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Darian Çeviri İspanyolca

144 parallel translation
Darian has a sister called Eva who married the confectioner.
Darian tiene una hermana, que se llama Eva, y está casada con el pastelero.
I'll get fifteen years.
Me darian unos 15 años.
Your punch would put anyone to shame!
¡ Tus puños darian lastima a qualquiera!
Then the master of ceremonies would come out... and explain that after the finale, they'd have the midnight ramble.
Luego, el presentador aparecia justo antes del final y explicaba que, cuando se fueran los crios, darian el paseo de medianoche.
The magic fighters would risk their own life
Los luchadores magicos darian su vida
What kind of welcome would I get...
¿ Que clase de recibimiento me darian?
Darian drew a holiday picture.
Darian hizo un dibujo de vacaciones.
Darian's watching TV.
Ver la televisión de Darian.
DARIAN : What's wrong with his face?
Darian : ¿ Qué hay de malo en la cara?
This is my daughter, Darian.
Esta es mi hija, Darian.
DARIAN : I hitched.
Darian : me enganchó.
He has Darian.
Ha Darian.
Why will his goons give the diamonds to me?
Por que esos matones me darian a mi los diamantes?
What's the matter? No Sambuca this time?
¿ Por qué no lleva licor esta vez, Darian?
All he ever thinks about is Darian Smalls.
Sale con Sharon pero sigue haciéndoselo con Darian.
Every time Sharon sees Birdy thinking about Darian, it's another pound when she looks in the mirror.
Cada vez que Sharon le mira a la cara y ve que piensa en Darian, lo traduce en unos kilos de más al mirarse al espejo.
The best years of your life were high school, when you were the king of the hill and Darian was your girlfriend.
¿ Qué le voy a hacer yo? Si pasaste los días más felices de tu vida en el instituto? Cuando eras el rey de la montaña, el gran ligón, y Darian tu novia.
Se va a largar ahora mismo. Hola, Darian.
Good night, Darian.
Buenas noches, Darian.
Darian, come on.
Venga, Darian.
- Come on, Darian.
- Venga, Darian.
Darian Smalls alone.
Darian Smalls sola.
- Won't Darian be disappointed?
Darian se sentirá decepcionada.
You know, I told them size didn't matter, but, uh... They wouldn't give them to me.
Usted sabe, les dije que el tamaño no importa, pero, uh ellos no me lo darian a mi.
And since you're not likely to give me the authorization that, as they say, gentlemen, is that.
Uds. no me darian tal autorizacion. Por eso, caballeros, es todo.
I'd feel like cutting my throat
me darian ganar de matarme
Legion of Darian.
Legión de Darian.
He fits the description of a greek who deserted from the legion of Darian.
Responde a la descripción de un griego que desertó de la legión de Darian.
So if I didn't sell at least 200 canned hams a week, I didn't see a dime!
Asi que si no vendia al menos 200 latas de jamón a la semana no me darian ni un centavo.
And they'd give us some free games, wouldn't they, since you worked there?
Y ellos nos darian algunos juegos gratuitos,
There was this girl on the show, Darian.
Había una chica en el programa, Darian.
It's just like Darian and Falcon.
Es igual que Darian y Falcon.
But Darian didn't know that when she found out about the gambling.
Pero Darian no sabía cuando se enteró que era jugador.
Darian, it looks like I may be carrying Falcon's child.
Darian, parece que llevo en mi vientre al hijo de Falcon.
It's your daughter, Darian, Deirdre.
Es nuestra hija, Darian.
Don't worry about Darian.
No te preocupes por Darian.
Darian, your lover... is also your sister!
Darian, tu amante ¡ es también tu hermana!
Your daughter, Darian, Falcon's lover and sister... is also carrying my baby.
Tu hija, Darian, la amante de Falcon y su hermana también lleva mi hijo en su vientre.
We hoped the devices would give us a great new physical advantage... -... in the fight against the Goa'uld.
Esperábamos que los dispositivos nos darian una nueva y gran ventaja física..... en la lucha contra los Goa'uld.
They probably just underbid you.
Le darian un mejor presupuesto.
What would you give to come back and fight this one day?
Que darian por regresar y pelear este dia?
But years from now, when you're old and have children of your own, what would you give to come back and fight this one day?
Pero, en unos años, cuando esten viejos Y tengan hijos, Que darian por regresar y pelear este dia?
That Darian guy called me "Major".
Ese Darian me llamó Mayor.
- It's Darian.
Es Darian.
So it's just Darian and me.
Sólo somos Darian y yo.
- Darian. - Darian.
Darian :
Oh, Darian?
¿ Darian?
Hi, Darian.
Hola, Darian.
Say, didn't you used to be Darian Smalls?
¿ No eres Darian Smalls?
daria 124

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