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Bakersfield Çeviri İspanyolca

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His barbershop quartet goes to places like Fresno and Bakersfield.
Su cuarteto de barbería va a sitios como Fresno o Bakersfield.
Well, a guy's gotta have some fun. I went to a dance hall in Bakersfield once.
Los hombres tienen que divertirse, yo solía ir a jugar mucho al bar.
He gave a concert at Bakersfield last night.
Anoche dio un concierto en Bakersfield.
I was in Bakersfield, before I read that Vera's body was discovered and that the police were looking for Haskell in connection with his wife's murder.
Estaba en Bakersfield cuando leí que habían descubierto el cadáver. La policía buscaba a Hazkel por el asesinato de su mujer.
He's from Bakersfield.
Es de Bakersfield.
You see, I'm from Bakersfield.
Soy de Bakersfield.
I've got oil in Bakersfield.
Tengo petróleo en Bakersfield.
We might stand a chance through Bakersfield and Phoenix.
Podemos tener una oportunidad a través de Bakersfield y Phoenix.
Please stay, Lord Bakersfield.
Por favor, quédese, Lord Bakersfield.
I remember when we were kids in Bakersfield and I worked vacations in San Joaquin Valley.
Recuerdo que de niños en Bakersfield, me fui a trabajar a San Joaquín.
So, Norah Larkin from Bakersfield winds up killing a man she's never even been out with before.
Norah Larkin de Bakersfield termina matando a un hombre que apenas conocía.
Then I hit a truck on that straightaway going into Bakersfield.
Y me estrellé con un camión en la carretera de Bakersfield.
I can show you the records of the Bakersfield General Hospital, if you like - 14 months of'em.
Puedo mostrarte el expediente del Hospital Bakersfield... Un expediente de 14 meses.
Forecast for Bakersfield vicinity, clear and warm.
Para el área de Bakersfield se anuncia un día cálido y despejado.
Well, there's doctors in Bakersfield.
Bueno, no hay médicos en Bakersfield.
Take them to Bakersfield, to the ranch.
Llévala al rancho de Bakersfield.
They've been using Sampson's Temple in the Clouds, and they just dropped a bunch last night in Bakersfield.
Usan el Templo de Sampson... y anoche llevaron unos cuantos a Bakersfield.
It's a little town between San Luis Obispo and Bakersfield.
¿ Kinney? Un pueblo entre St Louis y Bakersfield.
Perhaps in Bakersfield. Perhaps at some undiscovered beachhead in another state, or another continent.
Quizá en Bakersfield quizá en una cabeza de playa oculta en otro estado u otro continente.
There are dirt track races at a carnival near Bakersfield this week.
Hay carreras en un carnaval en Bakersfield esta semana.
Soon as this is over, I'll have his friend call Bakersfield for the hearse and they'll be on their way.
Cuando esto acabe, haré que su amigo llame a Bakersfield para un auto fúnebre, y se pondrán en marcha.
This fella in charge of the Bakersfield, Fresno district is a real humdinger.
Veo que el encargado que tienes en la zona de Fresno es todo un portento.
I bought her in Bakersfield, California.
Lo compré en Bakersfield, California.
How come you ain't still in Bakersfield?
¿ Y por qué no está aún en Bakersfield?
Jenkin's got 500 farmers in a high school gym over in Bakersfield.
Jenkin tiene 500 granjeros en un gimnasio escolar, en Bakersfield.
Don't forget, all you Bakersfield fans.
Recuerden, aficionados de Bakersfield.
Wolfman sweatshirts is Wolf Enterprises, Bakersfield.
Las camisetas Wolfman son de Wolf Enterprises, en Bakersfield.
Um, Bakersfield to LA is an hour.
De Bakersfield a LA hay una hora.
Yes, sir.
- Sí, señor. BAKERSFIELD
Well, according to the Bakersfield Weather Bureau, they anticipated a low ceiling in Los Angeles.
Todos los pilotos lo hacen. Según los meteorólogos de Bakersfield vaticinaron mucha nubosidad en Los Ángeles.
Well, you see, I left later because of the audiences at Bakersfield. They just wouldn't let me off-stage.
Salí más tarde por culpa del público de Bakersfield.
They love that music in Bakersfield.
No me dejaban bajar del escenario.
Oh, they sure do.
En Bakersfield les encanta mi música.
I told you I have a match on Tuesday with those dealers from Bakersfield.
Te dije que tengo un partido el martes con esos vendedores de Bakersfield.
Look at that one from Bakersfield.
Miren a esa belleza de Bakersfield.
I got a goddamn little Jesus freak in Bakersfield at a revival meeting.
Otro es un maldito fanático de Jesús y está en Bakersfield en una ceremonia religiosa.
Alan will go into hiding in Bakersfield at the home of a distant cousin.
Alan se irá a esconder a Bakersfield, en la casa de un primo lejano.
I always hated my cousin in Bakersfield anyway.
De todos modos, odiaba a mi primo en Bakersfield.
A Bakersfield.
You ever been to bakersfield?
¿ Has estado en Bakersfield?
I go every year at this time when Harry takes the kids to Bakersfield.
Vengo cada año en esta época, mientras Harry lleva a los niños hasta Bakersfield.
What's in Bakersfield?
- ¿ Qué hay en Bakersfield?
We'll set up a fight with the Bakersfield Bleeder.
Organizaremos una pelea con el Sangrante de Bakersfield.
You mean we're not fighting Mr. Mathison from Bakersfield?
¿ Quiere decir que no pelearemos con el Sr. Mathison de Bakersfield?
I know Bakersfield real good.
Conozco Bakersfield perfectamente.
One night in Las Vegas, one night in Bakersfield...
Una noche en Las Vegas, otra en Bakersfield...
Head towards the Ridge Route, Bakersfield. - All right.
Coge la carretera hacia Bakersfield.
You told me we was gonna be in Bakersfield at midnight. At least you're right about one thing.
Dijiste que llegaríamos a medianoche Bakersfield.
Kinney speaking to Bakersfield control, red alert, red alert.
Kinney a centro de control Bakersfield. Alerta roja.
Well, Jeff, next time I play Bakersfield,
- Jeff.
I'll get you a couple of passes.
Jeff, la próxima vez que toque en Bakersfield te daré entradas.
baker 331

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