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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / Bick

Bick Çeviri İspanyolca

105 parallel translation
You know, it's all over town that you've been giving money to Violet Bick.
Todo el mundo sabe que has dado dinero a Violeta Beck.
Hey, hey! Listen. That's Violet Bick.
- Oiga, ¿ no es Violet Beck?
With all the spring work to be done, the roundup... I didn't figure Bick would stay away.
Con todo el trabajo de primavera por hacer, el rodeo, no pensaba que Bick no fuera a venir.
Bick and Jett are everlasting jangling about something.
Bick y Jett siempre están discutiendo por algo.
This is Bick's new wife.
Ésta es la esposa de Bick.
This here is Bick's room.
Ésta es la habitación de Bick.
Bick, it's about time.
Bick, ya era hora.
Bick, congratulations.
Enhorabuena, Bick.
Good to see you, Bick.
Me alegro de verte, Bick.
What's the matter with her, Bick?
¿ Qué le pasa, Bick?
I don't want to chew on this, Bick... but I think we'd better get it straight.
No quiero discutir sobre esto, Bick, pero creo que más vale que lo aclaremos.
I don't want to feel that you're setting up against me, Bick.
No quiero sentir que te estás poniendo en mi contra, Bick.
And Bick...
Y a Bick...
Now, even old Bick likes me a little bit.
Ahora le caigo mejor hasta al viejo Bick.
Bick's going to blow a gasket.
Bick va a ponerse hecho una fiera.
Just a minute, Bick.
Un momento, Bick.
At the most, I'd say $ 500 or $ 600, Bick.
Yo diría que como mucho 500 ó 600 dólares, Bick.
Yours, too, Bick.
La tuya también, Bick.
You know something, Bick?
¿ Sabes una cosa, Bick?
I'm sentimental, too, Bick.
Yo también soy sentimental, Bick.
Pa said it and Bick, too.
El padre lo decía y Bick también.
I'm just as much of Texas as Bick Benedict is.
Yo soy tan tejano como Bick Benedict.
Bick's still got his kettle on for me.
Bick aún me la tiene jurada.
Bick knows everything about running a ranch.
Bick lo sabe todo sobre llevar un rancho.
- Good night, Bick.
- Buenas noches, Bick.
When Bick finishes this breeding program, he'll have an animal... that's 99 percent beef and the rest exaggeration.
Cuando Bick acabe este programa de cría, tendremos un animal... que será un 99 por ciento ternera y el resto exageración.
Jett's got the easement, Bick.
Jett tiene esa servidumbre, Bick.
My well came in, Bick.
Mi pozo ha brotado.
I'm rich, Bick!
¡ Soy rico, Bick!
You're touchy, Bick.
Eres susceptible, Bick.
That's about the most expensive phone call you ever made, Bick.
Ésa es la llamada más cara que has hecho, Bick.
I'm going to Washington, Bick.
Me voy a Washington, Bick.
And all joking aside, Bick... we're not adverse to accepting a share of the credit for it.
Y bromas aparte, Bick. no estamos en contra de aceptar parte del mérito.
It's Bick Benedict.
Soy Bick Benedict.
We're anxious to see old Jett come out in that suit.
Vamos, Bick, que estamos ansiosos por ver al viejo Jett con ese traje.
Flunky for Bick Benedict... her husband.
Una lacaya de Bick Benedict. su marido.
I'm Bick Benedict.
Soy Bick Benedict.
- Right here, Miss Bick.
- Aquí estoy, Srta. Bick.
- What color do you want, Ms Bick?
- ¿ Qué color quiere, Srta. Bick?
Nos gastaría sobar qué estaban haciendo en el aeropline.
# Nick Nick Bo Bick
- Nick, Nick, Bo-Bick
# Nick Nick # Bo Bick
Nick, Nick Bo-Bick
# Prick Prick Bo Bick
Pelmazo, Pelmazo Bo-Bazo
And I heard him flick his bick and then I heard sssssss, like the singing of hair you know and I looked over and I could see him in the, he had this, the, the flame was up
LINDA LEE BUKOWSKI : Oh sí, por aquella época le tiró un cuchillo al maitre del Polo Lounge. JOHN MARTIN :
At 3 : 40, my mom will be on her way to the yarn store for her bimonthly sew-a-thon with Lacey Schwartz and Bick Ho.
A las 3h 40, mi madre estará de camino para la mercería Para su cose-mogollón bimensual con Lacey Schwartz y Bick Ho
Bick, come here, man.
Biggs, ven aquí. Vamos perrito.
" My well came in, Bick.
" Salió petróleo de mi pozo, Bick.
" I'm rich, Bick.
" Soy rico, Bick.
Le oí encender su bick y escuché...
¿ Biggs?
Mama, Mama, Mom... I see it. We get help for Bick!
Calmate, no te preocupes le ayudaremos.

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