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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And now look at us

And now look at us Çeviri İspanyolca

98 parallel translation
And now look at us, wallowing in obscurity as a couple of ridiculous tag team wrestlers.
Y mira ahora, hundidos en la miseria como un par de boxeadores ridículos.
Oh, what's happened here? This morning we were all together, and now look at us.
Que ha pasado, esta mañana estábamos todo juntos y ahora míranos
I had no idea that Jess would come by, and now look at us together.
No tenía idea que Jess fuera a venir y ahora, míranos
You and me, we come out to Hollywood, sniff the air, and now look at us, man.
Tú y yo vinimos a Hollywood, tanteamos las aguas y ahora míranos, amigo.
Julia and I did it when we got back together, and now look at us.
Julia y yo lo hicimos cuando nos reconciliamos. Y míranos ahora.
Yesterday we're sitting on your porch playing jacks and praying to grow boobs, and now look at us.
Ayer estabamos sentadas en tu terraza jugando cartas y rogando porque nos crezcan los senos, y ahora miranos.
I mean, the only reason I did this stupid thing was so that people wouldn't think we were seeing each other, and--and now look at us!
Quiero decir, la única razón por la que lo hice fue para que la gente no pensara que estamos juntos, ¡ Y míranos ahora!
And now look at us.
- Y míranos ahora.
- and now look at us.
- y ahora míranos
It started with a bath, and now look at us.
Todo comenzó con un baño, y ahora míranos.
Yesterday we were a mess, and now look at us. relaxed, enjoying ourselves.
Ayer llorando por Ias esquinas y hoy estamos aquí relajaditos, tranquilos...
You know, The Girlie Show was working just fine, and then Jack came along and forced me to hire Tracy, and now look at us.
Sabes, The Girlie Show funcionaba bien, y entonces vino Jack y me forzó a contratar a Tracy, y ahora míranos.
You saved him and now look at us.
Lo salvaste y ahora míranos.
- Mm-hm, and now look at us.
Y ahora míranos.
Hmm. Two months ago, we were being heralded in "The Times" as a golden couple, and now look at us.
Hace dos meses, nos denominaban en The Times "la pareja de oro", y ahora míranos.
Twenty-five years ago, the people we knew weren't any better off than us and look at them now.
Hace 25 años, las personas que conocíamos no estaban mejor que nosotros y míralas ahora.
And look at us now.
Y míranos ahora.
And look at us now, Lucius.
Y mírenos ahora.
Now, even a superficial look at the compound shows us that huts 104 and 5 are closest to the woods.
Incluso una mirada superficial a los barracones muestra que el 104 y el 105 son los más próximos al bosque.
Look at us now, busted up and everyone talking about hard rain.
Y ahora estamos hechos polvo y hablamos de lluvia radioactiva.
Now, we've got to look at this calmly and rationally, all of us.
¡ Tenemos que tomarlo con calma y de una forma racional!
And now look at us.
Y ahora míranos.
Imagine. My people were once little more than apes. And look at us now.
Odo, antaño mi gente era poco más que simios y míranos ahora.
Now look at us. I'm free and you're a prisoner of your own battered body.
Ahora fíjese. Soy libre y usted es prisionero de su cuerpo magullado.
And now, let us have a look at the garden.
Y ahora, vayamos a ver el jardín.
I swear, if Mom were still alive, she would have her own cooking show on the Food Network by now, and look at us.
Si mamá aún estuviera viva tendría su propio programa de comida en TV y míranos a nosotras.
Now for our first club activity! We're s'posed to reach into this little dish and pull out a word! We look at the word and think about what that word means to us!
Para nuestra primer actividad, tomaremos de este pequeño plato y sacaremos una palabra, la vemos y pensamos lo que significa para nosotros.
Now please, come with us back to the station and just take a look at this guy.
Por favor, venga con nosotros y eche un vistazo a ese tipo.
Let us now look at the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Observemos el cinturón de asteroides entre Marte y Júpiter.
Our husbands swore they'd be with us forever and look at us now.
Nuestros esposos juraron estar con nosotras siempre y miranos ahora.
Look, Mrs. Cannon, we could wait another hour till we get a court order... or you could help us now... make it home in time for dinner with your family... and give us a real shot at finding this boy.
Srta. Cannon, podemos esperar otra hora a que llegue la orden judicial... o nos puede ayudar ahora, llegar a tiempo para cenar con su familia... y darnos una gran oportunidad para encontrar a este niño.
Making a big point of poking inside all the tents, asking questions. Now he's letting us get a good look at him climbing in his car and driving on.
Estuvo mirando en las carpas, haciendo preguntas y ahora se sube lentamente al auto para que todos vean que se va.
And look at us now.
Miradnos ahora.
I think he laid it on us good, and we didn't look at the bigger, bigger picture, and, um, now we're screwed.
Creo que nos ha estado haciendo la cama, y no hemos visto el panorama general... y ahora estamos jodidas.
Oh, and look at us now.
Oh, miranos ahora.
And now look at us.
- Y ahora fíjese en nosotros.
We were having fun and we got greedy. Now look at us.
Nos divertíamos pero nos volvimos codiciosos.
Thirty years ago the guy was singing of a walking metamorphosis... and look at us now... bald and fat...
Treinta años atrás el loco ya hablaba de la metamorfosis ambulante... y míranos ahora... pelados y barrigones...
Everybody knows that when water flows to any sort of dirt, there are caratteristic structures, there are other functions of that water running through, and when we look at the pictures of Mars, of satellites images, we see very similar structures leading us to the absolute conclusion that Mars was once far warmer and wetter than it is now.
Todos saben que cuando el agua fluye a través de cualquier tipo de suciedad deja estructuras características y hay otras funciones del agua fluyendo a través y cuando miramos las fotografías de Marte, de las imágenes de satélites vemos estructuras muy similares llevándonos a la absoluta conclusión de que Marte fue una vez mucho más caliente y húmedo que ahora.
You know that, but you just wouldn't grow up, and we have a daughter now that is looking at us... look at that.
Lo sabes, pero no quisiste madurar, y ahora tenemos una hija que nos está mirando... mira.
I mean, look at us.Nine hours ago, we were at work, and now we're just- - getting heatstroke.
Digo, míranos. Hace nueve horas, estábamos en el trabajo, y ahora estamos... Insolándonos.
But we rallied together for the common good by embracing evil, and look at us now!
Pero luchamos juntos para el bien común abrazando el mal, ¡ y míranos ahora!
You know, Julia and I started this ad agency with a few pesetas in our pockets and a prayer in our hearts and look at us now.
Saben, Julia y yo dimos comienzo a esta agencia publicitaria con unas pocas pesetas en nuestros bolsillos y una plegaria en nuestros corazones y mírennos ahora.
We return now to our retrospective look at Under the Hood and what these men and women mean to us today.
Ahora volvemos a nuestra mirada retrospectiva de Under the Hood y lo que estos hombres y mujeres significaron para nosotros hoy.
Look, g, the homies is out searching coeur d'alene right now, and if they find the bomb before you tell us where it's at, homey, it ain't gonna be a good end for your girl.
Mira, mis compadres están afuera buscando en Coeur D'Alene ahora mismo y si encuentran la bomba antes de que nos digas donde está tu chica no va a tener un buen final.
Aww... And look at us now.
Y míranos ahora.
Well, nobody believed we'd make it, and look at us now. Oh, yeah?
¿ Oh, si?
You, me, Jane and Martin all at university together, and then cut forward 20-something years and look at us now.
No, te entiendo totalmente. Querido Will.
And look at us now.
Y mírenos ahora.
All you have to do is look at me, and it'll feel just like it does right now, just the two of us here together.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es mirarme, sentirte como ahora y todo saldrá bien, al igual que lo hemos hecho ahora.
And for this to be the day that all of us... look at me now.
Y porque este sea el día en que todos nosotros... mírame ahora.

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