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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And it's beautiful

And it's beautiful Çeviri İspanyolca

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It's the beautiful people that are the smart ones... and it's that very same smartness that makes them rich.
Los lindos son los inteligentes y es esa misma inteligencia la que los hace ricos.
It's such a warm and beautiful day.
Qué hermoso día.
It's a beautiful country with fantastic people. The landscape is very beautiful and there are camels and wildlife.
Es un país realmente hermoso y la gente es fantástica y el paisaje es tan hermoso, hay camellos, vida salvaje
And as a place cultural and spiritual. It's beautiful.
La cultura y los lugares tan hermosos.
It's all about a badly-behaved prince who finds true love with a beautiful, and as it happens, very slightly overweight princess.
Se trata de un príncipe que se portaba mal y encontró el amor... con una hermosa princesa, de hecho, ligeramente excedida en peso.
- I did Robert's suit, and it turned out so beautiful, I had to continue. It's great to see you, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
Me da mucho gusto verla, pero no tengo idea de qué me habla.
It's so Christmassy and cozy and beautiful!
¡ Es tan navideño, acogedor y hermoso!
It's beautiful and big!
¡ Es hermoso y grande!
Our ideology's going down the drain and with it everything that made life beautiful and worthwhile.
Nuestra ideología se fue por el drenaje y con ella, todo lo que hacía que la vida fuera hermosa y que valiera la pena.
We're beautiful... and it's time we took what was rightly ours.
Somos hermosos. Somos hermosos y nos toca llevarnos lo que nos pertenecía.
It's big, and beautiful, okay?
Es grande, y linda verdad?
I mean, it's a very beautiful location... and, in general, up here in the Highlands, it's very quiet.
Vaya, es un lugar precioso... y este lugar en general, las tierras altas, es muy silencioso.
Who cares if it's not getting published. There are so many beautiful and painful things about it.
Tiene tantas cosas hermosas y dolorosas.
It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully... and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art... say it's beautiful because that's what they want to see.
Es un grupo de personas tristes fotografiados exquisitamente y todos los resplandecientes idiotas que aprecian el arte dicen que es hermoso porque es lo que quieren ver.
You feel free. You're up there in the mountains or in the woods, and it's beautiful.
Estás allí arriba, en la montaña... o en el bosque y es precioso.
I think that it's beautiful that they don't know his name and they don't know where his grave is, and--but I think it's good that they're sending a paper clip in remembrance of him.
Creo que es maravilloso que no conocen su nombre y que no saben dónde está su tumba, y--pero creo que es bueno que envían un sujetapapeles en su memoria.
It's an incredibly beautiful place, where the buffaloes watch the clouds as they graze, rubbing against the pillars of the temple of Kings and Lords.
Es un lugar increíblemente hermoso, donde los búfalos miran las nubes cuando pastan, frotándose contra los pilares del templo de Reyes y Señores.
- And as deadly to you... as anything else here. It's beautiful.
- Es precioso.
and it's just a beautiful photograph.
Es una fotografía hermosa.
Here's the exquisitely beautiful Grace Kelly at the peak of her gorgeousness and Cary Grant playing a cat burglar, and it's just light.
Tenemos a la exquisitamente hermosa Grace Kelly en todo su esplendor y a Cary Grant interpretando a un ladrón de guante blanco, y resulta entretenido.
It's like here she is, the same beautiful woman only now, she's snuggling up to the next generation and the next generation.
Es como... una mujer soberbia salvo que ahora mima a la nueva generación y a la que sigue.
That's just how it is and of course it's hard being a teenager because you see all the girls in the Cosmo girl are teen people, and they're all beautiful and you think, "aren't I supposed to look like that?"
Así es como es, y por supuesto, es difícil ser un adolescente, porque una ve a todas las chicas en el "Cosmogirl" o "Teen People", y todas son hermosas. Y una piensa, "¿ Acaso yo no debería verme así?"
It's nice to walk around naked at home or in a small panties and a bra... and that there is a guy somewhere behind his window, or a girl... who looks at me and thinks I'm beautiful.
Es agradable para pasear desnuda en casa o en una pequeña bragas y un sujetador... y que hay un chico en alguna parte detrás de su ventana, o una niña... que mira a mí y piensa que soy hermosa.
At the base of the Palatino and the Celio along one of the most beautiful roads of Mussolini's Rome it is crowded with people.
Los aledaños del Palatino y del Celio, tras los cuales se abre una de las más bellas calles de la Roma de Mussolini,... están atestados de gente.
It's a beautiful set, and we hope that we can keep your interest, after fabulous Stargate.
Es un plató precioso, y esperamos poder mantener vuestro interés, después del fabuloso Stargate.
I study this stuff cos I think it's all really beautiful and elegant but actually, there's a lot of people who are interested in these numbers because of their very practical use.
Arquímedes estaba tan interesado en su problema que insistió en que le permitiera terminar su teorema.
And it's beautiful.
Esto es algo importante, New York.
Richie and I wrote this, it's a beautiful song.
Richie y yo la compusimos, es una hermosa canción.
And it's a beautiful country club.
Y es un hermoso country club.
It's beautiful. Did you get to the part where God hates Death and promises he'll banish us from heaven?
¿ Llegaste a la parte donde Dios odia a la Muerte... y promete que nos desterrará a todos del cielo?
It's a beautiful one and a half mile hike, there's a waterfall around this bend here, and over here are some of the oldest birch trees in the area, a rare butterfly nature preserve is off to the right here –
Hay una caminata hermosa de 1 km, hay una cascada en esta curva, y por aquí hay algunos de los abedules más viejos de la zona, una rara reserva natural de mariposas por aquí –
There's a great will to believe that there was a Trojan war and it was for the love of a beautiful woman.
Estamos muy dispuestos a creer que existió una guerra de Troya y que fue por el amor de una mujer hermosa.
It's going to be beautiful and dignified and uplifting... and it's gonna be all mine.
Va a ser hermoso, y digno, e inspirador... y será todo mío.
Every faerie has a god-given gift to take what's ugly and make it into something beautiful.
Cada una debe tomar un regalo que crea horrible... y convertirlo en algo hermoso.
It's so beautiful and modern.
¡ Es tan hermoso y moderno!
And really, it's so beautiful to be in that state.
En realidad es muy hermoso estar en ese estado.
And Chile's a really beautiful country, but I won't do it.
Y Chile es un país muy hermoso, pero no lo haré.
It's for my beautiful mom and your mayonnaise-lovin'dad.
es para mi hermosa Madre y tu querido padre!
He says it's supposed to be beautiful. So what about you and Luc?
Por lo visto es un sitio precioso.
It's just so crazy to think places that beautiful exist in the world and... that the fact that we're getting a chance to see them. ( laughs ) You guys, this is unbelievable.
es una locura el solo pensar que lugares hermosos como este existen en el mundo y... el hecho de que tenemos la oportunidad de verlo. muchachos, esto es increible.
It's beautiful, the flow's really nice, and it draws you in.
Es hermosa, fluye suavemente, y te envuelve.
It's very beautiful and besides - noble.
Ella es tan hermosa y de buena nobleza.
and it's just the most beautiful piece of music.
y es una pieza musical bellísima.
It isn't just another beautiful night of your performance.. it's also the wedding anniversary for Anjali and me
No es sólo otra hermosa noche en la que actúas... es también el aniversario de bodas de Anjali y mío
- It's terrible and beautiful.
- Vasos vacíos.
And, Drew, my casket did come in from Lexington... and I got to tell you, it's quite beautiful.
Drew, mi ataúd llegó de Lexington. Tengo que decirte que es precioso.
But it's a beautiful duplex, Mama, with a back yard and everything. Right near the diner, even.
Es un dúplex precioso, mamá, con jardín y todo justo al lado de la cafetería.
You know, it's just that we've been so worried about asking you for the money for the house, and, you know, sharing a meal over it is just a beautiful thing.
Es que he estado tan preocupado por pedirte el dinero y el compartir esta cena contigo es tan bello.
It's filled to the brim with competition, most of whom are equally talented... and equally as beautiful, and equally as promiscuous.
Esta lleno hasta el tope de competencia la mayoría igualmente talentosos... e igualmente bellos, e igualmente promiscuos.
It's just that... I was thinking how this looks, and this looks quite beautiful.
Es sólo que tenía curiosidad por ver cómo era y me ha parecido precioso.
Come on honey it's a beautiful day... and we have children to save.
Vamos, cariño, es un día precioso... y tenemos que salvar a unos niños.

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