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Deceived Çeviri İspanyolca

1,731 parallel translation
Indications are that The Collective thinks we're still deceived.
Aparentemente La Colectiva cree que seguimos engañados.
And I'm so sorry I deceived you.
Y siento mucho que te haya engañado.
You deceived me!
¡ Me han mentido!
The entity has deceived us on several occasions.
El ente nos ha engañado en varias ocasiones.
If we allow Tanith to believe he has deceived us, we will be able to use that against the Goa'uld.
Pero si permitimos que Tanith crea que nos ha engañado podemos usar eso en contra de los goa'uld.
You deceived and then murdered the Jaffa Shan'auc.
Engañaste y luego asesinaste a la Jaffa Shan'auc.
Perhaps they deceived us.
Tal vez nos engañaron.
He has deceived you, O'Neill, as I have deceived you all these years, claiming to be in the service of the Tauri.
Te ha engañado, O'Neill. Como yo los he engañado estos años afirmando que estaba al servicio de los Tauri.
Don't be deceived. You're making progress.
No lo ahogues Colby, vas progresando.
- We have been deceived.
- Nos han engañado.
You deceived me.
Me engañaste.
♪ When you've been deceived.
En las que te han engañado
Now that Sapna has disappeared from their sight... should their eyes fall on us... they're bound to be deceived
Ahora que Sapna ha desaparecido de su vista... cayesen sobre nosotros sus ojos... que están obligados a ser engañado
I admit, I took this step without consulting you guys I have even deceived my friend Nayansukh
Admito, I tomó esta medida sin consultar a ustedes l incluso haber engañado a mi amigo Nayansukh
He has deceived you.
Él te ha engañado.
I cannot love you because I have deceived you.
No puedo amarte porque te he engañado. A todos vosotros.
" Do not be deceived.
" No se engañen.
And when we do this, people are deceived into thinking if they live a good life they will receive God's approval and attain Heaven.
Señores, señores, por favor escuchen Satanás no se opone a la buena moral
And when we do this, people are deceived into thinking if they live a good life they will receive God's approval and attain Heaven.
Jesús nos manda que no robemos ¿ Sabes quién es Jesús?
You deceived me!
¡ Me engañaste!
We have deceived no one instead of coming here, we could've escaped
No hemos engañado a nadie En lugar de venir aquí, podríamos haber escapado
By breaking the sacred vows, you have deceived not only me... you have betrayed God too!
Al romper los votos sagrados, no solo me engañaste a mi... también traicionaste a Dios!
You knew I didn't like it and you deliberately deceived me.
Sabías que no me gustaba y me engañaste adrede.
You deceived us.
Nos engañó.
"If Priya deceived me, she did it for your sake"
"Si Priya me engañó, lo hizo por tu bien"
Someone very close to me has deceived me... someone I'd trust as much as I trust you
Alguien muy cercano a mí me ha engañado... alguien en quien confiaba tanto como confío en ti
" Raj, I have deceived you.
" Raj, te he engañado.
Only Priya deceived me
Sólo me ha engañado Priya
"ln fact, they resemble each other so much, even we are deceived at times"
De hecho, se asemejan tanto que en ocasiones nos engañan
But read it thoroughly, don't be deceived by...
Pero lo leyó completamente, no se engañe por...
He deceived me to hand in homework and I got it without difficulty.
Si me hechara una mano con los deberes yo aprobaría sin dificultad.
- I haven't deceived you.
- No lo he engañado.
Worthy lovers of these young coquettes, invincible drinkers, you are all deceived, yet you do not love enough to feel jealousy.
Dignos amantes de estas jóvenes coquetas, bebedores invencibles, a todos os engañan, pero no amáis lo suficiente como para sentir celos.
Accuse the ingrate who deceived you!
¡ Acusad al ingrato que os engañó!
She deceived me!
¡ Ella me engaño!
I'm trying to believe that when you deceived me seven years ago it was a one-time thing.
Trato de creer que cuando me engañaste, hace siete años fue la única vez.
And another 20 years analyzing how she could have deceived me for so long.
Y otros 20 años analizando como pudo engañarme tan bien durante tanto tiempo
You told me not to be deceived, but you've let yourself be deceived.
no quieres que me engañe pero tu te engañas.
I'm sorry I deceived you.
Lamento haberte engañado.
He'll think I purposefully deceived him.
Va a pensar que es a propósito.
Foolish humans. They're so easily deceived.
Humanos ineptos, se los engaña tan fácilmente.
If a person's deceived me, I find it hard to give him a second chance.
Si una persona me decepciona una vez, encuentro difícil darle una segunda oportunidad.
We have been deceived!
¡ Hemos sigo engañados!
I have deceived no one.
No he engañado a nadie.
I wouldn't have to spy on you if you hadn't deceived me again and again and again.
No habría tenido que espiarte si dejaras de mentirme una y otra vez.
He has deceived you with beautiful lies.
Lo ha engañado con edulcoradas mentiras.
To name him as the man inside at the fbi who may have deceived us both.
Que lo nombre como el agente del fbi que nos engañó a ambos.
to conduct experiments on unwitting victims to further a secret agenda for someone within government operating at levels without restraint or responsibility, without morals or conscience, men who pretend to honor as they deceive, the price of this betrayal - the lives and reputations of those deceived.
Practicar experimentos con víctimas incautas, como parte de un plan, al servicio de alguien en altos niveles del gobierno que opera a su antojo sin morales ni conciencia, hombres que fingen honrar, pero engañan. El precio de esta traición son las vidas y reputaciones de los que caen en sus redes.
No one's ever deceived me before.
Nunca nadie me había decepcionado.
El me engañó por completo

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