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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And you know this because

And you know this because Çeviri İspanyolca

1,063 parallel translation
And it was just strange, you know? But I brought it home, because my idea with this flag... was that before I left - you know, before I left for India... I wanted several people who were close to me to have this flag in the room for the night... to sleep with it, you know, and then in the morning to sew something into the flag.
Es raro, pero me la llevé a casa, porque antes de marcharme a la India, quería que personas a las que aprecio... durmieran con ella.
And I mean, you know, it's the same... with any kind of, uh, prophecy, or a sign, or an omen. Because if you believe in omens, then that means that the universe... I mean, I don't even know how to begin to describe this.
Y pasa lo mismo con las profecías, los signos y los augurios... porque si crees en los augurios, significa que el universo, no sé ni cómo expresarlo, significa que el futuro... manda mensajes al presente.
Okay, I know you're anxious to jump right in and start speaking English... but there are a couple of things I need to know first because... I've never done this before.
Bien, se que están impacientes por empezar a hablar ingles... pero tengo que saber un par de cosas antes porque... es la primera vez que enseño.
So your father and Viñas sent you with this message... because they know you're the only one who I won't throw down the stairs.
Así que tu padre y el Viñas te mandan con el recadito porque saben que eres el único que no voy a echar escaleras abajo.
I know this sounds silly, especially in this so-called modern age, but you scuzzy college pukes should watch out, because they're out there, and you, sweet peas, are the answer to their dream!
Sé que suena estúpido, sobre todo en esta llamada época moderna, pero deberán tener cuidado, porque están ahí fuera, y ustedes, cariños ¡ son la respuesta a sus sueños!
It was easy for Gorky to write, he had people behind him and not like this, bad people who try to get rid of you, just because they don't know you...
Para Gorki era fácil escribir, tenía un pueblo detrás... y no gente mala como ésta, que intenta deshacerse de ti... sólo porque no te conocen.
I'm telling you this because I think you're in a simmilar position like I was long ago but my friend, you're not that young as I was back than you're old enough to know better, pull yourself together confess it and I swear whatever you tell me, will remain within these 4 walls...
Le estoy diciendo esto porque Ud. está en la misma posición que yo estaba hace años. Pero, amigo mío, Ud. no es tan joven como yo por entonces. Ud. tiene edad para saber más.
You go in there and tell her, "Lillian, we can't do this, because... well, you know."
Vas allí y dices, "Lillian, no podemos hacer esto, porque... bueno, ya sabes."
You know, I knew someone who went to this fabulous restaurant in Paris and just had watercress for lunch because, you know, she didn't want to gain weight.
Conozco a alguien que fue a un restaurante magnifico en Paris, y tomó berros para comer porque no queria engordar.
It is because you speak the truth that we love you, and from this we have learned to know one another.
Es porque decís la verdad que os queremos y queriéndoos hemos aprendido a darnos cuenta los unos de los otros.
I don't know what you think this is all about, but I just came here because Sam said you were a nice guy and you were down in the dumps.
No sé lo que usted piensa se trata todo esto, pero acabo de llegar aquí porque Sam dijo que era un buen tipo y que estás en los vertederos.
You and I both know that this tournament is a sellout because of me.
Y tú y yo sabemos que yo soy el alma de este torneo.
You know, and whereas we might be all upset this morning, or something, you know, we're not because of the fact that we're not objective at all.
En tanto que podríamos estar muy alterados hoy no lo estamos, debido al hecho de que no somos objetivos.
You know, sometimes I've walked down the streets, you know, and I've felt like you wanna reach out and grab this woman and do it, but you think just before you reach you think, why haven't other men reached and you think because there's a penalty for this.
Sabes, a veces caminando por la calle he sentido como... si quisiera alcanzar y tomar a esta mujer y hacerselo, pero pienso, justo antes de alcanzarla, por qué otros hombres no la han tomado, y piensas,
Now, I know that you're all upset at me, and you don't really understand why I'm doing this, but I will not roll over and die, and I will rest easy, because I sleep the sleep of the righteous.
- Fácil.
Hey. Hey, you know that movie, about the guy that's got, like, superpowers and shit because of his hair? Then this bitch cuts his hair off.
¿ Conoces esa película... de un tipo que tiene superpoderes gracias al pelo, pero una zorra se lo corta... para que sea más débil... y se convierta en un tipo normal?
This will all soon be but a happy memory... because Roberts'ship Revenge is anchored at the far end... and I, as you know, am Roberts.
Pronto todo esto será sólo un recuerdo feliz... porque el barco de Roberts está al otro lado... y yo, como sabes, soy Roberts.
I'll have you know I chose this face out of the billions available, because it happened to be the face of the greatest and most prolific lover who ever lived,
Elegí esta cara entre miles de millones porque es la cara del más prolífico amante que ha existido.
There are some people in this world who assume that you know less than you do because of your name and your complexion but math is the great equalizer.
Hay personas en el mundo que asumen que ustedes saben menos de lo que saben debido a su nombre y al color de su piel pero las matemáticas lo compensan todo.
- Because Tommy's the only fighter on this team who has a chance against him and you know it.
Porque Tommy es el único de este equipo con posibilidades de vencerlo. ¡ Y lo sabes!
It is for this that I am born, and you know it, because you are afraid.
Yo nací para esto y tú lo sabes porque tienes miedo.
I know you're watching. Because this is Wednesday night, And everybody knows the other networks
Sé que me estás viendo, porque es miercoles a la noche y toda la gente sabe que las otras estaciones no tienen nada que se vea esta noche.
I don't know your name... and you don't know my name, and that's good... because this can never happen again.
No sé tu nombre... y tú no sabes el mío, y eso es bueno... porque esto no puede volver a suceder.
I don't know who you are or where you came from, but you're a guest in this house, and there was a Janey, but no one is mad at you, and we don't want to judge you, and I don't think... you should be so fast to judge other people's blow jobs... because what you see isn't always what you get.
No sé quién eres ni de dónde vienes pero en esta casa eres una invitada y había una Janey, pero nadie está enfadado contigo y no queremos juzgarte, y no creo que debas ir tan rápido a la hora de juzgar las mamadas de las otras personas porque lo que ves, no es siempre lo que hay
Because you and me, we're in this together... you know what I'm saying?
Porque tú y yo, estamos juntos en esto... Sabes lo que te digo?
You all know what we've had to face in the past... drugs, gang activity, rampant violence. And of course this group of particularly troublesome students with prison records who, because of this experiment, will be released back into the school population today.
En el pasado tuvimos que enfrentar... drogas, pandillas, violencia, y a este grupo de estudiantes con antecedentes criminales, los cuales, como parte de este experimento, serán liberados hoy.
You know, I'm locked in this store here because I didn't have the guts to steal a skirt, so I could get arrested and embarrass my father in this stupid, desperate, childish, pathetic attempt to leave home.
Sabes, estoy encerrada en esta tienda... porque no tuve el coraje de robar una falda... para que me arrestaran y así humillar a mi padre... en un intento infantil, estúpido, desesperado y patético de escapar.
And I'm sorry I got sidetracked here because I know this is a bad time for you, ma'am, and I'm sensitive to that, and...
Y siento tener que tratar sobre esto... porque sé que es un mal momento para usted, señora, y soy sensible a eso, y...
And then you're stuck in this plan because you decided, you know?
Y luego quedas atrapado en ese plan porque lo decidiste, ¿ no?
You know I'm saying all this because I love you, and because I think it's for your own good.
- He cambiado, Aline. - No. Sí.
You know, this is my ass on the line, and if I lose my job because of you crazy -
Si pierdo mi trabajo... Por favor muévase.
You also wouldn't know Richie owns this place and sells narcotics here because he's a fucking puke who likes to pervert kids.
Seguro que tampoco sabes que Richie es el dueño aquí y vende drogas porque es un maldito canalla y le gusta pervertir menores.
You know, I hate to say this, because Brandon likes her and everything, but there's something about Emily that just rubs me the wrong way.
Odio decir esto, porque Brandon la quiere pero hay algo de Emily que no me gusta.
Because you know this benefit is for DCI John Shefford and his family.
Porque saben que es en beneficio del Detective Inspector Shefford y familia.
That maybe this time he'll be nice to you because you know and you know that he knows it,
Te decías que saldría bien porque mañana iba a volver. Y sabes que él lo sabe.
Everything you see on a movie camera was invented by some cameraman because he needed to do something and he didn't know how to do it and so they had these machine shops and they would just fabricate this stuff
Todo lo que ves en una cámara de cine fue inventado por camarógrafos porque tenían que hacer algo y no sabían cómo lograrlo, así que instalaron estos talleres y fabricaron lo que necesitaban.
I've been there, you haven't, and I think that you're making a mistake if you let this opportunity to see that part of the world slip by just because your father pushes you too hard and doesn't know when to let go.
Yo estuve ahí, tú no. Creo que estás cometiendo un error si dejas que esta oportunidad de conocer ese lugar se te escape solo porque tu padre te presiona demasiado y no sabe cuándo parar.
Ordinarily, I don't do this because, you know, I'm the president and I don't sponsor anybody as I didn't think it was right.
Normalmente no hago esto porque tu sabes... soy el presidente y no apadrino a nadie, porque nunca lo creí correcto.
You know you make this little deal with yourself that you can put up with all the other women and you can even do without a life and you can even do without children because you believe in what you're doing and think...
Ya sabe una hace un trato consigo misma por el que puede tolerar que tenga otras mujeres e incluso renunciar a tener una vida y hasta aceptar no tener hijos porque cree en lo que hace y piensa...
'But, strangely, this is nothing to grieve over...'.. because you know the truth, and I now know that you can outgrow a part, even a sad one.
Pero no hay ningún motivo para afligirse, porque tú sabes la verdad. Y ahora sé que puedes desarrollar un papel, aunque sea uno triste.
I'm only telling you this because I care about you and I think you should know before we go any further.
Como siento algo por ti, quiero decirte esto antes de ir más lejos.
The reason I know this and you don't is because I'm younger and purer... so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces.
Yo sé esto y tú no porque yo soy joven y puro. Estoy más en contacto con las fuerzas cósmicas.
You could've quit this story anytime you wanted, and you didn't... because you and I both know this is the story of our lives.
Podías haberlo dejado, y no lo hiciste. Sabemos que es el reportaje de nuestras vidas.
Well, so, uh... basically, I just, uh, sit around and... think of you naked because, you know, you have this... amazing body.
Bueno, entones... basicamente solo... me siento... y... pienso en ti desnuda. Porque, tu sabes, tienes ese... cuerpo increíble.
Speaking of soufflé..., lm going to give you the recipe for the dont laugh, afterwards it comes out flat and you dont know why, a little secret so your soufflé comes out one must put the flour with the egg yolks in a rather big pan, and this has to be allowed to ventilate 3 days and 3 nights, but with ones eyes fixed on the mix ; and afterwards, some instants before serving it, it is placed in the presence of a jar of Bulgarian garlic, hermetically sealed ; yes, because otherwise the soufflé will acquire the taste of the garlic.
Hablando de soufflé..., les voy a dar la receta del no se rían, después les sale aplastado y no saben porqué, un secretito para que el soufflé les salga hay que poner la harina con las yemas en un recipiente más bien grande, y eso hay que dejarlo ventilar 3 días y 3 noches, pero con la mirada fija en la mezcla ; y después, unos instantes antes de servirlo, se lo pone en presencia de un frasco de ajos de Bulgaria herméticamente cerrado ; sí, porque si no el soufflé toma el gusto de los ajos.
Thank you very much. I am moved by your homage, because I know that nothing insincere can be said in front of this immense and beloved letter "O" that symbolizes the three basic principles of our party : Organization, Order, "Onesty."
Recibo vuestro homenaje conmovido, porque sé que sólo puede ser sincero todo lo que se diga delante de esta inmensa y querida letra "O" que simboliza los tres principios básicos de nuestro partido : Organización, Orden, "Honestidad".
Well, so, uh... basically, I just, uh, sit around and... think of you naked because, you know, you have this... amazing body.
Bun, atunci, uh... acum, uh... ma simt... si... ma gandesc la tine dezbracata. Pentru ca, tu stii, ai acest... corp incredibil.
And I can't even say anything you know, because all he's really doing is being nice but nobody's this nice. This is, like...
Y yo no puedo ni decir nada porque lo único que está haciendo es ser amable pero nadie es tan amable.
But... Well, when anyone ever asked me, I always said that I was named Jim after Jim Morrison of The Doors, because, you know, he had this great kind of life, like, just traveling around and writing his songs and having women beg him to do it to them, even to take his, uh... organ out on-stage.
Pero... bueno, cuando alguien me preguntaba, siempre decía que me llamaba Jim... por Jim Morrison, de la banda "The Doors"... porque, ya sabe... él tuvo un estilo de vida grandioso... viajando por todos lados y escribiendo canciones... y con mujeres rogándole que les haga el amor... incluso sacarle... su "órgano" en el escenario.
Because, you know, what better way to hide a place like this than for the jungle and for the bush to grow back over it.
donde mejor esconder tal ciudad ¿ que en la jungla?
Because I've been there before and I know that this is could be a tough job... for you.
Porque ya he estado ahí antes y sé que esto podría ser un trabajo difícil... para ustedes.

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