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Which перевод на испанский

91 параллельный перевод
Which ( hangisi ). Bir bakalım.
Whereof their mother daintily hath fed, eating the flesh which she herself hath bred.
La madre se alimenta de la carne que ella misma crió.
- Seni bağlayan tatsız söhret
- Jaded reputation on which you're staking
Photographs about which you've had hallucinations... which you believed you held in your hand.
Fotografías sobre las cuales has tenido alucinaciones... que hasta pensaste que las tuviste en las manos.
In other news, Paul McCartney bought up the publishing rights, to all locomotive which makes Paul rich.
En otras noticias, Paul McCartney compró los derechos de los efectos de sonido de las locomotoras. - Esto lo hace rico...
Ben they usually did it... which is different than being guilty as charged.
Dije que usualmente lo hicieron.... que es diferente a ser culpable de los cargos.
That hill will be a very strong position once it's fortified which is what they're doing right now, sir.
Esa colina será una posición muy fuerte una vez fortificada que es en lo que se están empeñando en este instante, señor
Which he will most certainly do, given time.
Que sin duda lo harán, dado el tiempo.
Bu şiddet, which has up to then had a ferocious energy about it... departed from the emotional violence and became... terrifyingly brutal and real.
Que la violencia, que hasta entonces tenía un feroz energía... pasó de ser una violencia emocional y se convirtió... en algo terriblemente brutal y real.
Söyler misin, Hangi boynu eğeceksin?
Tell me, which bow do you have?
And certain trade issues are pending which ensure you a fairer shot than usual.
Además hay asuntos comerciales pendientes, lo que le asegura una oportunidad más justa.
"Asla unutulmayacak."
"Which never forgot will be."
Yani bunun anlamı "Asla unutulmayacak."
Es la forma abreviada. Así que es "which ne'er..."
Last night was a rerun, which says to me...
El episodio de anoche fue una repetición, lo que me indica- -
Which we're gonna fake.
.. que nosotros vamos a falsificar.
"on which we used to rely?"
"... en los que creíamos? "
"on which we used to rely?"
"... en los que creíamos? "
" on which we used to rely?
"... en los que creíamos? "
Görüyorsun, onun için... which is really myself, I've just given you up, sacrificed you.
Así que para él Porque en realidad son Yo, que simplemente han abandonado He sacrificado
Tüm bu Blair Which olayı bizi 300 yıl önceye götürdü.
Y esto de la bruja de Blair nos hizo retroceder 300 años,
Bu durumda, In which case, bence bu işi hızlıca halletmek iki taraf için de en hayırlısı olacaktır
En ese caso, creo que sería mucho mejor para todos nosotros hacerlo lo antes posible.
On which we used to rely?
" en los que creíamos confiar?
On which we used to rely?
" en los que creíamos?
A thing through which you can tinkle, Or play with, or simply let hang...
Si eso es lo que usted quiere Yo seré su novio del gabán
Are there any notebooks that showed he had plans... to conspire to commit any particular thing... other than humiliating Tsutomu Shimomura... which any idiot who's ever met Shimomura could have told him... this was not the guy to mess with.
¿ Hay alguna portátiles que mostró que había planes... conspirar para cometer cualquier cosa en particular... otros que humillante Tsutomu Shimomura... Shimomura, que cualquier idiota que ha conocido podría haber dicho... este no era el tipo a meterse.
Which explains why the two fish-necks get to hang out with the hot chick with the lungs.
Eso explica por qué los dos cuellos de pez coqueteaban con las chicas con pulmones.
Just out of curiosity, which one of you was for me?
Y sólo por curiosidad, ¿ cuál de ustedes era para mí?
Which thing!
¿ Qué cosa?
Benimki de dünyanın en güçlü ikinci adamını korumak.
ninguna cuestión en mi mente Which tomar la prioridad.
If we do not say to him to the police which happened, we will not have credibility, and is the unique thing that we have left.
Si no le decimos a la policía lo que ocurrió, no tendremos credibilidad, y es lo único que nos queda.
Hey, Chandler, which do you like better the tuna tartare or the mushroom empanadas?
Dime, Chandler, ¿ cuál prefieres Ios bocadillos de atún o las empanadas de hongos?
Which ones are yours?
¿ Cuáles son los tuyos?
Mesela, "Kalemim namlu gibidir, hangi tarafında kalacağını hatırlat bana."
"My penny is the Barrel of the Gun". "Remind me which side you should be on".
Now, electn dispersion spectroscopy indicates that the cardboard is coated with ethylenically unsaturated monomers, which kept it from completely deteriorating.
Según el espectroscopio la cartulina estaba revestida con monómeros no saturados... Hodgins. ¿ Cuál es el problemón?
That is the reason for which invited me, you know what.
Esa es la razón por la que me invitaste, tu lo sabias.
Which one was it?
¿ Con qué pintura?
Hatta sırası şöyle... Çıplak kızlar, demokrasi, "Every Which Way But Loose" daki maymunun bir çocuğa parmağı verdiği sahne.
En este orden... chicas desnudas, democracia, la escena de "Duro de pelar" en la que el mono le saca el dedo.
* So after school, I take a dip in the pool * * Which is really on the wall *
# Así que luego de la escuela, me sumerjo en la pileta... # #... que, en realidad, está en la pared. #
"Tell me, my daughters, Which of you shall we say..."
"Díganme, hijas mías, cuál de vosotras se podría decir..."
# And I'm wondering which one of them I should choose
# And I'm wondering which one of them I should choose
But, unfortunately, the charges don't always stick due to the means in which the evidence was collected.
Pero los cargos no siempre se mantienen por los medios que usa para conseguir pruebas.
Any idea which one of your patrons might have given him these bruises?
¿ Alguna idea de cuál de sus clientes pudo haberle causado esos hematomas?
* I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america * * and to the republic for which it stands * * one nation under god * * with a woof-Woof here and a woof-Woof there * * here a woof, there a woof everywhere a woof, woof *
Juro lealtad a la Bandera de los Estados Unidos de América, y a la República que representa, una nación al amparo de Dios. Con un perro aquí, con un perro allá. Pero aquí, perro allá.
Pen which,
Anota esto :
"Altında buluştuğumuz ışık hep açık kalsın istiyorum"
And as for the light by which you see me leave it on. I'm a better man than I was before.
And that seems to be interested in it, which is another reason for you leave here.
Y cada vez más está interesado en ella, por lo que es mejor...
The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister
3ª Temporada
Perls, Reich tarafından eğitilmişti. Toplu yüzleşme benzeri bir teknik geliştirmişti.
Perls habia sido entrenado por Reich y habia desarrollado una forma de grupos de encuentro in which he pushed individuals to publicly express the feelings inside them en los cuales presionaba a los individuos a expresar publicamente sus sentimientos internos 240 00 : 16 : 25,151 - - 00 : 16 : 28,874 pero que la sociedad decia que eran peligrosos y deberian ser reprimidos
Instead of a hundred times the atmosphere of Earth, on Mars it's 100th, which presents its own unique set of problems when you wanna try and land.
OK, ¿ listo para un G 0? estoy listo.
Aslına bakarsanız bize söylenen oldukça ortak.
Which we've been told is actually pretty common.
# Bunu kimse inkâr edemez #
- § Which nobody can deny... § si, paren § Which nobody can deny... §

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