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Vardi перевод на английский

1,114 параллельный перевод
Biz predator kendi vardi barindirmaktaydi!
We had harbored our own predator!
para hirsi, ben de vardi Bu günaha ortak olur.
For greed of money, I too had become a partner in this sin.
Çünkü bende bir yay vardi o degersiz müfettis.
Because of you I had to bow to that worthless inspector.
Senin ismini istedi yoktun Evinizide, zenginlik, benlik vardi?
I hadn't asked for your name, your house, your wealth, had I?
Sen sormadan bütün bunlar vardi.Ki bu kadar nankör nedeni de budur.
You have got all that without asking. That's why you are so ungrateful.
anne yüreginde bosluk vardi o dolduruldu allah size yardim etsin zengin bir hasat versin
You have refilled an emptied womb of a mother. May God help you to reap a rich harvest
Yüksek Mahkeme reddetti ablamin iradesini kabul edin oglumun adinin özelligi hangi yaninda iradesi vardi onun
The High Court has refused to accept my sister-in-law's will. In which she had willed half her property on my son's name.
bence raja vardi sakin ol
You are Raja I think. Relax...
Kajal bir dul olarak. hayatina sahip çikmaya calisti her adimda engeller vardi ve hiç kimse korumadi bizi
Kajal was leading her life as a widow. There were hurdles at every step, and no one for protection.
Bak, Pazartesi günü sabah 2 : 00'ye kadar filmi yayina hazirlamaya çalistim... ve sonra Sali günü senin konferansin vardi.
Look, Monday I was editing film until 2 : 00 in the morning... and then Tuesday you had the conference thing.
Soför, onun ön tarafta su küçük sogutuculardan vardi.
The driver, he had one ofthose little coolers in the front seat.
Beaumont'un onu ve çocugunu sehir disina çikarmam için bana ihtiyaci vardi.
Beaumont needed me to help him and his kid get out of town.
- Bir tane vardi.
- They had one once.
Karilarinin uzun, bronz bacaklari vardi.
The wives had long tan legs, too.
hamile bir kadin vardi.
pregnant woman in one of them.
Dalgic kiyafetleri vardi.
They were in swimsuits.
Oteki adamin uzun, sari saclari vardi... neredeyse beyaz, ve tuhaf mavi gozleri.
Other guy had long, blond hair... almost white, with weird blue eyes.
Bir kadin vardi,
There was a woman involved.
Bir sürü paralari vardi, ve Conlon Belfast " a dÖndü,
They had a lot of money, and Conlon went back to Belfast.
- Yaninizda kim vardi?
- Who with?
- Burada oturan Paul Hill vardi,
- With Paul Hill sitting there.
Bir de Bir fahisenin soyulmasi olayi vardi,
And there was this question of the robbery of a prostitute.
Bak, Gareth, benim için iflah olmaz yalanci dediklerini biliyorum... ve mahkemede sOylediklerimin tek kelimesine kimse inanmadi... ama Charlie Burke hayal ürünü degildi- - bu kisi gerçekten vardi.
Look, Gareth, I know people say that I'm a compulsive storyteller... and nobody believed a word I said in court... but Charlie Burke did exist- - he's not just a figment of my imagination.
Bana benzeyen bir kadin vardi, sonra erkege dönüstü hepsi içeride!
There's a woman who looked like me, who changed into a man, and, well, it's back there!
Demek ki o çetede sandigimizdan daha fazla mutant vardi.
There must've been more mutants in the gang than we knew about.
Girdhari'nin bir kursunu vardi.
Girdhari had one bullet.
Herkes icin kursun vardi.
There were bullets for everyone.
Binlerce sene önce, zaman ölçülmeye baslamadan evvel, Atlantis vardi.
Thousands of years ago, before time itself was measured as we know it, there was Atlantis.
Korkunç bir trafik vardi.
- This impossible London traffic.
- Basit bir kalinti için bu kadar zahmete ne gerek vardi?
Isn't that an awful lot of trouble to go through to steal artifacts?
Resim vardi.
Where's the picture? There was a picture. The picture.
- Bulmacada eskiler ve kitap hakkinda bir satir vardi?
What's the line in the riddle about the ancients and the book?
Bizim ölçülerimizle ölçüldügünde, binlerce sene önce, o vardi... Atlantis! Evet!
Thousands of years ago, before time itself was measured as we know it, there was Atlantis.
Halki yüksek binalarda yasardi. Su tesisatlari vardi.
And the people of Atlantis lived in high-rise buildings and had indoor plumbing.
- Televizyon programi, çizgi filmi vardi.
- A TV show, he had cartoons.
Bir lidere ihtiyacimiz vardi, birisi güvenli yolu bulmaliydi.
We needed a leader, someone to lead the way to safety.
Geçen gün oteldeydim, kapinin arkasinda bir yangin haritasi vardi.
I was in a hotel, and the back of a door in the hotel, they have that fire map.
Beast oraya vardi sayilir, biz de yoldayiz.
Beast is almost there, and we're on our way.
Onu yaptigimda, bu dünya için müsis planlarim vardi.
When I built it, I had great ambitions for this world.
Elbette vardi.
Sure it was.
Senden önce Carlos Aribau vardi. Arkadasimdi.
Your predecessor, Carlos Aribau, was a friend of mine.
Klasik komando tipi, en iyi Uzi'ler vardi ellerinde.
Top-of-the-line Uzis, classic commando assault.
Aribau'nun gizli bir kaynagi vardi.
Aribau had a secret source.
Kafalarinda bir sey vardi, neydi adi?
They had on, what do you call it?
Çok gizemli bir havasi vardi.
She sounded very mysterious.
Bizimkindeyse vardi.
Ours did.
ÖIdürülen kadinlar hep ayni kategoridendi. Hepsinde de, katildeki kontrol etme duygusunu uyandiran bir sey vardi.
Our profiles of the murdered women show that they all shared one trait that would set off the control freak in him.
Esir tutuldugum yerde baska kadinlar da vardi ve hala hayatta olduklarina yürekten inaniyorum.
There are other women where I was held, and I believe in my heart that they're still alive.
Kapilar, duvarlar ve merdivenler vardi.
There were doors, walls and stairs.
Wykagil'de bitki örtüleri yoktu, ama bir bitki örtüsü vardi.
There weren't plantations on the Wykagil, there was A plantation.
Duvarlarda kanlar vardi.
Blood on the walls.

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