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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / An old friend of mine

An old friend of mine Çeviri İspanyolca

475 parallel translation
I induced Captain Hollister, an old friend of mine, to put back to shore, and I followed you.
Convencí al capitán Hollister, un viejo amigo, para que zarpara... y la seguí a Ud.
This is Black Elk, an old friend of mine.
Éste es Alce Negro, un viejo amigo mío.
Oh that! That's an old friend of mine, Baron Rochasse.
Es un... viejo amigo mío, el barón Rochasse.
Alexander, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine, M. La Bessière.
Alexander, quiero presentarte a un viejo amigo...
Pardon me, Mr. Amenoppopolus, but I had to speak to an old friend of mine.
Disculpe, Sr. Amenoppopolus. Era un viejo amigo.
- By the way when you were in the Cambridge sector, did you come across an old friend of mine?
- A propósito, cuando estuviste en Cambridge, ¿ por casualidad no conociste a un amigo mío?
Mr. Burke is an old friend of mine, we're traveling together.
Burke es un viejo amigo. Viajamos juntos.
An old friend of mine.
Un viejo amigo.
To an old friend of mine.
Es un antiguo amigo.
Bea, this is an old friend of mine, Stephen Archer.
Bea, éste un viejo amigo mío, Stephen Archer.
I want you to meet an old friend of mine.
Quiero presentarles a un viejo amigo.
Uh, I'm looking for an old friend of mine, a Mr. Cosgrove.
Estoy buscando a un viejo amigo mío, un tal Sr. Cosgrove.
The ship's captain is an old friend of mine.
El capitán del barco es un viejo amigo mío.
- An old friend of mine.
- Es un antiguo amigo.
A messenger came overland this morning brought word that an old friend of mine is stopping at Pompeii to see us.
Esta mañana vino un mensajero. Me dijo que un viejo amigo pasará por Pompeya de visita.
Allow me to present an old friend of mine. General Sherman.
Le presento a un amigo, el general Sherman.
"I'd like to present an old friend of mine. General Sherman."
Le presento a un amigo, el general Sherman.
Mary Lou is an old friend of mine from Chicago, and she's a stranger here.
Mary Lou es una vieja amiga de Chicago. Y es una extraña aquí.
He's an old friend of mine.
Es un viejo amigo mío.
Casualmente es un viejo amigo mío.
The Bishop of Broadminsk is an old friend of mine.
El obispo de Broadminsk es amigo mio.
An old friend of mine sent me over here.
Un viejo amigo mío me mandó.
An old friend of mine from San Francisco.
Una amiga de San Francisco.
An old friend of mine was here just now.
Un viejo amigo acaba de estar aquí..
An old friend of mine who's been very kind to me is giving a little party that night, and I... I wouldn't like to disappoint her.
Una vieja amiga que se ha portado muy bien conmigo hará una pequeña fiesta esa noche, y no me gustaría decepcionarla.
children. I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine.
Niños, quiero presentarles a un viejo amigo mío.
She's by way of being an old friend of mine.
Digamos que es una vieja amiga mía.
Oh, Helene, I want you to meet an old friend of mine.
Helene, quiero presentarte a un viejo amigo.
If you weren't an old friend of mine, Jenny, I'd walk right out of here and give that story to somebody else.
Si no fueras amiga mía, Jenny, saldría de aquí y le daría esa noticia a otra persona.
Why, he's an old friend of mine from the South, sugar.
Es un viejo amigo mío del sur, tesoro.
He's an old friend of mine.
Es un amigo.
- He's an old friend of mine, a very old friend.
Es un viejo amigo mío.
- This is Charters, an old friend of mine.
- Charters, un amigo mío.
That was one of the patients, an old friend of mine.
Es uno de los pacientes, un amigo mío.
She's an old friend of mine.
Ella es una vieja amiga.
He's an old friend of mine.
Es un viejo amigo.
An old friend of mine.
No, es un viejo amigo.
Gentlemen, I want you to meet an old friend of mine, the one and only Jack Burke.
Caballeros, quiero presentarles a un viejo amigo... el único e incomparable Jack Burke.
She's an old friend of mine.
- Ella es una vieja amiga.
Bill Smith's an old friend of mine.
Bill Smith es un viejo amigo mío.
the abbess of the justin convent, an old an old friend of mine, has sent me secret word your princess was taken to the convent last night
La abadesa del convento Justiniano, una vieja amiga mía, me envió un mensajero. Su princesa fue llevada anoche al convento.
Billy, this is an old friend of mine, Pat Garrett.
- Gracias, Pat. No te encarcelaré porque sólo eres un niño.
- John Carter was an old friend of mine.
- John Carter era un viejo amigo.
Well, today I bumped into an old friend of mine, Mrs. Wheeler.
Me topé con una vieja amiga, la Sra. Wheeler.
That's Father O'Dowd, an old friend of mine.
Es el padre O'Dowd, un viejo amigo mío.
I was being entertained tonight by an old friend of mine.
He estado charlando con un viejo amigo.
C.M., Charles Morley, an old friend of mine.
C.M., Charles Morley, un viejo amigo mío.
Mr. Manning is an old friend of mine.
El Sr. Manning es un viejo amigo.
An old aristocrat, good friend of mine,.. asked me the date. He must leave, and he really needs to know.
Un viejo aristócrata, viejo amigo mío... me preguntaba una fecha.
I want you to meet an old school friend of mine...
Quiero presentarte a un viejo amigo de la universidad, Andrew Manson.
Bree, I'd like to have you meet an old, old friend of mine. Helen Chernen.
María, te presento a una vieja, vieja amiga, Helen Chernen.

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