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And it's weird Çeviri İspanyolca

1,181 parallel translation
And don't you think it's weird that she keeps it under her bed?
Y no crees que es raro que ella lo tenga debajo de la cama?
It's just... we've been getting into these weird fights lately and they never really get resolved.
Es que últimamente nos hemos enzarzado en esas absurdas peleas... que no parecen tener solución.
- And it's... It's weird.
Y es raro
It's so weird. One minute, she's totally in love with Jamie, and then the next... she's making out with a professor in dark corners.
Tan pronto está loca por Jamie, como esta besando al profe en un rincón
Listen, I know it's weird, my being introduced by your husband... and it's fine if you don't want a life coach... but I can't leave until you promise to send her packing.
Escucha, sé que es extraño que me haya presentado tu marido... y está bien si no quieres un consejero de vida... pero no puedo dejarte hasta que no me prometas que le dirás que se vaya.
I know it's weird. Even though it was years ago you and I dated, she's still your sister.
Sé que es raro porque hace unos años tú y yo salimos.
Him and Haley, it's kind of weird... but I'm glad for them.
Admito que lo de Haley y él es raro pero me alegro por ellos.
What's weird is it's taken my best friend so long to come and see my son.
- No. Lo raro es que mi mejor amigo tarde tanto en venir a ver a mi hijo.
And even for me, the keeper of the Wall of Weird... it's extremely weird.
Y aun para mí, que registro el Muro de lo Extraño es extremadamente raro.
There's something I got to tell you, and it's gonna sound weird, but -
Tengo que decirte algo, y te va a parecer raro, pero- -
And it's so weird because I really thought I liked you.
Es raro por que en verdad creía que me gustabas.
Well I was at this conference on L functions and elliptic curves and it was kind of a standard conference and all of the people were there, didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, until people started telling me that they'd been hearing weird rumours about ANDREW WILES's proposed series of lectures.
Yo estaba en esta conferencia sobre funciones L y curvas elípticas y era como una conferencia ordinaria, todos estaban allí, no parecía haber nada fuera de lo común, hasta que algunos comenzaron a decirme que habían escuchado extraños rumores sobre las ponencias anunciadas por Andrew Wiles.
It's been a pretty weird couple of years, and I think I'd just like to take some time and figure things out,
Han sido unos años difíciles, y quisiera tomarme un tiempo para pensar.
No, you know what, it's a personal choice and I don't think it's weird at all.
Es una elección personal... y no creo que sea nada raro.
It gets a little chanty and weird, but it's so relaxing. I sleep like a baby afterwards.
Después duermo como un bebé.
It's a little too chanty and weird. Right.
- Crees que los cánticos son extraños.
So it's this body of music where you're suddenly hearing 20 amazing songs and... and they're out of nowhere from this weird little guy.
De repente uno está escuchando 20 canciones increíbles, de ese chiquillo tan raro.
It's going on and on and on and it's getting real weird.
Sigue a lo suyo y cada vez más raro.
And what's so weird about Daniel is that went away and it came back more intense later on because he realized it was a really good story.
Lo más raro es que desapareció y retornó aún más fuerte. Sabía que era una buena historia.
This is crazy, but I have this weird idea that there's people out there and it can't possibly be you, but that there are people that have something - - and there's some sort of weird spite to the world - - purposely give that to others.
Es loco, pero tengo esta extraña idea de que hay gente alla afuera y no es posible que seas tu, pero de que hay gente que tienen algo - - y de que hay alguna forma rara de maldad hacia el mundo - - a propásito infringirselo a los otros.
It's just weird. I've always been kind of quiet and shy.
Siempre fui tranquilo y tímido.
You've been just awkward and avoiding me, and it's just weird and I don't like it.
Desde entonces te has comportado de manera extraña, y me has evitado, y... Es extraño, y no me gusta, luego...
It reminded me of that scene in Jaws where Dreyfuss cuts open the shark's belly and all kinds of weird things come out.
Me recuerda esa escena de "Tiburón" cuando Dreyfuss abre la barriga del escualo y caen toda clase de cosas.
Well that's weird she would bring up something like that and then just drop it. It's not like her.
Es raro que haya salido con algo como eso... no es típico en ella.
I know that my taking over as chief has been stressful, and it's been a little weird for you, but you've made the transition a lot easier and I really appreciate it.
Se que mi toma de mando como jefe está siendo estresante, y que te resulta un poco extraño, pero me has hecho la transición un poco más fácil y realmente lo aprecio.
I know that it's-it's almost impossible to process and you have no idea how weird it is to be saying this to you right now. I-I can't imagine what you must be thinking.
Sé que es casi imposible de procesar no te puedes ni imaginar lo extraño que es para mí y no quiero ni imaginar lo que debes estar pensando.
And I know it's weird with you two now, but there's really no one else I'm close to to ask.
Y sé que es extraño para ustedes dos ahora pero realmente, no tengo nadie tan cercano, como para preguntarle.
It's weird you would give Sookie your number and not me.
Es extraño que le dieras a Sookie tu número y no a mí.
It's weird enough my sister's working for my agent. We gotta keep business and personal separate.
Ya es suficiente que mi hermana esté trabajando para mi agente debemos mantener separado lo profesional de lo personal.
It's so funny to say a word over and over till it's weird.
Es tan divertido decir una palabra una y otra vez hasta que suena extraño.
And besides, my mom's got this new boyfriend, And it's getting weird.
Y aparte, mi mamá tiene este nuevo novio y se está poniendo extraño.
Well, I know it's weird, and the syringes always give it this air of, I don't know, something sleazy.
Ya sé que es extraño,... y las jeringas siempre le dan un aspecto, no sé, algo sórdido.
Yeah. And if it truly is weird well, then, that's our answer.
Sí, y si en realidad nos sentimos raros, entonces tendremos nuestra respuesta.
No No, Seth, you can't ask her. It's weird, it's creepy, and it's none of your business
No, Seth, no puedes preguntarle, es raro, aterrador y no es asunto tuyo.
It's weird and it's creepy, I know and I'm sorry.
Es raro y asqueroso, lo sé y lo siento.
I want to follow him down the hall and crack him over the head, but I'm so drunk right now, I know I'll collapse if I even move an inch. It's weird.
Es raro...
Yeah hello, someone was just here to read the meter, and it's now making this really weird ticking noise.
Sí, hola, alguien acaba de venir a leer el contador, y ahora ha empezado a hacer un ruido muy raro.
And it's kind of weird spending our last moments together bent over a table with our naked butts in the air.
Y es raro tipo de gasto nuestros últimos momentos juntos inclinado sobre una mesa con nuestros traseros desnudos en el aire.
It's the best. All these weird angry bands play... and hundreds of cute sailors get totally wasted and fight on the sidewalk.
Todas esas bandas extrañas tocando y cientos de marineros peleando en la acera.
It's weird how you can live somewhere and not really know it.
Es extraño que uno pueda vivir en un lugar y realmente no conocerlo.
Even though Geoff is not my boyfriend, I look at Geoff with girls and it's just weird.
Aunque Geoff no sea mi novio, lo veo con chicas y siento algo raro.
like i said no dolphin did this this is the door from the Lorelei wreck ( 参考13集 ) and as you can see, it's been bashed in by something something weird and there's a reward for anyone who could tell me what did this
como he dicho no delfín hizo esto esta es la puerta del naufragio Lorelei ( 参考 13 集 ) y como se puede ver, ha sido golpeado por algo en algo raro y hay una recompensa para cualquier persona que pudiera decirme lo que hizo este
It's a weird thing, but I see myself as this charming hotel... that's beautifully romantic and... wonderful on the outside... but on the inside, it just needs a ton of renovations.
Es algo raro, pero me veo como un hotel encantador que es bellamente romántico y maravilloso por fuera pero por dentro necesita muchísimas renovaciones.
It's wrong and it's weird. How long are we gonna sneak around together? How long can that last?
Esto, está mal. ¿ Cuánto tiempo seguiremos escondidos?
It's just that after my mom died someone sent this really weird picture of me and Martin together.
Es sólo que tras la muerte de mamá alguien nos envió una foto muy rara de Martin y de mí juntos.
It feels weird. I mean there's like booties and shit hanging on the wall. Damn!
Se siente raro quiero decir, con todas esas cosas en las paredes rayos!
You know, Michael's been so busy working, and I'm in the middle of my dissertation, and it just... I don't know, it feels weird now.
Michael está ocupado... yo preparo mi disertación y se siente raro ahora.
Melissa's been saying some weird shit and it's all your fault. - She won't eat, she won't sleep.
Melissa se ha estado sintiendo rara últimamente, y es su culpa, no come, no duerme,
- Just that there was bugs, and it's weird... - Yeah?
- Que había bichos y es muy raro...
Weird, it was all so fast... and I usually know what's going to happen.
Extraño, fue todo tan rápido... y normalmente yo sé lo que va a pasar.
You and me, we... we were getting it on, right? And here's the weird thing.
Tú y yo estábamos calentándonos y aquí está lo raro

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