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Wortley перевод на английский

20 параллельный перевод
- Lee-Wortley denen adam da gelecektir sanırım.
- And I calculate that the Lee-Wortley also.
- Lee-Wortley mi?
- The Lee-Wortley?
Evet, öyle. Ama torununuz da Lee-Wortley'e düşkün.
Well... yes, but dressing what his granddaughter it leans more for Lee-Wortley.
İsmi Desmond Lee-Wortley.
One calls Desmond Lee-Wortley.
Edwina Jesmond'ın dediğine göre siz şey bulabilirmişsiniz nasıl söylesem... Desmond Lee-Wortley'in aleyhine kullanabileceğimiz bir şeyler.
Edwina Jesmond said to me what is able to discover something as I will say... something useful, on this Desmond Lee-Wortley.
- Bay Lee-Wortley.
- You. Lee-Wortley.
- Mösyö Lee-Wortley.
- Monsieur Lee-Wortley.
- Ve kız kardeşi Gloria Lee-Wortley.
- And the sister, Gloria Lee-Wortley.
Mösyö Lee-Wortley, ülkeyi hemen terk etmek isteseydi nereye giderdi?
If you. Lee-Wortley wanted to go out quickly of the country, for where it would go?
Lee-Wortley denen bu adamla neden kaçtığına aklım ermiyor!
I do not know how it is possible that it has escaped with Lee-Wortley!
Yanınızda size ait olmayan bir şey var, Mösyö Lee-Wortley.
It has something that Him does not belong, Mr. Lee-Wortley.
- Teşekkür ederim, Mösyö Lee-Wortley.
- Thank you, Monsieur Lee-Wortley.
Lee-Wortley'le birlikte değildi...
One was not with Lee-Wortley...
Üzgünüm, Matmazel Sarah ancak sizinle Mösyö Desmond Lee-Wortley arasındaki flörtleşmeler çok dikkatlice planlanmıştı.
Unfortunately, Mademoiselle Sarah, for me it was more obvious what what the plays of seduction between you and Monsieur Desmond Lee-Wortley they had been carefully planned.
Mösyö Lee-Wortley'den oldukça kuşkulandım ancak kanıtım yoktu.
It had forts desconfianças as for MonsieurLee-Wortley, but it had no proofs.
Uyuma numarası yaptığım sırada Mösyö Lee-Wortley, odamı aradı.
While it was pretending to be numb, Monsieur Lee-Wortley the room was searching me.
Hayır ama Mösyö Lee-Wortley'in inanması yeterdi.
It brought them near to me for what Monsieur Lee-Wortley was convinced.
Mösyö Lee-Wortley ve "kız kardeşi" mutfakta pudingi karıştırıyorlardı.
Monsieur Lee-Wortley and the "sister" they were in the kitchen moving the pudding.
Bay Wortley ve kız kardeşini.
To a Mr. Wortley and to the sister.
Bay Lee-Wortley ve kız kardeşi, kilisede arkamdalardı.
You. Lee-Wortley and the sister they were behind me in the church,

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