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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Can't wait to see you

Can't wait to see you Çeviri İspanyolca

716 parallel translation
- Well, I can't wait to see what you're going to do.
No puedo esperar a ver lo que vas a hacer.
- I can't wait to see you again.
No puedo esperar a verte otra vez
Oh, I just can't wait to see you again, Alvin.
No puedo esperar más.
I can't wait to see you.
Claro, claro.
Your Godfather who can't wait to see you Radilla.
Se despide tu padrino que ya se muere por verte Radilla.
I'm sorry I can't wait to see you off, but I have to get back to the office.
Siento no poder esperar a que salga tu avion, pero tengo que ir a la oficina.
I can't wait for you to see me in my new clothes.
No puedo esperar a que me veas con los vestidos nuevos. "
I can't wait on a street corner hoping to see you.
No puedo seguir esperando en una esquina para verte.
I can't wait to see you.... goodbye.
Me muero por verle. Adiós.
Boy, can't wait to see Joey's face when he sees you Lennie.
¡ Piensa en la cara de Joey cuando te vea!
I can't wait to see the things you did in Brittany.
Estoy impaciente por ver los cuadros que hiciste en Bretaña.
Shall I kiss you first, or can't you wait to see the car?
Puedo besarte primero o no puedes esperar a ver el coche?
My sister is in her room resting, but she can't wait to see you.
Mi hermana está en su cuarto descansando, pero te da sus saludos.
Can't wait to see what excuse you wrangled out of them this time.
Me gustaría saber qué has fingido como pretexto.
If this is where you work, I can't wait to see what you work at.
Si aquí es donde trabajas, estoy ansiosa por ver lo que haces.
- I can't wait to see you in one.
- No. Me encantaría verte con uno.
You see, now my other brother can't wait to reach enlistment age.
Ahora mi otro hermano no ve la hora de tener la edad para enrolarse.
Why is it you can't wait to leave when you're with me? - There are other sick people to see.
¿ Por qué cuanto está conmigo no ve la hora de irse.?
You just can't wait to see me in my grave.
Mueren de ansias por verme en la tumba.
When... when I'm up there, I can't wait to see you again!
Cuando... Cuando estoy arriba, porque muero por volver a verte.
Marquis, I'm so keen to see our two friends again... That I can't wait to go into the kitchen with you.
Marqués, estoy tan emocionada de volver a ver a nuestros dos amigos que no veo la hora de ir a la cocina.
I can't wait to see Wyatt Earp's face when he hears you're going against him.
No puedo esperar a ver la cara de Wyatt Earp cuando oiga que vas contra él.
Oh, great. I just can't wait for you to see my new dress.
Estoy deseando que veas mi nuevo vestido.
- I can't wait to see this town! - You will!
- Quisiera yo ver esa ciudad... - ¡ La verás!
I can't wait for you to see our newest Laeliinae.
Teng o muchos deseos de que veas nuestra nueva Laeliinae...
Dear Kitty. You know, I can't wait to see her again.
Querida Kitty, no puedo esperar a verla nuevamente.
She can't wait to see you!
Está impaciente por verte.
I loved your wire and I can't wait to see you, really.
Me desespera verte, de veras.
" I can't wait to see you.
Tengo unas ganas locas de volver a verte.
Bet you can't wait to see how it turns out.
¿ A qué estás impaciente por saber cómo acaba?
I can't wait to see what you write.
Me encantaría leer lo que escribes.
I can't wait to see you.
No puedo espera para verte.
I had to wait until today cos he has a scar on the back of his neck and when his hair is long you can't see it.
Tengo que esperar hasta hoy porque el tiene una cicatriz en la nuca. Y cuando tiene el pelo largo no se puede ver.
Can't wait to see what excuse you wrangled out of them this time.
Tengo curiosidad por saber qué excusa me traes.
I'll bet you can't wait to see the Xerox room.
Sé que estás deseando ver la fotocopiadora.
Whenever you can't wait to see that glow in the sky, then do it.
Si está ansioso por ver destellos en el cielo, entonces hágalo.
I can't wait to see you, darling.
Qué ganas tengo de verte, cariño.
Is this going to take long? You see, we're on our honeymoon, and she can't wait.
Quizá, pero es nuestra luna de miel, y ella está impaciente.
I can't wait for you to see the loft.
No puedo esperar a que veas el deván.
My darling, my beloved, we can't wait to see you! Please come soon.
Cariño mío, mi amor, mi vida, te esperamos con ansiedad.
I can't wait to see you run into your first iguana. [Gasps]
Estoy impaciente por verte cruzarte con una iguana.
Can't wait to see you...
Estoy deseando enseñártelo.
i just can't wait to see their faces, when they see you.
No puedo esperar a ver sus caras, Cuando te vean.
Can't wait to see how you're gonna make snow.
Me gustaría ver cómo haces nevar.
I can't wait to see how you sort this out.
Estoy impaciente por ver cómo aclaras esto.
Wait, you can't, I won't be able to see the side of the mirror Lets use my car
espera no sigas cargando no vas a poder ver por el retrovisor usa mi auto
She can't wait to see you.
Está deseando verte.
This is great, I can't wait to see you get us out of this one.
Que bien. Quiero ver como la vas a salir de esta.
I can't wait to see you both.
Estoy deseando verlos a ambos.
I couldn't wait to see MiIena We're closing, can you hurry up?
Estamos cerrando, puede apurarse?
You can't wait to see it either, can you?
¿ No quieres verlo tu también?

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