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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Cut off his head

Cut off his head Çeviri İspanyolca

392 parallel translation
They cut off his head, but Gogol put it back on.
Le cortaron la cabeza... pero Gogol se la volvió a colocar.
If I discover the rascal who's stealing all my animals I'll cut off his head.
Como me entere de quien es... el sinvergüenza que me roba los animales le corto la cabeza.
You have to cut off his head and go.
Hay que cortarle la cabeza y ya está.
Pierre says the people will cut off his head.
Pierre dice que la gente le cortará la cabeza.
Take him to the guillotine. Cut off his head in the morning.
Córtenle la cabeza en la guillotina en la mañana.
Cut off his head!
¡ Córtale la cabeza!
Well, commence the fight! Cut off his head!
Bueno, comenzará la lucha! ¿ Por qué no le mató?
Cut off his head!
Le cortó la cabeza!
Cut off his head anyway...
De todas formas... córtenle la cabeza...
I finally cut off his head!
¡ Al final corté su cabeza!
Finally, they cut off his head, but he kept fighting without his head.
Al final, le cortaron la cabeza, pero siguió luchando sin cabeza.
With a big knife they cut off his head.
Con un gran cuchillo ellos le cortaron la cabeza.
And somebody hit me on the back of the neck. And dragged my friend into the bushes and cut off his head.
Alguien me golpeó en la nuca, arrastraron a mi amigo a los arbustos y le cortaron la cabeza.
Do you remember the date that King Charles I had his head cut off?
¿ Recuerdas el día en que al rey Carlos I le cortaron la cabeza?
Because if it was so long ago how could the trouble have got out of his head when it was cut off and into mine?
Porque si fue hace tanto tiempo ¿ cómo pudo salir la confusión de su cabeza cuando se la cortaron... -... y llegar hasta la mía?
Cut his head off.
Córtenle la cabeza.
Everyone is running around like a head with his chicken cut off.
Aquí nos tratan a todos como a pollos desplumados.
And also some sort of cousin of yours, which didn't prevent him or his father from helping to cut off my father's head.
Y de alguna forma, también tuyo. Lo que no les impidió a él ni a su padre cortarle la cabeza al mío.
Cut off his right arm, and then his left. Then his left leg, then his right. - And then his head.
Cortadle los dos brazos, las dos piernas... y la cabeza.
That's Stephen Decatur. He came within an inch of getting his head cut off.
A Stephen Decatur casi le cortan la cabeza, a no ser por un marino que dio su cabeza por la de él.
Strangled him, then half cut his head off.
Lo estrangulo y lo decapito.
But since justice had to be done, they cut off half his head.
Y el juez responde : "Sí, pero como ha de hacerse justicia, le cortaremos la mitad de la cabeza."
Cut his head off, and he... he still won't let go.
Le cortas la cabeza y tampoco lo soltará.
¿ De qué se preocupan?
If they catch Mr. crimp, will they cut his head off? Of course not, darling!
¿ Si cogen al Sr. Crimp le cortarán la cabeza?
Of course she isn't. She might cut his head off.
Claro que no, podría cortarle la cabeza.
At the end, the one that collected the most gets his head cut off.
Al final, a quien tenga más vales se le corta el cuello.
Jed had his head cut off at Fredericksburg.
A Jed le cortaron la cabeza en Fredericksburg.
But if he answered wrong, she'd cut his head off.
Pero si no respondían bien, les cortaba la cabeza.
He wouldn't stay put with his head cut off.
No habría ocurrido esto si le hubiésemos cortado la cabeza.
I don't want to cut his head off or anyone else's head, for that matter.
No quiero cortarle la cabeza ni a él ni a nadie, por ese tema.
I want to get to the Doctor before they cut his head off.
Quiero ir al doctor antes de que se le cortó la cabeza.
Just cover his head so the water will cut off the air.
no pasará el aire.
- Then he'll have his head cut off.
- Pero, entonces le cortarán la cabeza.
Cut his head off outside
Why I cut his head off and put it back on?
¿ Por qué he cortado su cabeza y la puse otra vez?
So you cut his head off.
Entonces, ustede le cortó la cabeza.
His head's been cut off.
Fue decapitado, señor.
Some guy named Priscillian. They cut his head off way back.
Un tipo llamado Prisciliano... al que decapitaron hace ya mucho tiempo.
- ln the name of God did we cut the head off this king only to steal his crown?
- En el nombre de Dios. ¿ Decapitamos al Rey para robarle su corona?
He said that one evening he forgot to put on his wooden wig... and that Paul cut his head off with his axe.
Dice que una tarde olvidó ponerse su peluca de madera... y que Paul le cortó la cabeza con su hacha.
Then before you know it the executioner's raised his sword, the neck stiff, a nice clean cut and off with his head.
Antes de que te des cuenta el verdugo levanta su espada, - - El cuello tieso, Un corte limpio y la cabeza vuela.
For if His Majesty should get wind of thy intent, he will cut off your legs, your arms and your head.
Porque si Su Majestad llegase a olerse vuestras felonías, os cortará las piernas, los brazos y la cabeza.
It's got to the point that the officer-cadet Joaquim José, Tiradentes is on his way to Rio, to cut off the Viceroy's head!
La cosa está de tal modo avanzada que... el alférez Joaquim José, llamado Tiradentes, partió hoy hacia Río para también cortarle la cabeza del Virrey.
After death, his head will be cut off and exposed in a public place, impaled on the highest post.
Y que después de muerto, le sea cortada la cabeza... y llevada al lugar más público... para ser clavada en el poste más alto.
The tram cut his head off.
El tranvía le ha cortado la cabeza.
His head cut off?
¿ Le han cortado la cabeza?
He had his head cut off.
Cuando me desperté, estaba descabezado.
Just imagine, as Don Pedro, the king... was about to rise to express his hypocritical regrets... that his "dear guest" had not appeared... cries of horror were heard from the servants outside... and before one knew what had happened... something raced along the table, sprang onto the chair... and set a cut-off head at the unoccupied place.
- Imagínese, señora, cuando el rey se disponía a expresar falsamente su pesar porque su invitado no había llegado, se escuchó el griterío de los sirvientes en la escalera, y antes de que nadie percibiera lo sucedido, algo pasó por la mesa, saltó encima de la silla y puso una cabeza cortada en el sitio vacío.
Cut his head off, Like this,
Córtele la cabeza. Así.
Get the sword out. I want to cut his head off!
Saca la espada. ¡ / Quiero cortarle la cabeza!

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