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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Diabetic

Diabetic Çeviri İspanyolca

843 parallel translation
If you're speaking about that diabetic idiot in Budapest,
Si hablas de ese idiota diabético de Budapest, soy primo lejano suyo.
- Diabetic?
- ¿ De origen diabético?
But I'm diabetic.
Pero soy diabético.
What's wrong with a diabetic sugar refiner?
¿ Qué tiene de malo un empresario del azúcar diabético?
He beat the charge, proved he was diabetic.
Acusación anulada. Probó que era diabético.
This guys'a diabetic.
Ese tipo es diabético.
If you're a diabetic you've got to have your shot of insulin regularly. That's right.
El que es diabético ha de tomar su dosis de insulina con regularidad.
- He's diabetic, poor thing
- ¿ Qué le pasa? - El pobrecito tiene diabetes.
She went as far as Piazza Vittoriana for a diabetic.
Solo por un diabético se ha ido hasta la Plaza Vittoriana,
I'll wind up a diabetic.
Acabaré diabética.
This is insulin. He was diabetic.
Esto es insulina, Era diabético,
An old diabetic pal I used to do business with.
Un viejo amigo diabético con quien hice negocios.
Because, Mr. Vincent, he's a diabetic.
Porque es diabético.
He was a diabetic.
Él era diabético.
Presumably, Dr. Ives died of a heart attack, and Schaefer in a diabetic coma.
Tal vez, el Dr. Ives murió por un ataque y Schaefer por un coma diabético.
I didn't know you were a diabetic.
No sabía que eras diabético.
And she's also diabetic, Mr. Magistrate.
Además es diabética.
- He might be a diabetic.
- Quizá sea diabético.
No diabetic, Patricia.
No es diabético, Patricia.
Patricia thought he was a diabetic.
Patricia pensó que tal vez fuera diabético.
Could he be an epileptic or a diabetic?
¿ Es epiléptico o diabético?
[Sputters] In two years, Lefkowitz, you'll be a hopeless diabetic.
En dos años serás, Lefkowitz, un diabético sin remisión.
Well, what I was wondering was, can a diabetic eat garlic?
- ¿ Puede comer ajo un diabético?
I mean, you told me that he was a diabetic.
Usted me dijo que era diabético.
What it boils down to, if someone didn't get lucky... and smell garlic on the shirtsleeves of a diabetic, we never would have known you two were here.
En resumidas cuentas, si alguien no hubiera tenido la suerte de oler el ajo en las mangas de la camisa de un diabético nunca habríamos sabido que estuvieron aquí.
Henshaw was a diabetic, so it kind of stuck out.
Henshaw era diabético, así que llama la atención.
- Type O and diabetic?
¿ Del grupo 0 y eres diabético?
Henshaw was diabetic.
Henshaw era diabético.
I was shocked silly but said nothing... hoping that maybe she was diabetic... and hadn't told me.
Quedé tontamente paralizada pero no dije nada confiando en que quizas fuera diabética pero ella no me lo dijo
He's a diabetic, you know.
Es diabético, sabe.
- The manager, he's diabetic.
- El director es diabético.
Marja Eriksson was a diabetic, and required insulin injections.
Marja Eriksson era diabética y necesitaba aplicarse insulina.
He was a diabetic, sir.
Él era diabético, señor.
This man is a diabetic, you see.
Este hombre es diabético.
What are you, a diabetic?
¿ Eres diabético?
I think this boar was a diabetic.
Creo que este jabalí era diabético.
So, are you diabetic?
Bueno. - ¿ Es diabética?
Are you a diabetic?
- Por favor. - ¿ Diabética?
There was just a poor diabetic man inside.
Allí sólo había un pobre hombre, diabético.
Our friend is a diabetic.
Nuestro amigo es diabético.
Well, now, if you guys say he's a diabetic, OK.
Bueno, si vosotros decís que es diabético, de acuerdo.
He's diabetic.
Es diabético.
Diabetic, too!
Con su diabetes...
I'm a diabetic.
Soy diabetico.
- He's a diabetic, his brother sends him insuline every month from Paris.
¿ Alguna medicina? Es diabético. Su hermano le envía insulina desde Francia cada mes.
- No. no, thank you, I'm diabetic.
No, no, gracias. Soy diabético.
- We know everything now, you don't have to pretend anymore...... we know you're not a diabetic, that you're a drug addict but we have no drugs..
No tiene que fingir más. Lo sabemos todo. Sabemos que no es diabético, sino drogadicto, pero no tenemos droga para ofrecerle.
My Uncle Morris, a famous diabetic from Brooklyn... used to say, "If you hate yourself... then you hate your work."
Mi tío Morris, un diabético famoso de Brooklyn decía, "Si te odias a ti, odias tu trabajo".
Was Carrie diabetic?
Comprendo. ¿ Carrie era diabética?
I'm a diabetic.
Soy diabético.

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