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Bunu hep yapıyorlar.
They do it all the time.
The Harder They Fall
"Тем тяжелее падение"
Yalnız olmadıklarına sevinmişler midir?
And are they relieved to find they aren't? ( в ступоре )
Çıkartsınlar korkunç bir şamata
Squawking just as noisily as they can
Akıl danışırlar tıpkı,
They will ask me to advise them
Zenginsen, herşeyi bildiğini düşünürler
When you're rich they think you really know
Ne zaman büyüdüler?
When did they
Daha dün ufacık değiller miydi?
Wasn't it yesterday When they were small
Zamanla öğrenirler elbet onlar da
Now they must learn From one another
Birbirlerine çok yakışmışlar
They look so natural Together
Anatevka'dan geçenler böyle bir yer olduğunu fark etmeyecekler bile.
People who pass through Anatevka don't even know they've been here.
"The Harder They Fall" adlı yepyeni şarkı Ivan'dan geliyor.
Это совершенно новая песня, под названием "The Harder They Fall" от мужика по имени Иван.
# Well, the teacher could say # # they should lock you away # # and throw away all the keys if you please. #
* Все учителя гoвoрили : "Надo, чтoб егo пoсадили" * Пoзабудьте o ключах, Или всему придет крах
Çılgın Herifler vuruyor Çünkü daHa fazla istiyor
Crazy people knockin''Cause they want some more
HapisHane orkestrası oradaydı ve çalmaya başladılar
Prison band was there and they began to wail
# Ama sana inanmayacaklar #
# But they won't believe you
Bu artık sadece bir zaman meselesi.
They are informed. ) Это только вопрос времени.
The rest are... Well, they're more like some crazy cult than onlookers.
Они скорее похожи на чокнутых фанатиков, чем на толпу зевак.
They're gone.
Они пропали.
I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't...
Я сказал слонам забыть, но так они не могут...
# Things were just the way they should be #
Все шло своим чередом.
Arabayı alıp gittiler.
They just took off.
Ama lastikleri kabaktı ve patladılar.
"But his tires were bald... "... and they went flat
" They came upon a burning flame.
Верхом на горящем пламени.
"Just as the seer said they would, they lifted Takar's blinding hood."
Правдивы были пророка слова, С глаз Такара сошла пелена. "
They just did it to- -
Они сделали это...
They didn't do it "to." They did it "to."
Они сделали не "это". Они сделали "ЭТО".
Plus they're really mean here!
Они мне не нравятся!
- They're rather invisibIe.
- Они скорее невидимы.
How beautiful they are
How beautiful they are
They get you.
Они захватят тебя.
They've just never looked quite so... beautiful before.
Они просто никогда не выглядели такими... красивыми раньше.
~ Hepsi de sana... ~
They are part of sixteen reasons.
San Jose police picked up a suspect and they're holding them without bail
Полиция Сан Джуса схватила их они не выпускают их даже под залог..
But now they're no Ionger the faint presence they began as
Но теперь их пассивное существование не устраивает, и они...
Ama komşularına bile yardım edemezler,
But they cannot help their neighbors ; Но они не могут помочь близким ;
Daha fazla açılmıyor.
That's as far as they'll go.
Bir yere sıkışmış.
They're caught on something.
Belki dosyam ellerine ulaşmamıştır.
They probably don't even have me on file yet.
Yeah, they're probably up for a two-fer at this point.
Да они хотят обоих прихлопнуть одним махом.
People say things when they're sporting badger food for a pecker.
Ты что угодно скажешь, чтобы барсук не откусил тебе член.
So they parol you? Evet.
Так тебя освободили досрочно?
They all make it look so easy.
Кажется, у них всё так просто.
Çok pahalılar.
They're expensive.
Dün bizi toplayıp, şöyle dediler :
They sat us down and said :
Sana oldukca fazla makyaj yapıyor olmalılar.
Wow They must put a lot of makeup on you.
Ross ve Rachel ne dediklerini bilmiyorlar.
Ross and Rachel don't know what they're saying.
Onlar da cok sorumluluk sahibi değiller ki.
It's not like they're so responsible.
Hayır ama haklılar.
No, but they're right.
- Hayır.
Когда ты их любишь, они сводят тебя с ума...'cause they know they can. - Нет.
"And they think they got battle won..." Lavabonun altında asılırken o içeri girdi ve beni yakaladı.
Я развлекался в ванной, а она вошла и застукала меня.