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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ 1 ] / 157th

157th Çeviri İspanyolca

5 parallel translation
I'm telling you for the 157th time, turn that damn music off!
Te lo he dicho mil veces, apaga esa música!
Of 157th street and Lieutenant Uhura Avenue.
de la calle 157 y la avenida Lieutenant Uhura.
Consider it an abortion in your 157th trimester.
Considéralo un aborto en el trimestre 157.
railroad put in a station at 157th and Amsterdam.
el ferrocarril va a poner una estación en la 157 con Amsterdam.
If you don't testify, you are going away until just before your 157th birthday.
Si no testifica, te vas hasta justo antes de su cumpleaños 157a

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