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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / But you're not going to

But you're not going to Çeviri İspanyolca

1,122 parallel translation
Of course you will, my darling but you're not going to die.
Pues claro que te irás al cielo... pero no te vas a morir.
Of course we'll look for him, but we're not going to let you send him to reform school,... nor will we allow you to keep bossing around this orphanage.
Por supuesto que lo vamos a buscar, pero usted no lo va a meter a la correccional, ni tampoco va a seguir mangoneando en este orfanatorio. - ¡ Cállese!
You're not going to say anything to me, but what you want to say.
No me dirás nada que no quieras decirme.
You might not want any trouble, Scott, but that's no guarantee you're not going to get it. Is it?
Puede que no quieras ningún problema, Scott, pero eso no es garantía de que no lo tengas. ¿ Verdad?
So you're leaving town, but you're not going to take the bus.
Así es que te vas fuera y no será en autobús.
I am going to give you that money, not because I promised you... but I want to see what you're going to take that motor bike and do... because I know you're going to broke your neck off it.
Te voy a dar el dinero, pero no porque te lo prometí sino porque quiero ver como te rompes el cuello con esa moto.
But you're not going out to do whatever it is you're going out to do without me.
Sólo sé que no harás, lo que tengas a hacer, sin mí.
Now listen, Rico I'm going to talk to you, but you're not going to hear a word I say, see?
Ahora escucha, Rico, voy a hablarte, pero no vas a oír ni una palabra de Io que voy a decir, ¿ vale?
You can blow up your cheeks, you can stick out your chest but you're not going to fool the guesser! .
¡ Pueden hinchar las mejillas o sacar pecho, pero no engañarán al adivino!
But those friends of yours are going to reform school, and you're not gonna follow!
Pero tengo un secreto para ti. Esos amigos irán al reformatorio, y tú no vas a acompañarlos!
- But you're not going to let...
- Pero no vamos a dejar...
Then kill me, but you're not going to kill the others!
¡ Entonces mátame, pero no vas a matar a los demás!
But you do not realize we're going to earn a lot of money?
Pero, no te das cuenta que vamos a ganar un vagón de guita?
I'm sorry but you're not going to give her a nervous breakdown. Now if you will excuse me!
No va a provocarle ahora una crisis nerviosa.
You with the bench, you're nothing but a mute dog. I'm not going to let you off this time.
Tú, perro mudo. ¡ No voy a dejar que te escapes tan fácil esta vez!
I expect you would prefer sherry, but, my dear Charles... you are not going to have sherry. You're going to try this delicious concoction instead.
Vas a probar, en cambio este delicioso combinado.
You're the darling of them all,... but you'll see we're not going to fail.
Tú eres la consentida de todos ellos, pero ya verás que no les vamos a fallar.
Will you forgive me, Sergeant, if this sounds a little cynical, but you're not going to get anything sitting on your butt waiting for it to come to you.
Ya me perdonará si esto le suena algo cínico, Sargento pero no va a conseguir nada de nada si se sienta en su trasero y espera a que las cosas le lleguen solas.
Uh, not so loud, please. She's in the library, but you're going to have to get written permission from Dr. Zuckerbrot.
No tan alto por favor, está en la biblioteca, pero necesitará un permiso por escrito del Dr. Zuckerbrot.
Not seeing you're not going to find one reason but a thousand, to why things went wrong, if they really did go wrong...
Sin darse cuenta que no hay una razón sino cien... para que las cosas vayan mal, si es que realmente van mal.
I know you're not going to work... but I don't want my wife mixed up in trouble.
Sé que no vas a trabajar. No quiero ver a mi mujer metida en esa vaina.
I'm not going to make any guesses... but if the Germans put up resistance... they're going to regret it, you can bet on that.
No voy a hacer ninguna previsión. Pero si los alemanes ofrecen... la mínima resistencia se arrepentirán amargamente.
He'll have to know you're going, but not why.
Él tiene que saber que usted va, pero no por qué.
But you're not going to let me go to the third floor because my security card is out-of-date.
Pero no puedo ir al tercer piso porque tengo la tarjeta caducada.
We're going to be talking about nuclear energy and the kinds of things that could happen with an atomic emergency, and we do this not to worried you, nor to frighten you, but really we've got admit
Hablaremos de la energía nuclear y de las cosas que pueden ocurrir en una emergencia atómica. Y hacemos esto, no para inquietarlos o para asustarlos, pero debemos admitir que vivimos en la era atómica, existe una bomba atómica.
I know you're not going to believe this, but I do admire you.
Sé que no lo vas a creer, pero yo te admiro.
But you're not going to give it to your publisher.
Pero no vas para darle a su editor.
You're the best dancer, but you're not going to be Carmen.
tú eres la que mejor baila, pero no vas a hacer la Carmen.
You're not going to do anything but get your ass out of here!
¡ Usted se va a limitar a sacar su culo de aquí!
You're... You're very hard to resist, Hadass, but I'm not going to force myself on you.
No es fácil resistirse a tu belleza, Hadass pero no voy a forzarte.
- l think you're both cute, but that's not going to affect my decision.
- Creo que ambos son lindos, pero que no va a afectar mi decisión.
But you're not going to be so busy if the city shuts you down for safety violations.
No será así si la ciudad nos clausura por violaciones de seguridad.
But you're not going to tell me they're all still alive.
Que no me vengan con que todos viven en el cielo.
Jake, you're not going to believe this, but I had this very bizarre dream, and you were in it.
Jake, no te lo creerás, pero tuve un sueño muy raro... y tú salías en él.
I'm not going to do anything, but you're going to sit in the closet.
Yo no voy a hacer nada, pero Ud. va a quedarse sentado en mi armario.
Look, I know you're gonna be going places with your singing and stuff, but then I'm not the kind of guy to be carrying your guitars around for you.
Sé que irás a muchos lugares con tus canciones y todo eso... y... yo no soy el tipo de hombre que te llevará las guitarras.
But I warn you, you're not going to get anywhere.
Pero te advierto, usted no va a ninguna parte.
We're gonna talk to the travel agent about Hollywood. - No, look, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to spend my vacation sitting in a tour bus, looking at houses that may or may not belong to Lucille Ball. - Do you want to come with us?
Vamos a informarnos sobre el viaje a Hollywood. ¿ Vienes?
Not only that, but, of course, you're not going to write two pieces of paper if you can write one.
Por eso el : "Sólo para uso interno". ¡ Y vea también cuántos tienen conocimiento de este documento!
now... these are high-compression tranquilizer pistols. we're not going to kill anybody, but you've got to get in close to use them.
Ahora... estas son pistolas tranquilizadoras de aire no vamos a matar a nadie, pero tendremos que acercarnos lo suficiente para usarlas.
Yes, yes, my son, whatever you want, but don't say that because you're not going to die.
Sí, sí, mi hijito, lo que tú quieras, pero no digas eso porque no te vas a morir.
I don't know what's going on... but you're not paying me enough to lose my medical license.
No me has pagado lo suficiente como para acabar con mi carrera.
A lot of them out there like what you're saying, but they're not going to vote for you.
Hay mucha gente que está de acuerdo con lo que dices pero no te votarán. ¿ Sabes por qué?
But just as an added difficulty, we're not actually going to give you the telephone number to ring.
Pero solo hay una pequeña dificultad, en realidad no vamos a darles el número al que deben llamar.
But you're not going to...
Pero no vas a...
You're not going to believe this... but you and I are neighbors.
No me lo vas a creer pero somos vecinos.
But you're just going to say "No". Not necessarily.
- Pero ¿ vas a decir que no?
- You're not going to believe this, but I went out with Lise Yates.
No os lo creeréis, pero yo salía con una Lise Yates.
But you're not going to? Certainly not.
- Pero no lo hará.
dad thinks i'm a head waiter in a classy restaurant well, a sort of restaurant but i doesn't have class and you're not a waiter but you've hit the big time you're going to japan
Papá cree que soy jefe de camareros en un restaurante con clase Bueno, una clase de restaurante pero yo no tengo clase y no eres camarero pero tienes que aprovechar la oportunidad. te vas a Japón
- But you're not going to?
- Pero no irá, ¿ verdad?

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