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Translate.vc / турецкий → испанский / [ T ] / They

They перевод на испанский

827 параллельный перевод
They took my eagle away.
Se llevaron la insignia.
If he ain't dead by this time, they ain't never gonna get him.
Si no está ya muerto, no podrán encontrarle nunca.
# Like the one # ( # Ya da # ) # They call # ( # Herkesin bildiği adıyla # )
Como el que llaman
135. Look, they're only needlin'you because you had'em confined to the post.
Mira, te están pinchando porque les has hecho quedarse retenidos.
- Yes, until they died.
- Sí, hasta su muerte.
- You exaggerated, they're offended.
- Has exagerado mucho, se ha ofendido.
Bu tip şeylerle dalga geçme. Ghosts are better left where they are.
Los fantasmas están mejor donde estén.
They've helped me outta tough spots more than once.
Ellos me han ayudado mas de una vez.
What do you see, Chico? They're all dead.
¿ Que ves, Chico?
They massacred them.
están todos muertos, fueron masacrados.
Let's get back before they attack our house in the town.
rápido. Vamos a regresar antes de que ataquen nuestras casas en el pueblo.
The way they killed those men, there must be a lot of them.
De la manera que mataron a aquellos hombres, debe haber muchos.
Where have they gone?
¿ Adónde se han ido?
- They'll disembowel us.
- Nos destriparán.
They won't disembowel us, you see.
No nos destriparán.
Well-known place of retreat for courting couples who like the echoes of bugles as they court.
Conocido por ser el escondite de las parejas a las que les gusta al eco de los clarines.
They've electrified the wire with high tension.
Han electrificado la verja con alta tensión. HT.
- They've vanished.
- Han desaparecido.
They kept pulling my nose. Mine of all noses!
Me tiraban de la nariz. ¡ De mi nariz!
They're quite merciless.
Son bastante despiadados.
# The body they may kill
Nuestra vida podrán tomar
Gidiyorum, gidiyor, gidiyoruz, gidiyorlar.
I go, she goes, we go, they go.
The wine is bad, and they want my signature.
El vino es malo, y ellos quieren mi firma.
Bunların hepsi kamu için. They're all for public display.
Han de hacerse públicas.
They've been eating off the hoof for so long, they just naturally grew a set of extra long horns, that's all.
Comieron donde pudieron por tanto tiempo que les salió un par de cuernos extra, es todo.
Are they... fakat kızılderili kadınlar daha farklı mı yaratılmışlar?
Perdón por preguntarle esto, pero ¿ las mujeres indias son distintas?
# # Soon they will fly your troubles to sea
Pronto tus inquietudes Volarán por el mar
# # And the merry men of Robin Hood they used a quarterstaff
Los amigos de Robin Hood Una vara usan
# # On the Spanish plains inside their canes they hide their ruddy swords
En sus cañas, por las planicie, Esconden sus espadas
# # Toot sweets sound like what they are
Los Pitazos Dulces Suenan a cómo son
# # Tell you what they are right from the start
Te dicen lo que son Desde el principio
# # They set my heart a-flutter
Tus ojos tan encantadores Hacen que mi corazón lata fuertemente
# Somut gerçekler peşinde olan ey sizler
♪ For those who look for meanings in form as they do fact ♪
# Zaman her şeyin ilacıdır derler
♪ They say time can fix things by itself ♪
They're a load of riff-raff down there!
¡ Por ahí abajo sólo hay gentuza!
Askerler silahsızdı ama nöbetçilerin silahı vardı.
They incendiaron el alto Clermont en la búsqueda de terroristas. Muchos jóvenes fueron llevados.
They're all handpicked.
Seleccionados cuidadosamente.
They're stacked against us.
Están dispuestos a atacarnos.
Ağızlarının tadını bilir onlar, kanayan elleri yerler.
They have a tasty habit ; they eat the hands that bleed.
"... all they can do is echo your anguished cry. "
"... all they can do is echo your anguished cry. "
"Says Joe,'What they can never kill,"
"Says Joe,'What they can never kill,"
"Says they,'You can't use the car, because you didn't work a lick."
I told the boss I was sick. " " Says they,'You can't use the car, because you didn't work a lick. "'
# Because when they've all grown up...
Porque cuando todos hayan crecido...
They think more of money than they do of men.
- A veces pensaba que tú...
They are but a short distance away.
Están a poca distancia.
- They kidnapped Marisol!
- ¡ Secuestraron a Marisol!
# # They'll always give their all for me, they'll never let me down
Siempre harán todo por mí Un insulto nunca me soltarán
# # The royal welcome mat is out, they 21-gun salute me
Me dan la bienvenida Con una salva de 21 cañonazos
"They shot you, Joe,'says I."
"'They shot you, Joe,'says I. "
"And no matter where their heads are, they know Moms ain't there."
"And no matter where their heads are, they know Moms ain't there."
Parayı şimdi istiyorum.
And then the harder they come the harder they'll fall

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