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And look what happened to him Çeviri İspanyolca

52 parallel translation
Lannington tried and look what happened to him.
Lannington lo intentó, y mira cómo acabó.
He messed up and look what happened to him.
Él se desmadró y mira lo que le pasó.
Yeah, and look what happened to him.
Sí, y mira lo que le pasó.
Soares had bulletproof car, bulletproof door... and look what happened to him.
Soares tenía carro blindado, puertas blindadas... ¿ y viste lo que le ocurrió? ¡ Se jodió!
Your buddy Mathers didn't talk much, either, and look what happened to him.
Su amigo Mathers tampoco hablaba mucho. Y mire lo que le ocurrió a él.
And look what happened to him.
Y mira lo que le paso a el.
And look what happened to him.
Y mira lo que le ha pasado
Oh, yeah, and look what happened to him.
Ah, sí, y mira lo que le sucedió.
Jim Hanson had a "wait-and-see" attitude, and look what happened to him.
Jim Henson tenía una actitud de "espera y verás" y mira lo que le pasó.
Jim Henson had a wait-and-see attitude and look what happened to him.
Jim Henson tuvo esa actitud de "esperar y ver" y mira lo que le pasó.
And look what happened to him.
Y miren lo que le pasó.
Look, Tyler didn't listen to the guv and look what happened to him.
Mira, Tyler no escuchaba al jefe y mira lo que le pasó.
He trusted me enough to cooperate, and look what happened to him.
Confió en mí lo suficiente para cooperar y mira lo que le sucedió.
And look what happened to him.
Mira lo que le pasó
Said the same thing to Alex, and look what happened to him. Cold Case Season 7 Episode 3 Jurisprudence
Le dijiste lo mismo a Alex, y mira lo que le pasó.
I mean, Dinger was the best and look what happened to him.
Dinger fue el mejor, y mira como acabó.
Silver Star paid for our new stateroom, and look what happened to him.
Con Silver Star nos compramos el nuevo vagón y mira lo que le pasó.
And look what happened to him.
Y mira que le pasó.
- You couldn't keep her away from jonathan gaines, and look what happened to him.
No pudiste alejarla de Gaines y mira lo que le pasó.
He was a snitch, and look what happened to him.
Que era un soplón, y mira lo que le sucedió.
Yeah, um, I used to talk to Bodie, and look what happened to him.
Sí, yo solía hablar con Bodie, y mira lo que le sucedió. Es decir, es culpa mía que muriera.
And look what happened to him.
Y mira lo que le pasó.
I mean, your brother went through the same thing you did, and look what happened to him.
Quiero decir, tu hermano pasó por lo mismo que tú, y mira lo que le sucedió.
Well, McMurtry trusted you, and look what happened to him.
Bueno, McMurtry te creyó, y mira lo que le ha pasado.
And look what happened to him.
Y mire lo que le ha pasado.
That's what they told George Michael too, and look what happened to him.
Sí, eso mismo dijo George Michael, y mira al final qué pasó.
Your father tried to take me down and look what happened to him.
Su padre trató de llevarme hacia abajo y mira lo que le pasó.
Remember, Spinks and I used to be tight, too, and look what happened to him.
Recuerda, Spinks y yo también éramos cercanos, y mira lo que le pasó.
Your Uncle Esteban fooled with demons, and look what happened to him.
Tu tío Esteban jugó con demonios y mira lo que le ocurrió.
So was Ronald, and look what happened to him.
Igual lo era Ronald, y mira lo que le pasó.
And look what happened to him.
Y mira lo que le ha pasado.
And look what happened to him.
Y mire lo que le pasó.
I was the idiot who asked you to take care of him, and look what happened!
Ahí voy de idiota a pedirte que lo cuidaras, y ¿ qué pasó?
Now look, the best thing for you to do is go straight to the Captain and tell him what happened.
Mire, lo mejor que puede hacer es ir directamente al Capitán y contarle qué ocurrió.
Look, we all feel bad about what happened to your brother, and don't nobody want to paint him the fall guy.
Sentimos mucho lo que le pasó a tu hermano.
If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened.
Si solamente una persona se hubiera detenido y tomado su tiempo para mirar al sujeto, escucharlo, tratar de saber que le estaba pasando, esto podría no haber sucedido.
What happened is that because of his son, who he can't find a poor father got into a little boat and went to look for him on the other side of the sea!
¡ Lo que pasó es que por su hijo, a quién no puede encontrar... un pobre padre se subió a un pequeño bote... y fue a buscarlo al otro lado del mar!
And now, the 15 of you will investigate what happened to that Serb, who killed him and why. Look at this house!
¡ Y ahora toda la fuerza investigará... quién mató a ese serbio y por qué!
Look, the night of the hurricane, i think tom saw you you after you left here, and i think he knows exactly what happened to you because the same thing happened to him almost ten years ago, mariel.
Tom. La noche del huracán, creo que Tom te vio después que te fuiste y creo que sabe lo que te pasó porque lo mismo le pasó a él hace 10 años, Mariel.
And look what's happened to him... He's an invalid.
Y mira lo que le sucedió es un lisiado.
I'll speak to my father. And I will ask him to look into what happened at the gas station.
Le diré a mi padre que averigüe qué pasó en la estación.
I wanted to look him in the eyes and understand what happened.
Quería mirarlo a los ojos y entender lo que pasó.
All right, look, we need to reestablish contact with the buyer, explain to him what happened, and then set a new location for the exchange.
Está bien, mira, necesitamos reestablecer contacto con el comprador, explicarle que pasó, y despúes fijar una nueva locación para el intercambio.
- I can't look underneath him, but judging from the damage to the mirror and the size of the spatter and the way the blood has collected on the bed linen, - what happened here?
- Bueno, no puedo ver debajo de él.
He trusted me enough to cooperate and... look what happened to him.
Él confió en mí lo suficiente para cooperar y mira lo que le pasó.
Now, I need to talk to the man that put me away, and I want him to look me in the eye and tell me what happened.
Ahora, necesito hablar con el hombre que me encerró, y quiero que me mire a los ojos y me diga qué sucedió.
I should have every right to look him in the eye, and ask him what happened if he knows anything.
Soy la que mayor derecho tiene a mirarlo a los ojos, y preguntarle qué pasó, si él sabe algo.
And quite a big part of what happened to him was connected to the masons and their ability to look after their own.
Y una gran parte de lo que le pasó estaba conectado con los masones y con su habilidad para cuidar de sí mismos.
And after what happened to him a few weeks ago, a lot of people look at him as a hero.
Y después de lo que le ocurrió hace unas semanas, mucha gente le ve como un héroe.
Well, I wasn't there, but, um, I'd hazard the guess that you learned of what had happened, told him how fucking stupid he was, and in that moment, he gave you a look that amounted to something less than contrite.
Bueno, yo no estaba allí, pero me arriesgaría a decir que supiste lo que pasó, le dijiste lo estúpido que era y en ese momento te mostró una cara bastante alejada del arrepentimiento.
- And look what happened to him.
- Y mira lo que le pasó.

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