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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / By the end of the day

By the end of the day Çeviri İspanyolca

822 parallel translation
Of course, maybe the Russians will pick you up by the end of the day, or maybe it'll be sooner.
Por supuesto, tal vez los rusos la recojan al final del día, o tal vez más pronto.
By the end of the day, it was generally assumed... that the underwater demolition had ended... the short but terrible reign of Godzilla.
Para el fin del día, se había previsto... que la demolición debajo del agua, habría terminado... con el corto pero terrible reinado de Godzilla.
By the end of the day we shall restore order.
Al final del día, habremos restablecido el orden.
At this rate we oughta be able to spot more than 30 by the end of the day.
A este paso, podremos descubrir más de 30 para el fin del día.
I have got to get that report by the end of the day, Art... or you're in the doghouse! I don't know.
Necesito ese informe a final del día, Art... o estás en la calle.
I imagine you'll feel a bit limp by the end of the day.
Imagino se sentirá débil al final del día.
By the end of the day, there were more than 30, plus one in on the bench, legs still in the air.
Al final del día habrá más de 30 en el salón, más una en la consulta abierta de patas.
They have some many kilometres in their legs by the end of the day, that they just...
Llevan tantos kms en las piernas al final del día, que por la noche...
They'd catch up to us by the end of the day.
Nos alcanzarían al final del día.
I'd tender my flowers and go for a walk by the end of the day.
Cuidaba de mis flores, paseábamos, cuando caía la tarde.
You'll get a new license by the end of the day.
Recibirás una nueva licencia al finalizar el día.
- They're going over the contents of Wallace's stomach now. - It should be done by the end of the day.
Acabarán con el contenido del estómago de Wallace esta tarde.
I think it's safe to say, by the end of the day, everything will be tested.
Creo que, para el final del día, todo habrá sido probado.
I delivered a sample of the wine to the lab. We should know what the poison was by the end of the day.
He mandado una muestra del vino al laboratorio así que sabremos qué veneno fue.
Not one living soul will remain on the island by the end of the day on the 14th.
El día catorce, al anochecer, en la isla no quedará ni un alma viva.
I'd like to see this form, 750, on my desk by the end of the day.
Quisiera ver este formulario, el 750, en mi escritorio para el fin del día.
I have got to get that report by the end of the day, Art... or you're in the doghouse! I don't know.
Necesito ese informe al final del día, Art... o estás en la calle.
We'll continue. I'll make my decision known by the end of the day.
Continuaremos con el proceso y daré a conocer mi decisión al final de la sesión de hoy.
It may look like a freckle now, but by the end of the day I'll look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Quizás ahora, pero para el fin del día pareceré Rodolfo, el Reno de la Nariz Roja.
Write up a brief summary and have it to me by the end of the day.
Haz un corto resumen y enviamelo para última hora.
Carry a little pad and pencil with you, you wind up with 30 or 40 names by the end of the day.
¡ Llevad un cuaderno y un lápiz! ¡ Acabaréis con treinta o cuarenta nombres al cabo del día!
I'm going to have your job by the end of the day. And furthermore, I think you need help.
Será expulsada hoy mismo... y si quiere saber, creo que necesita ayuda.
I've got to sell seven more cars... by the end of the day.
Tengo que vender otros siete coches... por el final del día.
Do you want to bet you won't still be engaged by the end of the day?
¿ Quiere apostar si estará aún comprometido al final del día?
It's gonna be a tough decision, but I have your numbers and I'll be notifying everyone by the end of the day.
Será una decisión difícil, pero tengo sus teléfonos y les avisaré a todos al final del día.
I want you out of here by the end of the day.
Quiero que se vaya hoy mismo.
- Sure... So, let's finish the personel reports, complete the montly billing, and clean up the desk by the end of the day.
Entonces termina los informes, las faturas... y limpia el escritorio al final del día.
I'll just finish the personnel reports, complete the montly billing, and clean off my desk by the end of the day.
Si quisiese, sería puntual. Entonces vas a terminar los informes y las facturas y limpiar el escritorio al final del día.
I'll make the funeral arrangements, but I'm also gonna buy a new pair of shoes and I'm gonna have my hair done and by the end of the day I'm gonna be spectacular.
Prepararé el funeral, si, pero también me compraré unos zapatos, iré a la peluquería, y al final del día estaré espectacular.
If you could get that to us by the end of the day.
Sería ideal si lo devolvieses hoy mismo.
I took two that had works, and I gave one to Manny at the Woodbine, so that by the end of the day, you walk in and they give you a big dinner.
Cogí dos que funcionaban. Le di uno a Manny, del Woodbine, para que, a última hora, te den bien de cenar.
By the end of the day, it was one big class party.
Al final del día, fue una fiesta de primera clase.
On the other hand, this could be closed by the end of the day.
Por otro lado, podría estar cerrado al final del día.
- I could be done by the end of the day, or it might take a week.
Podría terminar esta tarde, o en una semana.
At the end of the day, everything is created by desire and all things end in peace.
Al final del día, todo es creado por deseo... y todas las cosas terminan en paz.
At the end of each day, the men are chained to each other by the ankle in groups of six, making movement slow and painful and escape impossible.
Al promediar el día, los hombres son encadenados unos a otros... en grupos de seis. Sus movimientos se vuelven lentos y dolorosos... y es imposible escapar.
By the end of spring 1944, the German day fighter had lost where the Spitfire and Hurricane had won.
Terminando la primavera de 1944, la aeronave alemana había perdido donde el Spitfire y el Hurricane habían ganado.
By the end of that four-day interrogation, I was getting down... by the end of it... into very serious questions,
Al final de ese interrogatorio de cuatro días,... estaba llegando, hacia el final, a preguntas muy serias,... como : "¿ Alguno de ustedes, mirándolo objetivamente,... ha observado cualquier disminución en la voluntad de lucha del enemigo?"
We of the Republic pledged ourselves to drive from the temple of our ancient faith those who had profaned it, to end by action, tireless and unafraid, the stagnation and despair of that day.
La República nos pidió que conduzcamos con el temple de nuestra antigua fe a aquellos que la profanaron que pusiéramos fin con acción, incansable y valerosa al estancamiento y la desesperación de ese día.
By the end of the third day, the disease will be irreversible.
Hacia el final del tercer día, la enfermedad será irreversible.
How do I feel by the end of the day?
the end of the day
By this day, there were already 1 1,000 pictures from Voyager 2 in our electronic library. Finally, the end product of this remarkable set of links and relays is a hard copy which comes out of this machine showing in this case, the wonders of Europa which were recorded for the first time in human history, today.
El producto final de este conjunto de eslabones y retransmisiones es una copia emitida por esta máquina, que muestra en este caso, las maravillas de Europa que hoy fueron registradas por 1a vez en la historia humana.
I want reports on all ongoing operations... on my desk by the end of the business day.
Quiero los informes de las operaciones en marcha antes de terminar la jornada.
By the end of the day he was dead.
- en el paraíso.
The day goes by, at the end of it you feel better?
Pero al final del día, ¿ se siente mejor?
He was out of it by the end of the first day.
Él estaba fuera de ella por el final de la primera día.
- She'll be fired by the end of day.
- Será despedida al fianl del día
And his memory came back gradually... until he could remember the previous day's events, and then the previous hour... and by the end of the two hours, he could remember everything.
Su memoria volvió de a poco, hasta que pudo recordar los dias anteriores Y después de dos horas recordaba todo.
End of the day, you're not judged by what you didn't do, but by what you did.
En definitiva, no te juzgan por lo que no hiciste sino por lo que hiciste.
So let's finish the personnel reports, complete the monthly billing, and clean up the desk by the end of day.
Entoces termina el informe, las facturas y limpia tu escritorio al final del día.
Give me your I.D. and clean out your office by the end of day.
Dame tu identificación y vacía tus cajones.

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