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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Arlena

Arlena Çeviri İspanyolca

132 parallel translation
Do you mean Arlena Stuart?
¿ Arlena Stuart? No.
No, Arlena Marshall.
Well, if that's Arlena, she must be being dressed by Woolworths these days.
Si esa es Arlena... Debe de vestirse en la feria.
I'd better introduce myself. I'm Kenneth Marshall and this is my wife, Arlena.
Soy Kenneth Marshall, y esta es mi esposa, Arlena.
Arlena, darling, I love you!
Arlena querida, ¡ te quiero!
And I don't think you know Arlena.
No creo que conozcas a Arlena.
Yes, I do. Arlena and I are old sparring partners.
Arlena y yo somos viejas colegas.
Arlena and I were in the chorus of a show together... not that I could ever compete.
Arlena y yo éramos coristas en el mismo show. No es que pudiera competir con ella.
Do have a good, long, peaceful rest, Arlena.
Espero que descanses en paz.
- Arlena, darling...
¡ Arlena querida!
- Arlena, my favourite leading lady!
¡ Mi protagonista preferida!
It's wonderful to see you, Arlena.
¡ Qué maravilla verte! Tenemos un show fabuloso para ti.
Arlena, darling, it's simply sensational to see you again!
Arlena, querida, verte de nuevo es sensacional.
I'm Kenneth Marshall... Excuse me. I must talk to you, Arlena darling.
Disculpe, tenemos que hablar, querida.
Arlena, darling, you look quite divine in that outfit.
Estás divina con ese conjunto.
Arlena, I was wondering if you've had a chance to read the proofs of the biography yet?
Me preguntaba si habías leído el manuscrito de la biografía.
But, Arlena darling, you promised. When we were in New York. I've spent the advance.
Pero lo prometiste en Nueva York, y ya me he gastado el anticipo.
But, Arlena, angel, you must.
¡ Pera Arlena! - Ángel, debes hacerlo...
You're going to regret this, Arlena.
Te arrepentirás, Arlena.
Arlena, here you are, it's the script that I promised you.
Arlena, aquí está el guion que te había prometido.
The Arlena Stuarts of this world do not count.
Las Arlena Stuart de este mundo no cuentan.
About Arlena?
¿ En Arlena?
With most of my friends it's a full-time occupation. Arlena's alright. She just adores to flirt, that's all.
Arlena es buena, pero le gusta coquetear.
Arlena is my wife. That's all there is to it.
Arlena es mi esposa y eso es todo.
He just happens to be a guest here, Arlena... because you just happened to book him in.
Solo es un huésped aquí, Arlena, porque tú reservaste para él.
Arlena and I are just good friends, that's all!
Arlena y yo somos solo buenos amigos.
Is it Arlena?
¿ Es Arlena?
I'll come back with Arlena, I'll walk.
Volveré con Arlena o caminaré.
She may have been a bit flighty, Arlena, but no one would've wished this on her.
Puede que Arlena fuera un poco caprichosa, pero nadie le habría deseado esto.
You had no chance to speak to Madame Arlena?
¿ No pudo hablar con Arlena?
I was coming in on the boat and I saw Arlena on one of them pedal things going into a beach along there.
Venía en el barco y vi a Arlena en ese pedalo, yendo hacia aquella playa.
I'm getting a little chilly, what with the shock and everything. I was very fond of Arlena, as you well know.
Tengo un poco de frío por el susto y todo eso, como sabe, le tenía mucho cariño a Arlena.
So, that young man's been sniffing round Arlena, has he?
Así que ese joven anda lloriqueando por Arlena, ¿ no?
I'm sorry, Sir Horace, but it's my duty to put it to you that you were furious with Madame Arlena... that you were determined to get your jewel back... you came up here in order to demand it.
Lo siento, sir Horace, pero es mi deber sugerir que usted estaba furioso con Arlena y decidido a recuperar la joya.
And you must have passed the bay on which Arlena was murdered?
Habrá pasado por la bahía en la cual Arlena fue asesinada.
I also saw Arlena sunning herself.
y también la vi bronceándose.
But then you must have taken the same path home. There is no logical alternative. And I am suggesting to you... you could have gone down to the beach... murdered Arlena Marshall and still been in time for your staff meeting at 11 : 30.
Y para regresar tomó el mismo camino, no queda otra alternativa lógica, y lo que le estoy sugiriendo es que pudo haber bajado a la playa, asesinado a Arlena Marshall, y haber vuelto a tiempo para la reunión de las 11 : 30.
What utter balderdash! You can't possibly think I'd want to kill Arlena just because the silly cow succeeded on the boards and I didn't.
¡ Cómo se le ocurre que yo querría matar a Arlena, solo porque esa arpía era famosa y yo no!
It matters because Madame Arlena was in the way.
¡ Importa porque Arlena se interponía en su camino!
He was jumping up and down and screaming blue murder at Arlena.
Estaba agitándose y gritándole a Arlena.
You had no reason to love Arlena Marshall, madame.
No tenía motivos de amar a Arlena Marshall, señora.
We'd barely started when the news about Arlena came.
Apenas empezábamos, cuando llegaron las noticias sobre Arlena.
Why should I be sorry for Arlena?
¿ Por qué debería lamentarlo por Arlena?
She couldn't have murdered Arlena. Neither could I.
No pudo haber matado a Arlena, ni tampoco yo.
That slimy Rex Brewster's the one you should be talking to. He hated Arlena. He's the one who really wanted her dead.
Debería preguntarle a ese zalamero de Rex, él odiaba a Arlena, es el único que quería su muerte.
I don't know. Probably battered Arlena with a bit of driftwood... then finished her off with a little pressure on the... carotid artery?
No sé, tal vez la haya golpeado con un palo, y luego acabó apretándole la caro... ¿ carótida?
So, you've come, messieur Poirot, to question me about poor Arlena.
Aquí está, para interrogarme sobre Arlena.
Chart or no chart, it was perfectly possible for you to have watched Sir Horace Blatt's boat leave and then to have pedaloed into Ladder Bay... there to find the unsuspecting Arlena asleep... and then you strangled her.
Con mapa o no, podía haber visto perfectamente irse el bote de sir Horace Blatt, y luego haber pedaleado hasta la bahía Ladder, encontrar allí a Arlena durmiendo confiadamente, para luego estrangularla.
That'll be Arlena.
Debe de ser Arlena.
Take it easy, Arlena.
Cálmate, Arlena.

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