune dayiyorlar.
In the last 30 years, we put the electrical bill up our nose.
Aylarca fahiselik kurumunu ortadan kaldirmanin gerekliligi, taciz ve somurunun bitmesi gerektigi uzerine makale ustune makale okudum.
For months I read article after article about we have to stop prostitution, the exploitation and the abuse.
Sanirim Garcia'nin ustune hayir demek cok zor olacak, ama hadi devam edelim.
I think it's gonna be a hard no on Garcia, but let's just keep going.
- Aw, ustune guluyorlar.
Aw, they're laughing at him.
Pekala, bir anda listenin ustune firladi.
Well, he just jumped to the top of the list.
Parmaklarini bir numaranin ustune koy.
Put your finger on a number.
Bir de gelmis ustune kahve ikram ettin.
You had to offer me your God damn coffee.
Avukat bey, babamiz oldukten sonra onun abisi butun malimizi yasadisi ustune aldi.
Sir, after our father passed away his elder brother seized our land illegally.
Yalan ustune yalan
One lie to cover another lie.
Ryan Gosling'in ustune dokucem!
I'm pouring it all over Ryan Gosling's beautiful melon!
Eh, Benim hatırladigim kadari ile biraz daha yavaş ama muhtemelen viskinin ustune.
Well, a little slower than I remember, but that's probably on account of the whiskey.
Sadece ustune baski uygula.
Just keep some pressure on it.
eger korkuyu hissedersen ustune atlayip isirman gerekir.
if it smells fear, it will bite you.
Jeremy mahkemede pitbul gibiydi, ama Vanessa'nin ustune titrerdi istedigi her seyi verirdi.
Jeremy was a pit bull in court but he doted on Vanessa, he gave her anything she wanted.
Kocasi cinayeti onun ustune yikmaya calisti.
Her husband tried to frame her for his murder.
Ta ki tekrardan ona kazik atip kendi cinayetinin sucunu onun ustune atana kadar.
Until he double-crossed her and framed her for his own murder.
Cinayetin sucunu karinin ustune attin.
You framed your own wife for murder.
You totally got one!
Bacagin ustune baski uygula ki cevirdigimde cani cok yanmasin.
Put pressure on the top of the leg here, so he doesn't feel the pain when I move him.
Ama senin ustune pek varmayacagim.
But I'm going to take it easy on you.
Cakmak becerinin ustune tanimam.
Your skill with the lighter, unrivaled.
Kim bir arabanin ustune bisiklet atar ki?
- Who throws their bike on top of the car?
Ben degilmiyim, basinizin ustune cati koyan, sizleri besleyen, yetistiren?
Is it not I who put a roof on your heads..,.. feed you, nurture you?
" Eldivenler masanın ustune atladı, kase devrildi ve butun corba dökuldu...
" Mittens jumped on to the table and knocked over the whole bowl of soup.
Yerel basin olayin ustune atladi direkt.
Local news is all over it.
Sonunda karşılaştık Bay Helm. ÜSTÜNE FİSKE VURUN
Ah, Mr. helm, at last.
I don't see you coddle him.
I'm going to turn this world upside-down!

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