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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Anything you want to tell me

Anything you want to tell me Çeviri İspanyolca

499 parallel translation
Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?
¿ Seguro que no hay nada que quieras contarme?
well..... isn't there anything you want to tell me?
No tienes nada que decirme?
Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?
¿ Seguro que no quieres decirme nada?
Now, if there is anything you want to tell me about, I'm always here.
Si hay algo que me quieras contar, puedes contar conmigo.
Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?
¿ Segura que no quieres decirme nada?
Anything you want to tell me?
Algo que dec... ¿ Hay algo que quiera decirme?
Is there anything you want to tell me?
¿ Hay algo que quieres decirme?
You got anything you want to tell me?
¿ Hay algo que quieras decirme?
If you want to tell me anything, you come on in the barbershop.
Si quieres contarme algo, ven a la barbería.
Well, is there anything else you want to tell me?
Bueno, ¿ tiene algo más que contarme?
Is there anything special you want me to tell her?
¿ Quiere que le diga algo?
Look, I don't want you to tell me anything that's none of my business - Only anything you're involved in is my business.
No quiero que me digas nada que no me incumba... pero cualquier asunto en el que estés involucrada me incumbe.
Look, if anything's happened, I want you to tell me about it.
Quiero saberlo.
I don't want you to tell me anything but what is needed to save your neck.
Sólo quiero que me digas lo necesario para salvarte el pellejo.
If there's anything you want done, madam, you have only to tell me.
Si necesita algo, dígamelo.
That's fine. There wouldn't be anything personal you want to tell me, would there?
Perfecto. ¿ No hay nada personal que quieras decirme?
Listen in carefully because I want you to tell it in London if anything happens to me...
Kidd me pilló registrando su escritorio. Mentí diciéndole que era un espía del Rey. - Muy bien.
I don't want you to tell them I said goodbye or anything like that.
No les digas que me fui, ni nada de eso.
I don't want you to tell me anything. You're already suffered so much for both of us.
- Ya has sufrido suficiente por los dos.
He isn't mixed up in anything. I simply want him to tell you what he told me.
Solo quiero que le diga lo que me dijo a mí.
I don't want you to tell me anything.
No quiero que me diga nada.
I keep trying to tell my Pop... that anything you want's right there.
Me la paso diciéndole a él... que ahí está todo cuanto pueda desear.
But anything you want to tell him, why you can tell me.
Pero cualquier cosa que quieras decirle, me lo puedes decir a mi.
Tell you what, Owen, you and me don't want to spoil anything. So let's you and me go down the street and have a drink.
Oye, Owen, tú y yo no queremos estropear nada, así que vayamos tú y yo a echar un trago calle abajo.
If there's anything you want done, madam, you have only to tell me.
Estaré bien. Si desea algo, dígamelo.
Anything you want me to tell Charmaine?
¿ Quieres que le diga algo a Charmaine?
Anything you want me to tell Alice, Beecher?
¿ Quiere que le diga algo a Alice, Beecher?
Isn't there anything else you want to tell me?
¿ No hay nada más que quieras contarme?
Tell me who is the boss around here... and I'll be glad to do anything you want. Just tell me who's the boss.
Dígame quién es el jefe aquí... y estaré encantado de hacer lo que quieran.
I don`t want you to tell me anything more... or anything less than you feel in the very deepest part of you... because what you answer to me now is going to affect us for the rest of our lives.
No quiero que me digas nada más ni nada menos que lo que sientes en lo más profundo de ti. Porque lo que me respondas ahora nos afectará por el resto de nuestras vidas.
Adam, anything else you want to tell me?
¿ Hay algo qué quieras decirme?
You don't want to discuss anything... You want to tell me to go to the devil and take the mill with me. That's probably the only reason you came home...
Quieres decirme que me vaya al diablo y que me lleve la fábrica conmigo.
Is there anything else you want to tell me?
¿ Hay algo más que quiera decirme?
Not that I'll expect you to tell me everything... or anything, if you don't want to.
No es que yo pretenda que me lo cuentes todo... no lo hagas si no quieres hacerlo.
If the Major doesn't want you to tell me anything, that's perfectly all right.
Si el Mayor no quiere que me digas algo, no hay problema.
Now ask me anything you want to know about dr. Hamilton and i'll tell you.
Pregúnteme sobre cualquier cosa que quiera saber sobre el Dr. Hamilton y yo le diré.
And if anything happens to her, I want you to come tell me.
Y si algo le ocurriera, quiero que vengas a contármelo.
is there anything you want me to tell the manager?
¿ Quieres que le diga algo en especial al gerente?
Tell me, Miles... if you could be anything in the world, what would you most want to be?
Dime, Miles... Si pudieras elegir algo en este mundo, ¿ Qué es lo que más te gustaría ser?
Do anything you like. tell me anything yo want me to do for you.
Haz lo que quieras, dime todo lo que quieras que te haga.
I don't want anything, but you're going to tell me anyway, so go on.
No quiero nada, pero me lo vas a decir de todas formas.
Sara, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.
Sara, no tienes porqué decirme nada si no quieres.
You really expect me to go to the President and tell him there are some sort of space creatures that are trying to kill him? Tell him anything you want. Just get him out of here.
¿ De verdad espera que vaya al presidente y le diga que unos seres del espacio lo quieren matar?
Anything special you want to tell me, kid?
¿ Hay algo especial que quieras decirme, muchacho?
I'll tell you what, though. Keep this here, and keep it out, if you want to get into it... or you want me to take anything, let me know, we'll go that way.
Lo que te quiero decir es que si querés podés tener todo esto así y si querés me llevo todo.
I don't expect you to tell me anything... you don't want to... and that robe is making me nervous.
No espero que me diga nada... ¿ No Quieres? y la túnica me está haciendo nervioso.
All you have to do is give me the book... and discredit any story your friends tell back in town... and you can have anything in this world you want.
Todo lo que tiene que hacer es darme el libro... y desacreditar toda historia que sus amigos cuenten en el pueblo,... y podrá usted tener todo lo que desee de este mundo.
Listen, I don't want to get in the way or anything, so you just tell me.
Mire, no quiero ser un obstáculo, así que mejor dígame usted.
Anything else you want to tell me?
¿ Hay algo más que quieras decirme?
Is there anything you want me to tell her?
¿ Quieres que le diga algo?
Before I tell you anything, I want to know how you're going to protect me.
Antes de que les diga algo, quiero saber cómo me van a proteger.

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