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Accion Çeviri İspanyolca

546 parallel translation
Clear decks for action!
¡ Despejen la cubierta para la accion!
- Hi Serg, what's the action?
- Hola, Sarg, cual es la accion?
We haven't had snow since Thanksgiving. 68 yesterday.
No ha nevado desde Accion de Gracias. Ayer estabamos a 20 grados.
A lot of action inside.
Un monton de accion adentro.
If only we could put our plan into operation.
Si solo pudieramos poner en accion nuestro plan.
I'd like to ask you one question, after months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could force me to reveal the identity of my confederate?
Tras meses de rogar precisamente por este tipo de accion, ¿ Por que crees que algo podria hacerme desencubrirlo?
Always on duty!
¡ Siempre en accion!
If the protein supply is sufficient, the active cells will quickly mend the body.
Hacia el final de la guerra, descubrimos que si el suministro de proteinas era suficiente su cuerpo podia ser restaurado rapidamente por la accion de las celulas vivas del corazon.
Tell our men to go into action immediately.
Dile a nuestros hombres que entren en accion inmediatamente.
Order the Luftwaffe into action over Paris.
Ordene a la Luftwaffe que entre en accion sobe Paris.
The American stock has fallen two points.
La accion americana ha caido dos puntos.
I'll bring mine action on the proudest he That stops my way in Padua.
Traere mi accion sobr el mas orgulloso que me detenga en mi camino a Padua.
The Corporation Metaphysical Import-Export has been involved in the venture.
La "Metaphysical Import-Export"..... fue implicada en la accion.
To the president of the court, who asked him the reasons for his act, he answered, "I'd had enough."
As soon as she came over he went into his act.
En cuanto ella llego El entro en accion.
Why don't we split and see if there's any action at the Berkeley Museum?
Por que no salimos y vemos si hay accion en el Museo Berkeley?
" I'm asking you, he said, not to pursue any careless action which could only lead our country to chaos and to ruin.
iLes suplico, ha dicho, renunciar a cualquier accion inconsciente que no hara sino precipitar al pais en el caos y conducirle a la ruina.
Antes de que se den cuenta que he avueIto a Ia accion.
Oh, lookin'for some action?
Oh... ¿ Andas buscando accion?
Best thing about Thanksgiving is eating white meat!
Lo mejor de accion de gracias es poder comer carne blanca.
This "police action"... has almost destroyed the Korean nation.
Esta "accion de policia"... casi ha destruido a la nación coreana.
I insisted on going with them. I felt responsible for nolan. I had filled his head with notions of whales being capable of grief, which I believed, but also of calculated actions, which I doubted, despite all that had happened.
yo insisti en abandonar el pueblo con el, me sentia responsable de el estado de animo de nolan por influirle la idea romantica de una orca capaz de sentir dolor lo cual era cierto, si no tambien de realizar una accion premeditada y vengativa que..
Happy Thanksgiving.
Feliz dia de Accion de Gracias.
Stick around Ben, maybe we'll get laid. Not with a face like that.
Quedate, talvez tengamos accion.
Ok, you'd like a bit of action boys right?
Ok, ustedes quieren un poco de accion, cierto?
Mr. De Young is superintendent, and Mr. Spindler ran the operation.
El Sr. De Young es superintendente, el Sr. Spindler condujo la accion.
¡ Accion!
Action! "ln the afternoon... "... when I put it on to go out with the guys...
Accion! y tengo una sita... corte!
But come November, Apollo Creed will provide the ultimate gala spectacle. On Thanksgiving, in front of this man's home crowd I'm gonna drop him like a bad habit.
Creed dara el mejor espectaculo en el dia de Accion de Gracias en tierra de este hombre.
- Billy, you're missing all the action now.
- Billy, te estás perdiendo toda la accion.
I'll take all the action I can get.
Voy tener toda la accion que pueda.
We're missing all the action.
Nos estamos perdiendo toda la accion.
All the action's on the other side of the mall.
La accion esta al otro lado de la galeria.
And this is the meaning of "action" in Antonioni films.
Y este es el significado de "accion" para las peliculas de Antonioni.
He kept changing his fucking mind.
En primer lugar, me dijo que me trajera la ropa luego cambiaba de opinión y me echaba accion! Siempre cambiaba de opinión.
¡ Accion!
I told him on a domestic pickup and delivery, I gotta have part of the action.
Yo le dije que en una entrega domestica Yo debo tener parte de la accion.
You're right. The old man was pretty cool when the hit from that van came down. He held his own.
Tienes razon, el viejo era bastante canchero cuando comenzo la accion desde la van El se mantuvo solo.
Your action is worth steady, serious money.
Tu accion es digna pero de repente es muy grande.
Use frequency 1246 to contact our leaders and ask for a course of action.
Usa la frecuencia 1246 para contactar con nuestros lideres y pida por el curso de la accion.
Orders didn't say we should go in rush
las ordenes no decian nada de entrar en accion.
The remainder in readiness for immediate movement
luego esten preparados para entrar en accion.
Vayan a poner sus pies en accion.
A little action, maybe
Un poco de accion, talvez
And what do you mean by'" action'"?
Y que significa "un poco de accion"?
Activity, action.
Movimiento, accion.

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