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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Cut his throat

Cut his throat Çeviri İspanyolca

480 parallel translation
I just told him if anything happened to Mrs. Sterling, I would cut his throat.
Yo sólo le dije a él que si algo le sucediese a la Sra. Sterling le cortaría la garganta.
The last man that told me that was Eddie Kane a week before he cut his throat.
Esta vez no te va a servir de nada. Puedes hablar.
Why, they'd cut his throat the minute we turned Campo loose. And dump him in our door yard and laugh at us for being suckers.
Lo matarán si liberamos a Campo y se reirán de las vueltas que hemos dado.
You'll cut his throat.
- Cuidado, lo vas a degollar.
Many a man's cut his throat on gilt-edged securities you know, luke.
Muchos hombres se han suicidado por culpa de valores así.
That's why he stood on his hind legs, as the prints showed... with his paws on his killer's shoulders, when they cut his throat.
Se apoyó en las patas traseras, como muestran las huellas, con las delanteras sobre los hombros de quien lo degolló.
I'll cut his throat if I have to go to the chair for it. Come on. Come on.
Venga, venga.
And he tried to cut his throat with a knife about this long!
Y el trató de cortar su garganta con un cuchillo asi de largo!
Archie Leach said that to me a week before he cut his throat.
Eso me dijo Archie Leach antes de suicidarse.
It'd be a real pleasure to cut his throat.
Me gustaría cortarle el cuello.
Well, take this, and go cut his throat.
- Sí. Toma esto y córtale el cuello.
He cut his throat with his razor.
Se corto su garganta con una navaja.
Why don't you cut his throat, like you said you would?
Córtale la garganta, como dijiste.
"Well, what shall I do with it?" I said. "Scuttle it," he said, "and cut his throat from ear to ear."
"¿ Qué hago con él?", dije, "lo que quieras", me contestó.
For one day, in an excess of jealous rage, he strangled her, and then sat down in front of the mirror your mirror and cut his throat.
Porque un día, en una crisis de celos... la estranguló, se sentó frente al espejo... Su espejo... Y se cortó el cuello.
And if you'd have a little sense and let me cut his throat, you'd save his rations.
Sí. Y si tuvieras un poco de sentido común y permitieras que les cortase el cuello, te ahorrarías sus raciones.
You think you won't hear his cry when he'll cut his throat?
¿ Crees que no oirás sus gritos cuando lo degüellen?
Barber, what'll you take to cut his throat?
¿ Cuánto cobraría por rebanarle el cuello?
Nobody jumped up and asked me, but I figured when a guy gets married young, he can just as soon go out and cut his throat.
Nadie me lo preguntó, pero me imagino que cuando un tipo se casa joven deberían cuanto menos cortarle el cuello.
Why don't you cut his throat?
¿ Por qué no le cortáis el cuello?
Someone cut his throat before he got here.
Alguien le degolló antes de llegar aquí.
Think he's going to cut his throat?
Creo que se va a cortar la garganta.
III cut his throat!
¡ Le cortaré el cuello!
Mrs. O'Brien, 5 months ago, Mr. Wictz wanted to cut his throat!
- Sra. O Brian, hace cinco meses, el Sr. Wictz quiso rebanarse el cuello.
We'll climb down off his roof and cut his throat for a Christmas present.
Bajaremos del tejado y le cortaremos el cuello como regalo de Navidad.
Why warm a man to cut his throat?
¿ Por qué revivir a un hombre para cortarle el cuello?
His throat's cut.
- Sí. Lo han degollado.
His throat cut.
His throat was cut.
Le habían cortado el cuello.
His throat was cut the same way.
- También le mataron así.
What stopped me from to cut his throat?
Todavía no sé lo que me impidió rebanarle el cuello.
In a blind rage, he took the necktie he had in his hands... dropped it around her throat, and tightened it with unimaginable cruelty! Until it was so embedded in her soft flesh... that it had to be cut off.
Ciego de ira, cogió la corbata que tenía en las manos, le rodeó el cuello con ella y apretó con crueldad inimaginable hasta que estuvo tan incrustada en la carne de su esposa que hubo que cortarla.
Mr. Garmes, he's run amuck. Tried to murder Fleurot, then cut his own throat.
El Sr. Garmes trató de matar a Fleurot y después se degolló.
My lord, his throat is cut ; that I did for him.
- Mi señor, le cortamos el cuello. Yo lo hice.
If I believed for a minute that a man's best friend's his dog, I'd cut my throat without further delay.
Si creyera que el mejor amigo de un hombre es su perro, me cortaría la garganta sin más demora.
I want his throat cut from ear to ear.
Quiero que le corten el cuello de oreja a oreja.
Let him go ahead and cut his own throat.
Que se corte la garganta.
- Not me, sir. Why, if it hadn't been for Long John, he'd have had his throat cut.
De no ser por Long John, le habrían cortado el cuello.
After you've interfered a dozen times or so... with a man's rather enthusiastic determination to cut his own throat... there comes a moment when you're inclined to stand back... and view the whole matter with a certain detachment.
Tras interferir unas cuantas veces en la ardiente determinación de un hombre suicida, llega un momento en que uno se inclina a recapacitar y verlo con cierta objetividad.
His throat was cut.
Le cortaron el cuello.
The last time we tried, our man got his throat cut.
La última vez degollaron a nuestro hombre.
Could have had his throat cut for molesting her if she'd wanted to.
Podría tener un corte en su garganta por molestarla si ella hubiese querido.
Finish the night in some gutter with his throat cut.
Acabará la noche mal.
Now get her up and bring her around and explain to her that one phoney and she's got a kid with his throat cut.
Ahora tráela y explícale que si hay un movimiento en falso le corto el cuello al chico.
I cut a German boy's throat to get his coat.
Degollé a un muchacho alemán para quitarle el abrigo.
His throat was cut with a brandy glass.
Le cortaste la garganta con una copa de brandy.
The one got his throat cut.
El tipo al que le corté el pescuezo.
- He's gonna get his throat cut!
- ¡ Van a cortarle el cuello!
When he is caught someone will shove a knife in his throat cut out his tongue and put it on top of his head.
Cuando le alcance, le hundiré un cuchillo en el cuello, cortaré su lengua y la pondré sobre su cabeza.
And old Chauncey cut that deer's throat and dipped his fingers in the warm blood and made a mark on my forehead.
Y el viejo Chauncey le cortó la garganta se mojó los dedos en la sangre tibia y me hizo una marca en la frente.
Evil men cut his tongue out of his throat.
Unos malvados cortaron su lengua.

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