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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Did i tell you that

Did i tell you that Çeviri İspanyolca

1,837 parallel translation
So, did I tell you that my ex-husband wants to buy our son a dirt bike?
¿ Te conté que mi ex-marido quiere comprarle a nuestro hijo una moto para motocross?
Did I tell you that I had to cancel my trip with jacob this weekend just to chaperone the girls'pool party?
Yo cancele mi viaje con Jacob de este fin de semana para vigilar la fiesta en la piscina
Did I tell you that I danced for Balanchine?
¿ Te dije que bailé para Balanchine?
Hey, did I tell you that I hate my job?
¿ Te conté que odio mi trabajo?
Did I tell you that?
¿ Te lo dije?
Did I tell you that we've got Larry Oppenheimer's daughter here?
¿ Te dije que tenemos a la hija de Larry Oppenheimer aquí?
Did I ever tell you that I almost dropped out of high school?
¿ No te he dicho nunca que casi dejo el instituto?
Did i ever tell you that my ex-Boyfriend is a musician?
¿ Alguna vez te he dicho que mi ex novio era músico?
Does he know that you know? I mean, did you tell him...
¿ Sabe que lo sabes?
You have to tell him that I didn't do anything with those other guys. - I never did.
Debes decirle que no hice nada con esos otros tipos.
Did you tell Blakeney that I killed Georgie? No.
¿ Le dijiste a Blakeney que maté a Georgie?
Well, I gotta tell you, I have never done one thing that I did not have to do.
Tengo que decirte, que nunca he hecho algo que no tenía que hacer.
I know you told us that you didn't have the combination, and it must be terribly embarrassing now to admit that you did, but we all tell little white lies from time to time.
Sé que nos dijiste que no tenías la combinación, y debe ser muy embarazoso ahora admitir que sí la tenías, pero todos decimos mentiritas blancas de vez en cuando.
Did she tell you that I bailed her out at 3 : 00 AM?
¿ Te contó que pagué su fianza a las 3 : 00 AM?
Maybe I'll tell camille you did that.
Tal vez le diga a Camille que hiciste eso.
I haven't had the chance to tell you that what you did, uh, took... you know, a lot of guts.
No he tenido la oportunidad de decirte que lo que hiciste, requirió ya sabes, de muchas agallas.
Why did you tell Allison that i'm still in love with her?
¿ Porqué le dijiste a Allison que yo sigo enamorado de ella?
Did you tell him that I was sick?
¿ Le dijiste que estaba enfermo?
Against you. She said, "tell her to leave us alone, Or i'll do the same thing to her that i did to you."
Ella dijo, "dile que nos deje en paz, o le haré lo mismo que te hice a ti".
After all, I did tell you to bite me that time.
Después de todo, le dije que se fuera el diablo.
So what did you want to tell me that was so important I had to rush over?
¿ Entonces que querías decirme que era tan importante que tuve que venir corriendo?
How about we make out for ten minutes, and then I'll tell you all about the stuff that my mom did at my 6th birthday party.
Que piensas de... Amassos durante diez minutos y, despues te cuento todo Lo que mi madre hizo en mi fiesta de seis años.
Did I ever tell you that when I sat my finals all those years ago, I went blank, just froze.
te dije alguna vez que paso cuando estaba en mis finales hace años, me quede en blanco, me congele.
- I don't have that. - OK, listen. They did not tell me that you were going to be handicapped.
- no es lo mismo - bueno, no me dijeron que tenías algo así
Did I ever tell you that I won Miss Junior Hot Pants At Butlins Pwllheli when I was 12?
Alguna vez te dije que gané un concurso de niñas en Hot Pants en Butlins Pwllhelicuando tenía 12?
Did I not tell you that story?
¿ No te conté esa anécdota?
Did Mulsae tell you that I was Min Taeseok?
¿ Muisae te dijo que yo era Min Taeseok?
I did tell them that, Jen, and you know what?
Se lo dije, ¿ y sabes qué pasó?
Did he tell you that I was off the island?
¿ Él te dijo que salí de la isla?
I've been waiting and waiting for you, and I did this stupid, embarrassing, humiliating, corny thing, and I was gonna tell you that this here is our kitchen and this is our living room,
¡ Llevo horas esperándote! ¡ Hice esta tontería tan embarazosa, humillante y cursi y pensaba decirte que esto de aquí es nuestra cocina, y que esto es nuestra sala, y que allá podrían jugar nuestros hijos!
Did I tell you I'm having my housewarming party - and that you're invited?
¿ Te dije que tendré una fiesta para inaugurar la casa y que estás invitado?
Listen did I tell yoυ how truly happy I am that you're doing this movie?
¿ Te he dicho lo feliz que me hace que participes en esta película?
I'm sorry, Bob did not tell me that you were so damn...
Disculpa, Bob no me dijo que eras tan endemoniadamente...
Goddamn it, what did I tell you about doing that in front of me!
Maldición, ¡ Qué te dije acerca de hacer eso frente a mí!
You said that if I did, you would tell me the truth about my son.
Dijo que si lo hacía me diría la verdad sobre mi hijo.
No, I did not know that, you know to tell you something...
¿ Sabes que mi padre está enfermo, verdad? Hubiera dichoalgo... no, está bien. no, no sabía.
Did you tell Amanda that I promised you?
¿ Le dijiste a Amanda que yo te prometí algo?
Did I tell you about that?
¿ No te lo conté?
Tell to me, madame, when you entered the apartment of Nanny Seagram... against the advice that I gave to you most expressly, but let us overlook that for now... how did you gain the entry?
Dígame, madame : ¿ Cuando entró en el piso de la Srta. Seagram, contrariando el consejo que le di expresamente, aunque dejemos eso a un lado por ahora, ¿ cómo consiguió entrar?
Did Marcus happen to tell you that Jed and I are in couple counseling?
¿ Marcus te contó que Jed y yo estamos en terapia de pareja?
That's what I'm talking about. What did I tell you?
Así se hace. ¿ Qué te dije?
Well, did you tell her that I was still alive?
¿ Le dijiste que seguía viva?
Did I tell you boys that you look particularly handsome today?
¿ Les dije chicos que hoy están realmente guapos?
Did agent walker tell you that I was trying to find you?
¿ Te dijo la Agente Walker que intenté localizarte?
No, I did not tell derek the bar back, but you know what, that's probably a good idea.Don't tell derek the bar back, because he's my sponsee.
No, no le dije a Derek, pero sabes qué, probablemente sea una buena idea. No le digan a Derek, porque es mi ahijado.
Did I ever tell you that,'cause I'm not sure -
¿ Te lo había dicho? Porque no estoy seguro ¡ Regresa, Tucker Cleigh!
I did tell you that, Dad.
Te lo dije, papá.
Danny, did I tell you about the new client that we got?
Danny, ¿ Te conté de la nueva cliente?
Did I ever tell you that?
- Yo nunca te dijo eso?
Look, I just wanted to tell you that what you did today...
Simplemente... quería decirte que lo que hiciste hoy... quiero decir...
- Did I ever tell you that?
- ¿ Alguna vez te dije eso?

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