And she's Çeviri İspanyolca
64,996 parallel translation
She's going to scalp me and skin me and make me into a wig and gloves.
Me despellejará y se hará una peluca y guantes.
She's a wild and reckless girl.
Es una chica salvaje e imprudente.
She's a harlot, and they will hang her anyway.
Es una prostituta y la colgarán de todos modos.
We paid our debt for the girl and now she's ours.
Pagamos nuestra deuda por ella y ahora es nuestra.
You need to take your face out your mumma's teats and see what she's up to.
Tiene que sacar la cara del pecho de su madre y ver qué planea.
And her phone got hacked, so there's these pictures all over the Internet that she apparently sent her gynecologist of her vagina.
Le piratearon el teléfono, así que hay fotos suyas en Internet que le envió a su ginecólogo de su vagina.
Well, beatriz's family had to leave their home when she was a little girl in Mexico, and they were so poor that they all had to separate from each other.
La familia de Beatriz tuvo que dejar su casa cuando era pequeña en México, y eran tan pobres que tuvieron que separarse.
Yes, because she's most likely gonna enter them all as evidence anyway and...
Sí, porque lo más probable es que los presente como pruebas, así que...
And she's happy and she's well taken care of.
Es feliz y la cuidan bien.
The worst part is, I can't even talk about it with the person I love the most because she'll blame herself, and that's not what I want.
Lo peor es que no lo puedo hablar con quien más amo porque se va a echar la culpa y no quiero eso.
She's not gonna use half the stuff they teach in there and you never cared about trigonometry.
La mitad de las cosas que le enseñan no le servirán y nunca te importó la trigonometría.
Because I have some news and she's gonna wanna hear it.
Porque tengo algunas noticias - y querrá oírlas.
But in the meantime, I need to know the ins and outs of this committee, because while she's on it, she's gonna use every dirty trick in the book to end this thing before it gets started.
Pero mientras tanto necesito saber todos los detalles del comité, porque mientras esté ahí usará cada truco legal para acabar con esto - antes de que empiece.
What's going on is the woman who put me away managed to get herself on the committee, and now she's slamming the door in my face.
Lo que está pasando es que la mujer que me condenó logró meterse en el comité y ahora me está cerrando la puerta en la cara.
And she's not going to stop until she gets both of us.
Y no se detendrá hasta que nos tenga a los dos.
And if you don't get that, then she's got you right where she wants you.
Si no lo entiendes, entonces tiene lo que quiere de ti.
And she's not coming back.
Y no regresará.
Because in order to make someone name partner, you need my vote or Jessica's vote, and if you think she is going to ditch her oldest client to bring in someone she doesn't even know, you're out of your goddamn mind.
Porque para que sea socio principal, necesitas mi voto o el de Jessica, y si crees que va a abandonar a su cliente más antiguo por alguien que no conoce, estás completamente loco.
God, she's so concerned that we're gonna ruin her cover, and she's over there chatting up some Spiga D-bags.
Le preocupa que arruinemos su tapadera y ahí está hablando con un idiota de Spiga.
Besides, she adored Paul, and it's better that she hate me than hate him.
Además, adoraba a Paul y es mejor que me odie a mí a que lo odie a él.
And she's an ungrateful, hormonal brat.
Y es una mocosa desagradecida y llena de hormonas.
She's strong and beautiful, and smart, just like her mother.
Es fuerte, guapa e inteligente, como su madre.
And, uh, she's got the gun... and she wants you to do it... so you kinda don't have a choice.
Y tiene el arma y quiere que lo hagas así que no te queda otra.
Hey, y'all should be really careful in those types of outfits,'cause one time, my cousin, she stole a mall cop's badge and she got caught.
Deberían tener cuidado con esos uniformes, porque una vez, mi prima robó la placa de un policía del centro comercial y la atraparon.
She floated down a river in a basket, and now she's ours.
Flotó por el río en una canasta. Y ahora es nuestra.
And when they do, she's so grateful, she lets'em spit roast her right in the cafeteria.
Ella está tan agradecida, que terminan haciendo un trío en la cafetería.
I realized she had me pick her up four days in a row so the home's guard would be down and she could leave on her own.
Me di cuenta de que la pasé a buscar cuatro días seguidos para que el asilo bajara la guardia y así podía irse sola.
And I think she discovered Arthur's existence and threatened to tell.
Y creo que ella descubrió la existencia de Arthur... y amenazó con decirlo.
Because she's in the hands of someone who's wise and compassionate and... of the highest moral integrity.
Porque ella está en las manos de alguien que es sabio y compasivo... y de la más alta integridad moral.
I know it's not much, but if we can figure out what artist made that tattoo, we can figure out who the hell she is and why she wants me to fry for the councilman's death.
Sé que no es mucho, pero si podemos averiguar qué artista hizo ese tatuaje, podemos averiguar quién diablos es y por qué me quiere frito por la muerte del concejal.
Tribeca's gonna figure out who that woman is and she's gonna match the prints on the gun, and this whole thing's gonna go away.
Tribeca va a averiguar quién es esa mujer y ella va a encontrar las huellas en la pistola, y todo esto se va a aclarar.
A friend of mine is a reporter and... Your mother persuaded her to find out what happened to you. And she told me, that's why I'm here.
Mi amiga es reportera y tu madre la convenció para que averiguara lo que había pasado contigo.
And she's put me in charge.
Y ella me ha puesto al mando.
Look, eventually, Amaya has to go back to her home in Zambesi in 1942, and she'll have a daughter and eventually a granddaughter who will inherit Amaya's totem, and she will become a superhero in Detroit.
Mira, con el tiempo, Amaya tiene que volver a su hogar en Zambesi en 1942 y tendrá una hija y, con el tiempo, una nieta que heredará el tótem de Amaya y se convertirá en una superheroína en Detroit.
If you change Amaya's destiny, that threatens Mari's existence and the existences of all the people that she saved.
Si cambias el destino de Amaya, eso amenaza la existencia de Mari y la existencia de toda la gente a la que ella ha salvado.
She's probably already killed that inmate and guard.
Probablemente ya mató a esa reclusa y al guardia.
I just know she's out there somewhere and she's going to hurt people.
Solo sé que está afuera en algún lugar y que va a lastimar a la gente.
If she's here and she...
Si ella está aquí y ella...
And she's still your mom.
Y todavía es tu mamá.
You look like me the day i forgot to get Ms. Grant's coffee and she made me call the Dean of Yale to admonish him for having given me a diploma.
Te ves como el día en que olvidé llevar el café de la Sra. Grant y me hizo llamar al Decano de Yale para reprocharle por haberme dado un diploma.
I mean, this goddess, she requires a man who's equal in her powers and wits.
Es decir, esta diosa, se requiere un hombre que es igual en sus poderes y ingenio.
One more word out of you and she's the least of your problems.
Una palabra tuya más y ella será el menor de tus problemas.
I know she's from starhaven and she came by herself and that she's registered.
Sé que es de Starhaven y vino sola y que está registrada.
Actually it's not because I'm here and she's my friend and she can visit anytime she wants.
En realidad, no, porque yo estoy aquí y ella es mi amiga y puede visitarme siempre que quiera.
I'm gonna talk to Maggie and see if she's got anything else out of him.
Voy a hablar con Maggie y ver si le ha sacado algo más.
She's gonna need to be distracted if we're gonna go in there and rescue these guys.
Va a tener que distraerse si vamos a entrar ahí a rescatar a estos chicos.
She built Tom and Vicky a wing in the administrative building, and she's been spending company money trying to fund her personal wars.
Construyó una sección en el edificio administrativo para Tom y Vicky, y ha estado gastando el dinero de la empresa para financiar sus guerras personales.
And off Angela's face, not knowing she's getting Michael's heart, we see finally a ray of hope.
Y en el rostro de Angela, que no sabe que es el corazón de Michael, por fin vemos un rayo de esperanza.
Because, sometimes, the man is me and it didn't happen, so, procedurally, I'm very glad that they heard her side of the story, but the other side of the coin is that she's a liar and I didn't do it.
Porque, a veces, el hombre soy yo y esto no pasó... así que, en efecto, estoy muy contento de que oyeran su parte de la historia... pero la otra cara de la moneda es que es una mentirosa... y que yo no lo hice.
She's a pulse and she knows our kids'names,
Es una corazonada y sabe el nombre de nuestros hijos...
She got a load of attention when her baby was massive and now he's just a massive four-year-old, so it's less interesting, so she starts biting him.
Ella tuvo un montón de atención cuando su bebé fue gigante... y ahora él es un gigante de cuatro años... entonces es menos interesante, así que empieza a morderlo.
and she's beautiful 17
and she's right 30
and she's dead 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she's not 19
she's my sister 210
she's my cousin 38
she's a teacher 19
she's crazy 250
and she's right 30
and she's dead 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she's not 19
she's my sister 210
she's my cousin 38
she's a teacher 19
she's crazy 250
she's an angel 39
she's a doctor 61
she's my friend 189
she's a student 17
she's my girl 23
she's a bitch 68
she's a nurse 43
she's my niece 28
she's my mother 114
she's beautiful 582
she's a doctor 61
she's my friend 189
she's a student 17
she's my girl 23
she's a bitch 68
she's a nurse 43
she's my niece 28
she's my mother 114
she's beautiful 582
she's my best friend 111
she's not here 659
she's nice 199
she's my wife 185
she's my daughter 242
she's my girlfriend 101
she's a good person 54
she's my favorite 16
she's 3411
she's my baby 33
she's not here 659
she's nice 199
she's my wife 185
she's my daughter 242
she's my girlfriend 101
she's a good person 54
she's my favorite 16
she's 3411
she's my baby 33