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And it was like Çeviri İspanyolca

9,693 parallel translation
And it was like a point of no return for me.
Y para mí fue un punto sin retorno.
And it was like, he pushed a lot, but I was able to be behind him.
Y fue así, presionó mucho pero fui capaz de irle por detrás.
And it was like, oh, my God!
y era como : oh, mi dios!
Now, Project Moon Dust was a legitimate military program, and it was designed to recover things like Soviet space satellites.
El Proyecto Polvo Lunar fue un programa militar legítimo, y se diseñó para recuperar cosas como satélites espaciales soviéticos.
He lost his mother when he was young. Hmm. And now it's like he has to save people to make up for his own loss.
Perdió a su madre cuando era pequeño. Y ahora es como que tiene que salvar a la gente para compensar su propia pérdida.
So I was out getting iced coffee, and then, out of nowhere, these four cops came, and they pulled guns on me, and they forced me down to the ground, and they handcuffed me, and I, like, had a mark on my face from it hitting the sidewalk.
que tenía una marca en la cara del golpe en la acera.
Caitlyn, when you came out, it was so mixed or whatever, because it seems like you have these transgender women of color who are going out here, and... and we're basically saying the same thing you were doing,
Caitlyn, cuando saliste del armario, tuvimos sentimientos encontrados porque somos un montón de mujeres trans de color ahí fuera, y... y básicamente decimos lo mismo que tú,
Seeing when she first came out as a lesbian, she had her sitcom going and, you know, they cancelled it right after and it seemed like so many things was going wrong for her, but then, at the end, she got The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Cuando ella salió del armario como lesbiana, tenía su sitcom y se la cancelaron y parecía que todo le iba mal, pero al final, consiguió "The Ellen DeGeneres Show".
I was born this way, and I like it.
Así nací y me gusta.
♪ Talking like we used to do ♪ ♪ it was always me and you ♪
* Hablando como solíamos hacer * * siempre éramos tú y yo *
( laughter ) And number two was to this year just once take off a pair of underwear and have it not look like I blew my nose in it.
Y número dos : sacarme la ropa interior
And so, we're meeting for the first time, and I can really picture him, like, it was like slow-mo.
Así que nos conocimos Y lo ví como en cámara lenta.
So, my neck hurt, and I looked at this website, and it had music and it looked like a nice spa, and I realized- - realized a little late in the game that it was a rub and tug.
Así que mi cuello dolía y miré en éste website Y parecía ser un lindo spa. Y me di cuenta un poco tarde,
And then we get in there and that's when I knew, because it was just two- - It was just a steel table, like- - like you'd examine people on in "Lost..."
Llegamos y ahí es cuando supe. Porque habían sólo dos cosas, Una mesa de acero,
If a pussy were ever in front of me and it was, like, go time, it would be like
Si tuviera una vagina lista frente a mí,
And I was like, "Oh, I get it. " I'm not a real woman,
Y dije : "Oh, entiendo... no soy una mujer de verdad"
Like the other day I was, like, eyeing up, like, this one scone and it was under a mile away,
El otro día me tope con un bollo, Y estaba a medio kilómetro de distancia, me dije ¿ Es coincidencia?
No, but I've been in relationships where it's always the dude, like ( grunts ) and then you, like, later realize he was a sex addict, which-
No pero he estado en relaciones donde siempre es el hombre, Y luego te enteras que es adicto al sexo,
If it had been me and a girlfriend and I was like, " They give you chips.
Si hubiera sido yo con una amiga, y le digo : "Te dan papas fritas",
I started my transition when I was nine years old, and so I feel like the fact that I have support from my mom and my sister and my brother, ZOEY : I feel like it's made me so much more confident and it's helped me get better grades in school.
Empecé la transición cuando tenía nueve años, y creo que el tener el apoyo de mi madre, mi hermana y mi hermano me ha hecho sentirme mucho más segura y me ha ayudado a tener mejores notas.
KRIS : When you feel like you gave your whole life to somebody, and the sum of it all was,
Cuando ves que le has dado toda tu vida a alguien, y que el resumen de todo es :
It's just that when I broke into your apartment and like, you told me that if you were me, you would just forget about him and move on, that I was like, too good for him anyway, that really helped me.
Es que cuando entré en tu apartamento y me dijiste que si fueras mi, te olvidarías de él seguirías adelante, que era muy buena para él, es me ayudo mucho.
The coroner has the bodies right now and it looks like the cause of death to each was a gunshot wound to the head.
El forense tiene los cadáveres y parece ser que la causa de la muerte de todos fue un disparo en la cabeza.
I saw him jump in front of the L train and bring it to a dead stop like he was playing chicken.
Lo vi saltar frente al tren L y hacer que se detuviera como si estuviese jugando.
Much later in my life, when someone would ask what my childhood was like, sometimes I would tell them this story about the hospital, and it was a short way of telling them certain things about myself... how I had learned not to trust certain people
Más tarde en mi vida cuando alguien me preguntaba... cómo había sido mi niñez, a veces les contaba la historia del hospital... que era una manera corta de contarles... ciertas cosas de mí misma.
and how horrible it was to listen to long, pointless stories like the one about the gray rabbit.
Cómo aprendí a no confiar en cierta gente... y lo horrible que era escuchar historias... largas y sin sentido, como la del conejo gris.
Then one day, when I was in the middle of telling it, I was describing the little rotisseries that the kids were hanging in. And suddenly, it was like I was back in the hospital, just exactly the way it had been.
Y una vez, cuando estaba por la mitad de la historia, estaba describiendo la rotisería... de la que colgaban los chicos... y de repente, era como si estuviera de vuelta en el hospital, exactamente como había sido,
Because I was emerging from your shadow, and you didn't like it.
Porque estaba emergiendo desde tu sombra, y no te gustaba.
You know, you once asked me why I hired you, and I told you it was because life is like this and I like this.
Sabes, una vez me preguntaste por qué te contraté, y te dije que fue porque la vida es así y me gusta esto.
It was a three-hour flight from Slaughter Swamp and Manta's ship smells like a wharf.
En serio, fue un vuelo de tres horas desde Pantano Masacre y la nave de Manta huele como un muelle.
"Endless Summer" showed the rest of the world what surfing was really like, and it was correct for the people that were in it.
Eterno Verano mostró al resto del mundo lo que de verdad era el surf y agradó a la gente que lo conocía.
It was more like the experience of out on the road and traveling.
Era más como la experiencia de salir a la carretera y viajar.
Then I decided, like, a year, and then it was two years, and now I just did 1,000 days, so I want to do three years now.
Entonces decidí que un año, y luego dos años, y ahora acabo de hacer mil días así que quiero hacer tres años.
Like, I was really worried about not making it and seeing the new year come in.
Me preocupaba mucho no conseguirlo y ver venir el nuevo año.
For Hauser and me, Tommy the Irishman and his $ 10-million stash, it was like Moby Dick, the one that got away.
Para Hauser y para mi, el Irlandés y su reserva de diez millones de dolares, era como Moby Dick, una grande que se escapo.
And Josh and I used to love each other. What is this drunk bitch talking about? Um... so I'd like to start by saying that it was nothing.
Y Josh y yo nos queríamos. ¿ De qué está hablando esta puta borracha? Me gustaría empezar diciendo que no fue nada.
I told him Martha was one of your recruits, and like all your recruits, it became quite an emotional tangle, and like all good tangles, eventually you got fed up and put it in a drawer somewhere.
Le dije Martha era uno de sus reclutas, y como todos sus reclutas, se hizo bastante un enredo emocional, y como todos los buenos enredos, finalmente se hartó y ponerlo en algún cajón.
When you made your second guess to Walter, he was singing, ♪ It's just like ♪ ♪ It's just like a mini mall. ♪ And when you made your third and correct guess, he was saying living rooms, dinettes.
Cuando le hiciste tu segunda suposición a Walter, él estaba cantando. Y cuando hiciste tu tercera y correcta suposición, él estaba diciendo salas, comedores.
Your father saw where he was headed, he didn't like it, and he tried to change.
Tu padre vio hacia dónde iba, no le gustó, e intentó cambiar.
It sounded like he thought he was talking to a different person, and I don't like that.
Sonaba como él pensó que estaba hablando con una persona diferente, y no me gusta eso.
You know, when I was growing up, it seemed like the only thing that my parents ever talked about was my brother and what new trouble he was getting into, and it seemed like... like they took me for granted.
Sabes, cuando estaba creciendo, parecía que la única cosa de la que mis padres siempre hablaban era sobre mi hermano. y en qué nuevo problema se había metido, y parecía como... como si me daban por hecho.
I saw a shadow, and it looked like somebody was walking in the hallway. [Creaking]
Vi una sombra, parecía que alguien estaba caminando en el pasillo.
I'd never seen anything like it, and I was terrified.
Nunca había visto nada igual, y estaba aterrorizada.
It's been 17 years and sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday.
Han pasado 17 años y a veces me parece que fue ayer.
And this thumb drive we're looking for, he would never put it any place you were gonna find it, because finding it means that you're gonna become a target, just like he was.
Y este pendrive que buscamos, nunca estaría en un sitio donde usted fuera a encontrarlo porque encontrarlo significaba que iba a convertirse en un blanco, igual que él.
Mm. Not yet. We're tracking cell activity at the time of the call, but it looks like the phone that was delivered to Callen and Sam actually has a scrambler on it.
Estamos rastreando la actividad de los móviles a la hora de la llamada pero parece que el teléfono que entregaron a Callen y a Sam tenía algo que emitía interferencias.
We exchanged amulets, yes, but it was her idea, you know, like Angie and Billy Bob.
Nos intercambiamos amuletos, sí, pero fue idea suya. Ya saben, como Angie y Billie Bob.
And it was you who made me realize... I like to dig deep.
Y fuiste tú quien me hizo darme cuenta... que me gusta ir a la parte profunda.
It was really fun for them, and they were like, we're so happy we have a thing to do.
- fue divertido para ellos y decian : estoy tan feliz, tenemos algo que hacer.
It was like a summer camp and a spa went to town on each other, didn't do the hokey pokey got pregnant and gave birth to this place.
Fue como si un campamento de verano y un spa fueran a la ciudad entre ellos mismos, no hicieran el hokey pokey ni se quedaran embarazados ni dieran a luz en este sitio.
But this, right now, what we're doing is... is like a virus, and it's eating away at what was once a healthy, fruitful relationship.
Pero esto, ahora mismo, lo que estamos haciendo es... es como un virus, y está consumiendo lo que una vez fue una sana, fructífera relación.

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