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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ 2 ] / 20gs

20gs Çeviri İspanyolca

3 parallel translation
Good, then the quicker you go with Billy, the quicker you get your 20Gs
- bien! entonces anda con Billy. y rápido tengras tus 20 grandes
I don't know. Maybe 15-20Gs?
No lo sé. ¿ Quizá 15 o 20g?
I tell you, girls, when you're out there in the black, pulling hard 20Gs, and the whole boat is vibrating underneath you, about to shake herself apart...
Les digo, chicas, cuando estás allí afuera en la oscuridad, soportando unos fuertes 20 g, y toda la nave vibra bajo tus pies, a punto de despedazarse...

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