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Above перевод на испанский

43 параллельный перевод
# Because hocus-pocus Lo and behold # # You get blinded by that moon of bright gold above #
Porque con un abracadabra, un magia potagia, quedas cegado por el resplandor dorado de la luna.
# Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Alábenlo en los Cielos Huestes celestiales
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion ( Kimsenin Şüphelenmediği Kişi )
* Gökten inmiş bir meleğin *
# Of an angel from above
... miles above my legs
... 1,600 km. sobre mis piernas.
Ten thousand miles above my legs
1,600 km. sobre mis piernas.
When I see that look of love above me I know you gonna have your way
Cuando veo esa mirada de amorsobre mi..... sé que te saldrás con la tuya.
# Yukarıda gökler masmaviydi #
"The skies above are blue" El cielo es azul
With blue and grey for the skies above
Con azul y gris para el cielo
Çin'de, we hold the welfare of the state above that of the individual.
En China, anteponemos al Estado por sobre el bienestar individual.
High above him, there's a swallow winging swiftly through the sky.
"Sobre él muy alta vuela una golondrina..." "aleteando veloz a través del cielo."
# Light the path below, above # # And lead us on to love #
# Ilumina el camino, abajo, arriba # # que nos conduce al amor #
Üstesinden geleceğiz Üstesinden geleceğiz
* Rise above, We're gonna rise above * Nos sobrepondremos, nos sobrepondremos
26 numaralı model, "The Cut Above" a.
Modelo 26, El Corte por Arriba.
Ve bu turun galibi 91 puanla, bizden biri, Yorkshire pudingi, gururumuz, Keighley's Cut Above!
¡ Y los ganadotes de esta ronda, con 91 puntos, son nuestro pudding de Yorkshire, nuestro orgullo, El Corte por Arriba, de Keighley!
Önümüz açık gibi, The Cut Above henüz ortalarda görünmedi.
No hay peligro, El Corte por Arriba no aparece.
Keighley's biriciği The Cut Above.
El Corte por Arriba, de Keighley.
Keep an eye on the intermix pressure. Don't let it drift above 5,000.
Comprueba la presión de la Antimateria, que no pase de los 5.000.
Gece gündüz... Sadece seni...
No one above you
Bak. Connecticut Üstünde.
Oh, mira, "Above Connecticut." La estaba buscando.
# That they had been deserted from above ( Yukarıdakilerce terkedilmiş bütün genç askerleri ) #
# # Que habían sido abandonados # # # # Desde arriba # #
# Maybe there's a god above ( Belki bir tanrı vardır yukarıda ) #
# # Quizá haya un Dios en el cielo # #
# Oh, one hundred floors above me ( Üstümdeki yüz kat ) #
# # Cien pisos encima de mí # #
The devil takes your emotional torture from above.
# El diablo se lleva tu tortura emocional del cielo.
Götürün onu buradan. # Looking from a window above it's like a story of love
Sáquenlo de aquí. # Looking from a window above it's like a story of love
Üzerimizde tekrar apaçık
Above are clear again
"Head Above Water"... bölümünde... karakterin... sen...
"Cabeza Sobre El Agua" tu personaje... tu...
â ™ ª The moments go â ™ ª Till I'm near to you â ™ ª I see your face in every flower â ™ ª Your eyes in stars above... â ™ ª
El tiempo pasa Hasta que estoy cerca de ti # Veo tu cara en cada flor
# You wouldn't tear love above for us # # stand by the door in your red dress # # you're just a little girl # hiding in the dark # tell me, how does it feel # # lights go off Hey.
Birazcık daha güçlenebilseydim eğer Gözlerimin önündeki gökyüzünün ötesine süzülürdüm ve
ato honno sukoshi dake tsuyoku nareta nara I would have flown far above these skies me no mae ni aru kono sora koete yuku kara
Gözlerimin önündeki gökyüzünün ötesine süzülürdüm ve
I would have flown far above these skies me no mae ni aru kono sora koete yuku kara
D.O.C. bizde. Michel'le var.
Tenemos a D.O.C., a Michel'le, a Above the Law.
As with the best MIA's officers, Ben was driven by the pursuit of justice over and above any concern he had for his own person or safety.
Como los mejores agentes de Homicidios, a Ben lo impulsaba la búsqueda de la justicia, más allá de cualquier preocupación que tuviera por su propia seguridad.
The Cut Above, 94 puan!
¡ El Corte por Arriba,
* Does it fall from skies above? * Ne yaptığını zannediyorsun?
¿ Qué diablos cree que esta haciendo?
Seninle ilgili sorular sorup duruyor.
* High above the earth into out of space... * el ha estado preguntando acerca de ti. uh.no puedo hablar.
CHILDREN : # How I wonder what you are d Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky. d - MARK : Oleyyy!
¡ Hurra!
Beni bekleyen geleceğime uzanırdım
I would have flown far above these skies and reached out to the future beyond here.
Beni bekleyen geleceğime uzanırdım
I would have flown far above these skies kono saki ni aru mirai ni te wo nobasu kara and reached out to the future beyond here.

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