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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And get away with it

And get away with it Çeviri İspanyolca

815 parallel translation
I let a heel like that take a sock at me and get away with it.
Dejé que un sujeto como ese me golpeara y no hice nada.
You'll find out that you can't insult Mrs. Tanner... with impunity and get away with it.
Esto no quedará así. No me puede insultar y quedar impune.
You can't take a run-off powder on me and get away with it.
No puedes hacerme esto y creer que todo seguirá igual.
You can't make me out cheap and get away with it.
No puedes usarme y salirte con la tuya.
Nobody can treat me like that and get away with it.
Nadie puede tratarme así y salirse con la suya.
That little leopard can change her spots on me and get away with it.
Por mucho que ella lo intente, no consigue librarse de mí.
Do you think you can do what you did last night and get away with it?
¿ Crees que puedes hacer lo que hiciste anoche y desaparecer?
No dame can talk to me like That and get away with it!
Ninguna chica me habla así y se queda tan tranquila.
You can't do that to me and get away with it.
No te saldrás con la tuya.
I thought I could trim you and get away with it.
Pensaba poder desplumarte y largarme.
He can't knife me and get away with it.
No puede apuñalarme y salir indemne.
He ain't going to blow hot and cold with a sweet kid like you and get away with it.
No va a andar jugando con una chica como usted para luego irse de rositas.
He could commit murder and get away with it.
Podría cometer una asesinato sin inquietarse
No dame gonna smack me first and get away with it.
Ninguna mujer me pega y se sale con la suya.
He can't give me the slip and get away with it.
No puede escapárseme y quedar impune.
No tinhorn marshal's gonna throw me in a horse trough and get away with it.
- ¿ Ah, sí? Pues a ti te parecerá buen hombre, pero a mí, no.
He can't go around burning me up like that and get away with it.
No puede quemarme y quedarse así.
If I do this and get away with it, you'll have something on me that you can use whenever you want to.
Si hago esto y sale bien, tendrás algo contra mí... que podrás utilizar cuando quieras.
You're the only one who could say a thing like that and get away with it.
Eres la única que puede decir algo así y salir airosa.
Nobody is gonna call me a Nazi and get away with it. Well, help me then.
A mí nadie me llama nazi y se queda tan fresco.
Nobody can cheat me and get away with it.
¡ A mí nadie me hace trampas!
No man's stallion's gonna steal my mares and get away with it.
Ningún semental me va a robar las yeguas y quedar impune.
And get away with it.
Me haría eso y más.
You can't call me corrupt and get away with it.
No puede llamarme corrupto y escaparse.
Anyone comes by, we say we're hunters, and get away with it maybe.
Si pasa alguien, decimos que somos cazadores y quizá se vaya.
- I can kill you and get away with it.
Puedo matarle sin que me descubran.
She can print anything she thinks about me and get away with it.
Puede escribir impúnemente todo lo que quiera sobre mí.
You can't set yourself against the world and get away with it.
No puede ponerse en contra de todo el mundo y salir airoso.
And we know you ain't the man to let them get away with it.
Sabemos que tú no se lo vas a poner tan fácil.
And if you get bored with me, all you've got to do is to get up and go away and it doesn't matter.
Y si se aburre conmigo, lo único que tiene que hacer es levantarse y marcharse. No tiene importancia.
I could go there and learn how they get away with it.
Descubriré su secreto.
I... robbery and murder eh? well you didn't get away with it.
Me pareciste sospechoso anoche cuando preguntaste por el dinero... e intentaste despistarme.
Take this check, go to suite seven on B deck... get the suitcase with that number on it and bring it here right away.
Vaya al camarote 7 de la cubierta B. Coja la maleta con este número y tráigala. Rápido.
If I may suggest, Miss Gateson, if we send your friend out with the police... the reporters will think it's you, and you can get away by yourself.
Le sugiero enviar a su amiga con la policía. La confundirán con usted, y podría irse tranquila.
- And don't think you can get away with it!
- No creas que te saldrás con la tuya.
Me Io quitarías todo si pudieras.
Get word to Mano that you want to make a treaty with him, and do it right away.
Comunique a Mano que quiere tratar con él, y enseguida. - Pero oiga...
Get word to Mano that you want to make a treaty with him, and do it right away.
Voy a enseñarle a controlar la ciudad. Comunique a Mano que quiere tratar con él, y enseguida.
They said you'd gone away. And then I tried to get in touch with you through the ballet... but they said it had gone to America.
Entonces traté de localizarte contactando al cuerpo del Ballet.
You didn't think I was gonna sit by and let them get away with it, did you?
- Levante las manos.
I don't you may wish what you like and you'll get it too but you cannot wish it away away with all of you
No lo sé puedes desear lo que te gusta y lo conseguirás también pero no puedes desearlo lejos lejos con todos ustedes
And I don't intend to let him get away with it either!
¡ Y tampoco pienso dejar que salga impune de eso!
And this time, england and france won't let him get away with it.
Esta vez Inglaterra y Francia rechazarán.
So they had an autopsy and she didn't get away with it.
Hicieron la autopsia y ella no se salió con la suya.
And the man who killed her isn't gonna get away with it. He just thinks he is.
Y su asesino no va a salirse con la suya.
Break into a West End store, beat up the watchman, tie down the cops and expect to get away with it?
Pegas al sereno de la tienda, atas al poli y no te van a castigar.
The kid said I couldn't get away with it, and I had to stick my chin out.
Ella dijo que no lo lograría, y yo tuve que arriesgarme.
─ What respect can I have for myself? Watching you at work and letting you get away with it while I share in the profits!
¿ Cuánto respeto crees que me tengo al dejar que te salgas con la tuya mientras yo vea beneficios?
And Father let her get away with it, just because she was the baby of the family.
Y papá la dejaba, sólo porque era la menor.
I could kill you and I could get away with it too.
Podría matarte y podría salirme bien.
She won't get away with it. Nor will Addison DeWitt and his poison pen.
No se saldrá con la suya, ni Addison DeWitt con su pluma venenosa.

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