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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And it's been

And it's been Çeviri İspanyolca

12,152 parallel translation
And before you went rummaging through Steven Avery's bedroom, once, twice, three times, whatever it was, for hours, would it have been fairer to Steven Avery if someone other than a person who had been deposed in his lawsuit
Y antes de ir a hurgar en el dormitorio de Steven Avery, una, dos, tres veces, o las que fuera, durante horas, ¿ habría sido más justo para Steven Avery que alguien que no hubiera declarado en su demanda hubiera hecho el allanamiento?
OK. And it's not the first time Mr. Avery's has been, so I have some questions for you.
Pero no es la primera vez que se cuestiona la del señor Avery, así que tengo algunas preguntas.
We are willing to do hard things to advance his cause, and he's been saying since November, 2005, that someone must have planted his blood if it's in that car.
Estamos dispuestos a hacer cosas difíciles por su causa, y él dice desde noviembre de 2005 que alguien tiene que haber plantado su sangre si está en ese auto.
You know, this case, as unusual as it has been already, has now become even more unusual and unique because it's the first and only time anywhere in the country where an expert is being allowed to express an opinion about EDTA being on a blood stain or not when there's a challenge.
Con todas las particularidades que ya tuvo este caso, ahora se ha vuelto aun más particular, porque es la primera y única vez en el país que se permite a un perito expresar una opinión sobre si hay o no EDTA en una mancha de sangre cuando hay impugnación.
That's terrible that they would plant evidence and try and frame someone and basically ignore whoever it may have been that, uh, murdered Teresa Halbach.
Sería terrible que plantaran pruebas para incriminar a un inocente, y que dejaran tranquilo a quien fuera que asesinó a Teresa Halbach.
It's almost five months and nothing's been found.
Van casi cinco meses y aún no se encontró nada.
It's been blessed and efficacious.
Es bendito y eficaz.
TIENE QUE SER ORIGINAL Y FRESCO, Y tan bueno como siempre lo ha sido.
I've had mates go up and it's been looking like that, stunning as normal and on their way down she decides to erupt so that's the main reason we don't recommend going up because flick of a switch, she can go up.
Conocí gente que lo escaló, y todo parecía hermoso y tranquilo y, cuando estaban descendiendo, el volcán decidió hacer erupción. La razón principal por la que no recomendamos escalarlo es que puede hacer erupción en un segundo, sin aviso.
It's been bothering me, so I asked him, and he said it'd be better if he showed me through his actions rather than told me.
Eso me molesta, entonces le pregunté, y me dijo que era mejor que me demostrara con actos y no que me explicara.
Oh, that's been that way since I moved in, and I don't know how to fix it.
Está así desde que me mudé, y no sé cómo arreglarlo.
Maybe, this whole time, we've been focusing on all the wrong stuff and now it's just too late.
Quizá, todo este tiempo, nos enfocamos en las cosas equivocadas, y ahora es demasiado tarde.
I've a real job for a real company. The kind of job that you've been bugging me to get for years. And if I don't produce an immaculate cup of urine, it's back to the unemployment line.
Tengo un trabajo en una buena empresa, el tipo de trabajo que me pides obtener hace años, y si no entrego una muestra de orina impecable, volveré a estar desempleado.
Now, boxing's been good to him and he's been good to boxing, and that's where it should end.
El boxeo fue bueno con él y él con el boxeo y así es cómo debe terminar.
'Cause it's been two years and she's my mom.
Porque pasaron dos años y es mi mamá.
It's just... it's been really difficult for us to navigate the whole... and Stephen was really struggling there for awhile.
Es solo que... ha sido difícil para nosotros lidiar con... Y Stephen de veras sufrió por un tiempo.
It's about respect for the art and for the artists. And it makes me think how wrong we've been, playing Uncle Frank for laughs.
Se trata de respetar el arte y a los artistas y me hace pensar en cuánto nos hemos equivocado al usar al tío Frank solo para reír.
I know you're looking for the cupcakes and rainbows here... But let's face it, Creek's been eaten.
Sé que buscas pastelillos y arcoíris pero acéptalo, se comieron a Arroyín.
This has been really great, and I thank you, but, it's time to hit the road.
Esto ha sido muy grande, y gracias, pero, es el momento de salir a la carretera.
That's been and gawn and done it.
Nos han hecho una putada.
That's the lowest it's ever been and six years after the end of the war!
¡ jamás había estado tan restringida, y son ya seis años desde el final de la guerra!
It also didn't hurt that Danny had been... regularly ignored by a certain ex-president of the United States... who was a groomsman at his father's third wedding... and also happened to sit on the Board at Newport Holdings.
También ayudaba que Danny fuera regularmente ignorado por cierto Presidente de los Estados Unidos, quien fue padrino en la tercera boda de su padre, y que de paso se sentaba en la Junta de Newport Holdings.
Have you been reading shit off the shot glasses and the shirts in here and just saying it like it's wisdom?
¿ Has estado leyendo lo que dicen los vasos tequileros y las playeras y lo dices como si fueran palabras sabias?
I found a Werther's Original in the pocket and I've been sucking on it all morning.
Había un dulce Werther's Original en el bolsillo y llevo toda la mañana chupándolo.
Well, it's only been a few months and it's still winter after all, and... and...
Sólo han pasado unos meses y todavía es invierno.
" Dearest Louise, it's been two days at sea and no sign of rescue.
Amada Louise ", ya han pasado dos días en el mar. Día 2. Julio 31, 1945, 698 Hombres.
He came over and... he's been over before, and it didn't mean anything.
Él vino y... Él ha estado antes, y no significó nada.
- No, what I would like is for Mr. Philips to come back here when it hasn't been raining for a few days, and the two of us can get up on that roof and see what's what.
No, prefiero que el señor Philips vuelva cuando no haya llovido en algunos días... y ambos podamos subir al techo y ver qué sucede.
And I'm sorry it's been so long, I just...
Y siento que haya pasado tanto tiempo, yo solo...
It's been two-and-a-half years.
Han pasado dos años y medio.
You know, Shroom would probably say some mumbo-jumbo horseshit about karma and everything happening as it's been preordained.
Shroom hubiera dicho sus patrañas sobre el karma que todo lo que pasa está predestinado.
It's been five months and the police haven't found anything!
¡ Han pasado cinco meses y la policía no ha encontrado nada!
It's been months and no leads.
Han pasado meses y no hay pistas.
It's been five months and the man is still here searching for her.
Han pasado cinco meses y el hombre está aún aquí buscándola.
And it's been that way, ever since the crash.
Y ha sido así, desde el accidente.
I've been giving it a lot of thought since Katie Dunne's funeral, and...
Desde el funeral de Katie Dunne he tenido muchos pensamientos y...
We've been trying and look where it's gotten us.
Lo hemos intentado mucho, ¿ y de que nos ha servido?
Everybody's been saying he's dead, and I kept wanting it not to be true, but it must be.
Todo el mundo ha estado diciendo que está muerto y... No quiero que sea verdad, pero debe serlo.
And now, it's been taken from them.
Y ahora, se lo quitaron a ellos.
And it's been a pleasure doing business with you.
Fue un placer hacer negocios con usted.
Usually he's working with trained operatives who've been prepared for such treatment and who believe if they give up the information, it will cost many of their countrymen their lives, not to mention compromise their own place in the afterlife.
Generalmente tiene operarios capacitados preparados para lidiar con todo que creen que sin la información, más de sus compatriotas morirán, sin mencionar asegurar su propio lugar en la otra vida.
You have been on a helipad before and it's gonna be fine. Right.
Ya habías estado en un helipuerto, no pasa nada.
It's been a long time coming, and everyone's been saying, "When's it coming?"
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, y todos decían : "¿ Cuándo saldrá?".
It's just a lot of strange things have been going on since Johnny's execution, and I guess I...
Es que muchas cosas extrañas han estado pasando Desde la ejecución de Johnny, y supongo que...
I've been watching you these past few days, and I think it's simply dreadful what...
Te he observado estos últimos días, y creo que es terrible lo que...
... concrete that's coming, and it needs to have been set.
Hormigón que viene, y tiene que haber fraguado.
Their co, Joe Keenan, a 20-year vet- - he's been there, and he's done that twice over, and none of it's too good.
Su compañero, Joe Keenan, un veterano de 20 años... ha estado allí, y ha hecho eso por partida doble, y nada de esto es demasiado bueno.
It's just that it's so close to the spine... and I haven't been well recently.
Es sólo que es tan cerca de la columna vertebral... - y no he estado bien recientemente.
I know you've both done good work in the preparation group classes and it's been a long six months, but we're nearly there now.
Sé que ambos han hecho un buen trabajo en la prepación del grupo de clase y que han sido unos 6 largos meses, pero estamos cerca ahora.
It's been a whirlwind couple of months, and this last week especially.
Ha sido un par de meses muy locos, y en esta última semana especialmente.
And since our troops on the front have been so victorious, it's time that those of us at home do our duty as well.
Y puesto que las tropas en el frente... han sido tan victoriosas... es hora de que nosotros en casa, cumplamos nuestro deber también.

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