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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Denning

Denning Çeviri İspanyolca

259 parallel translation
Listen. Pay no attention to possible account of Denning incident.
" No preocupación por incidente.
When I'm on location doing a desert scene, see, this guy Denning picks out the worst camel in the pack and says,'You ride that one.'
Rodábamos en el desierto, Deming me dio el peor camello y dijo : "¡ Coge ese!"
You don't know this guy Denning.
No conoces a este tipo, Denning.
Pat Denning.
Pat Denning.
It seems there's a certain guy by the name of Denning.
Parece que hay cierto tipo que se llama Denning.
I couldn't do that, but my initials are Pat Denning.
Eso no puedo hacerlo, pero mis iniciales son Pat Denning.
Happen to know a guy named Pat Denning?
¿ Conoce a un tipo llamado Pat Denning?
This guy Denning's a pretty wise mug, but he ain't wise enough.
Este tipo, Denning, es bastante listo, pero no lo suficiente.
If he don't lay off Dorothy Brock, it'll be just too bad... for Denning. Get me?
Si no se aleja de Dorothy Brock, será una lástima... para Denning. ¿ Me sigues?
- We've located Mr. Denning for you.
Hemos localizado al señor Denning.
- Mr. Denning. Is he here?
- El señor Denning. ¿ Está aquí?
- Mr. Denning.
- Al señor Denning.
So it's "Pat" to him, but it's "Mr. Denning" to me.
O sea que con él es "Pat", pero conmigo es "el señor Denning".
- Is your name Denning? - Yeah.
¿ Se llama usted Denning?
My name is Denning.
- Sí. Me apellido Denning.
Just, uh, what is it you want, Mr., uh, Denning?
¿ Qué quiere exactamente, Sr. Denning?
When my husband says he isn't interested, Mr. Denning, he isn't interested.
Si mi esposo dice que no le interesa, Sr. Denning, es que no le interesa.
Don't play around with me, Denning.
No juegues conmigo, Denning.
I'm, uh - I'm just a farmer, Denning.
Soy un granjero, Denning.
Denning -
If that ever happens again, Denning -
Si vuelve a suceder, Denning...
All right, Denning, you go first.
Bien, Denning, tú irás primero.
Denning, you just hold on.
Denning, sujétate bien.
You, uh - You a music lover, Denning?
¿ Te gusta la música, Denning?
Drop the gun, Denning.
Tira el arma, Denning.
Besides, I want to be around when Denning dies.
Además, quiero estar presente cuando Denning muera.
All right, Denning.
Muy bien, Denning.
All right, Denning, let's - let's have some more.
Bien, Denning, dame más billetes.
By the way, Denning, where'd you get this stuff, huh?
Por cierto, Denning, ¿ de dónde lo sacaste?
Something's happened to Denning.
Algo le ocurrió a Denning.
It's Denning, He's - He's all torn up.
Es Denning, está destrozado.
Come in, Denning.
Pase, Denning.
Suppose an article appeared on the front page of The Advertiser, written by you Mr. Denning.
Supongan un artículo en primera página del Advertiser,... escrito por usted, Sr. Denning.
Shut up, Denning.
Cállate, Denning.
Thank you, Denning.
Gracias, Denning.
- Mr Denning?
- ¿ Sr. Denning?
Killed old C.B. Denning last year at Silver City for calling you at cheating at monte.
El año pasado mataste a C.B. Denning en Silver City porque te acusó de hacer trampas.
That's Denning.
Ése es Denning.
Denning, bring him back!
Denning, tráelo de regreso.
I thought we'd put Mr Wooster in the gate room, Denning.
Pensaba poner al Sr. Wooster en la habitación de la entrada, Denning.
Herb Denning.
- Tienen buenas intenciones, pero... - Uno de esos tipos era Herb Denning.
- Moira Denning, your health visitor.
Moira Denning, su asistente sanitaria.
Get me General Denning.
Póngame con el general Denning.
Jeff, General Denning I think you'd better come inside right away.
Será mejor que entren ahora mismo.
I demand to see General Denning. If I don't get satisfaction I'm taking my business to the Russians.
Exijo ver al general Denning, si no, iré a hacer negocios con los rusos.
In his statement, he said that Denning and Johns weren't in the station at the time of the murder.
En su declaración, dijo que Denning y Johns no estaban en la comisaría en el momento del asesinato.
- Mrs Denning?
- ¿ Sra. Denning? - ¿ Qué?
Go get General Denning.
Llame al general Denning.
What was in the package, Mrs Denning?
¿ Qué había en el paquete, señora Denning?

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