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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't do it for me

Don't do it for me Çeviri İspanyolca

500 parallel translation
Thanks for everything you do for me. Even if I don't understand why you do it.
Gracias por todo lo que haces por mí aunque yo no sé por qué haces lo que haces
Don't do it, please, please give me the gun for my sake.
Por favor, no lo hagas. Dame el revólver.
All my waking hours are going to be spent trying to think of something I can do for you. So if you can't take a lot of it, don't encourage me.
Siempre estaré pensando en algo que pueda hacer por tí así que si no me vas a aguantar mucho, no me animes.
I don't know What it's going to do To your feelings for me.
No sé qué vaya a causar esto en tus sentimientos hacia mí.
If you don't want to tell me, Bartley Mulholland there can do it for you.
Si no quieres decirme, Bartley Mulholland puede hacerlo.
Julie, it isn't as f I asked you to do it for me, it's for... well, I don't want to be waving the flag, but... you know what I mean.
Julie, no es que te lo esté pidiendo por mí,... es por... Bueno, no quiero que parezca que ondeo la bandera, pero ya sabes lo que quiero decir.
I know everything you do for me even if I don't say it.
Sé todo lo que haces por mí aunque no lo diga.
Better start praying those cops don't get any closer, because if they do, we're heading for the East River, and it'll be curtains for the three of us, get me?
Ruegue por que esos policías no se acerquen más, porque si no... vamos hacia el East River y eso será el fin para los tres.
Whatever you do, don't think you have to do it for me.
Hagas lo que hagas, no pienses que lo tienes que hacer por mí.
But, Danny, I don't want you to do it for me.
Pero, Danny, no quiero que lo hagas por mí.
Surely you don't mind me staying for a little while, do you? Until it all blows over.
Sólo por unos días, mientras pasa todo.
Don't scuttle me. I wouldn't do it for anybody but you.
- No lo haría por nadie, excepto tú.
I do think it does something for me, don't you?
Creo que me queda muy bien, ¿ no crees?
If it weren't for you, you don't think I'd care how or when I caught up with your uncle, do you?
Si no fuera por ti, no me preocuparía cómo cogerlo.
Max, you have to do this for me and I don't want any arguments about it.
Max, tienes que hacer esto por mí y no quiero que me lo discutas.
Don't guess it'd do me any good for me to say anything, Bender, a couple other men tried that and got nowhere.
No diré nada, Bender. Un par de hombres trataron de hacerlo... y no llegaron a ningún lado.
It don't do nothing for me.
A mí no me hace nada.
I don't know what to do. I told you once it would be all right When the time came for you to leave.
Te dije que el día que me abandones, lo comprenderé.
It's for you only that I do all this,.. even if you don't look at me, even if you don't see anything!
Es sólo por ti que he hecho todo esto, aunque no me mirases, aunque no me vieses nunca!
I know that I have nothing to hope for, lying just brings misfortune... Any anyway I don't like to do it, even for your own good.
Sé que no tengo nada que esperar, que mentir trae desgracias... además no me gusta, aunque sea por tu bien.
I don't do things like that, it's not for me to judge.
No me gustan esas cosas. No soy yo quien debe juzgarla.
Do it for me, Mommy. Don't go out.
Hazlo por mí, no salgas hoy.
We will cut down and scrimp and save, and do all the boring things you say, but I don't think we can thank you for it.
Economizaremos y haremos todo lo que dices que debemos hacer. Pero no me parece debamos agradecerte por esto.
I don't know what to do about it. I can't say, "Look at me, I'm the one. I'm what you're looking for."
No sé que hacer, no sé cómo decirle, "mírame, soy la única., la que estas buscando."
Maybe that's strategy, Colonel, and maybe I don't understand it but you don't need me for what you're gonna do tonight.
Puede ser parte de la estrategia, coronel, y puede que no lo entienda pero no me necesita esta noche.
Why don't you let me do it for you?
¿ Por qué no me dejas que lo haga yo?
Thanks for asking, and I don't mind if I do, because it'll be my last.
Gracias por invitarme. Me encantaría, será la última vez que lo haga.
And if Lance don't wanna shoot himself, I'll be glad to do it for him.
Y si Lance no le dispara, me alegrará hacerlo por él.
If you don't do it for him, do it for me.
Si no lo haces por él, hazlo por mí.
Don't make me do it for you.
No me obligue a que lo haga yo.
I don't mean for the money or anything, but just to know I was able to do it.
El dinero no me importa en absoluto. Sólo deseo saber si soy capaz de hacerlo o no.
Why don't you let me do it for you?
¿ Por qué no me deja hacerlo por usted?
Today's the release date for "Don't Leave Me Now." Do you have it?
Hoy debia salir el disco "No Me Dejes". ¿ Lo tienes?
I'll do it, J.J. Don't get me wrong. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Lo haré, J. J. No me malinterpretes.
It don't do it for the money, but because I have pity in you.
Si no lo hago por necesidad, sólo me apiado de ti.
I told you, I don't care how long it takes for you to find the right thing to do.
Te dije que no me importa cuánto tardes en conseguir trabajo.
If you can't take care of your own trunk, don't look for me to do it.
Si no tienes cuidado con tus cosas, no esperes que lo haga yo.
Alright, maybe I do love you. But I'm going to marry her. Now please, don't make it any more difficult for us both.
Quizá te ame a ti, pero me casaré con ella, no lo pongas más difícil.
You understand, don't you? You don't hate me for it, do you?
¿ Me entiendes?
And you don't trust me to do it for you?
¿ Y no confías en que yo lo haga?
Don't reach for it, honey. Do you hear?
No trates de alcanzarlo, cariño. ¿ Me oyes?
And another time, don't wait for me, just do what I say when I say it.
Y para otra vez, no me esperes a mí. Sólo haz lo que te digo.
But, billy, for me, don't do it in front of your mother.
- ¿ Por qué? - Bueno, porque...
Something will happen if you don't do what he wants, and you must prepare me for it.
Algo pasará si no haces lo que él dice, y debes prepararme para ello.
I don't like to talk against a woman's good name... but for the sake of the kids, though, I gotta do it.
No me gusta hablar en contra del buen nombre de una mujer... pero por el bien de los niños, sin embargo, tengo que hacerlo.
You don't do it for me, you do it for yourself.
No lo haces por mí, lo haces por ti.
Don't do it for me.
No lo hagas por mí, vale.
If you don't want me to do it, then let me go back for one of the men.
Si no quieres que lo haga yo, iré a buscar a uno de los hombres,
- It didn't do a thing for me but don't you love the purse and shoes that went with it?
- No me quedaba bien pero ¿ no os encantan el bolso y los zapatos a juego?
Si no lo logro, 99, quiero que hagas algo por mí.
I tell you what... if you don't feel up to it... you leave it to me, I'll do it for ya.
Escucha una cosa. Si tú no te ves con ánimos, déjame a mí, que yo me encargaré de ella.

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