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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Come and look at this

Come and look at this Çeviri İspanyolca

376 parallel translation
Come and look at this
Venga a ver esto.
Just come and look at this bread!
- ¡ Peter! Ven a ver este pan.
Come and look at this.
¡ Mirad esto!
Come and look at this.
Ven y mira esto.
Hey, come and look at this.
- Sí, pero antes ven a ver esto.
- Elvira, come and look at this.
- Elvira, mira qué bonito.
Come and look at this and you'll understand.
Mire esto y lo entenderá.
Hey, hey, come and look at this real cheap.
Ven y mira esto. Realmente barato.
Soo-up! Come and look at this.
- ¡ Sal y míralo!
Doctor, come and look at this.
Doctor, venga a ver esto.
Come and look at this.
Ven a ver esto.
Bill, come and look at this.
Ven a ver esto.
Do come and look at this.
Ven a ver esto.
Sir. Would you come and look at this. Please?
Señor, ¿ Podria venir a ver esto, por favor?
Come and look at this!
¡ Ven a ver esto!
Come and look at this one.
Ven a ver éste.
Thank you. Prudence, dear. Come and look at this.
- Prudence, ven a ver esto.
Jo, come and look at this.
Jo, ven a ver esto.
Joo PD, come here and look at this.
Productor Joo. Ven aquí un momento.
- Come out here and look at this.
- Salga a ver esto.
Now, look at this, come here and do something useful by raising this table.
Ahora, mire esto, venga aquí y haga algo útil levantando esta mesa.
Come and look at the view from this window Mr Hammond.
Venga y mire el paisaje desde esta ventana, Sr. Hammond.
Come on out here everybody and look at this swell boat.
¡ Venid todos! Es un barco maravilloso.
They may have started this thing as a gag, but after taking one look... at those million-dollar debutantes tonight... I realized I can give them cards in spades and still come out on top.
Si bien todo empezó como una broma, luego de ver... a esas debutantes millonarias... supe que puedo ganarles y estar en la cima, aunque les dé ventaja.
Amy, come over here and take a look at this.
Amy, ven y echa un vistazo a esto.
Come on, let's go up and take a look at this big, important man.
Vamos a ver a ese tipo tan importante.
Come and look at this, Sir.
Bueno, pero...
- Come and take a look at this!
¡ Ven a ver!
Come on over here and look at this.
Ven y mira esto.
Come here and take a look at this.
Ven aquí y echa un vistazo a esto.
Hey, Pete, come over and take a look at this car.
Oye, Pete, ven a echarle un ojo a este coche, ¿ vale?
Look, I don't want to bother you at the moment, but I was wondering, would 3 : 00 this afternoon be a good time for me to come and see you?
Vea, I no quiero molestarlo en este momento, pero me preguntaba, ¿ a las 3 : 00 de la tarde sería una buena hora para que lo visitara hoy?
Bergner, come and take a look at this.
Bergner, ven y echa un vistazo a esto.
Doctor, come and look at this.
¿ Por qué?
Come here and have a look at this.
Ven aquí y echar un vistazo a esto.
I look at this fiery swastika and cannot but wonder how could it happen that in Germany, a country with great cultural traditions, a mass of semi-literate, self-complacent and narrow-minded people that made every effort to turn human beings into raging barbarians had come to power.
Mirando esta svástica de fuego,... no puedo desprenderme de la idea de que en Alemania,... país de gran cultura,... llagara al poder gente semi - analfabeta, presuntuosa y obtusa,... que haría todo para convertir al hombre en un bruto embelesado.
Come and have a look at this pre-war wire gauze
Venga a ver esto. Un colchón de antes de la guerra.
This morning, we found the sarcophagus on its side, and now she uses that ridiculous story to come in here and get a look at our mummy.
Esta mañana encontramos el sarcófago tirado de lado... y ahora ella inventa esa absurda historia... para entrar a ver a la momia.
- Vicki, come and take a look at this.
- Vicki, ven y echa un vistazo a esto.
Hey, come and take a look at this.
Oye, venga y eche un vistazo a esto.
Here, come and have a look at this.
Aquí, vamos a echar un vistazo a esto.
Here, come and have a look at this a minute.
Échenle un vistazo a esto.
Hey, come and a look at this.
Oye, ven y mira esto.
Come and have a look at this!
¡ Eh, vuelva! ¡ Espere un momento!
This lady and gentleman have come to look at the house.
Estos señores han venido a ver la casa.
Come out here and really look at it this time.
Ven aquí, y fíjate bien.
Jamie, come and have a look at this, it's interesting, look.
Jamie, ven a echar un vistazo a esto, es interesante, mira.
Frank! Come and have a look at this.
Frantisek, ven y échale un vistazo a esto.
And supposing at this time there should come to my court a beautiful young man on a white horse, with some claim to the English throne and a Catholic to boot, would I not look upon him with favor?
E imaginar ahora que habría en mi corte, un bello joven con un caballo blanco, con derecho al trono de Inglaterra y católico de procedencia, ¿ no lo va a ver con buenos ojos?
- Come and look at this!
- Venga a ver esto!
Look at him... eating hot beans with them damned greasers... and me, his fellow American... trying to get some juice out of this dried jackrabbit.
Míralo... Come frijoles calientes con estos malditos grasientos. Y yo, su compatriota, trato de conseguir un poco de jugo de esta liebre seca.

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