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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't say a thing

Don't say a thing Çeviri İspanyolca

391 parallel translation
Above all, don't say a thing to Francois, not one word.
Sobre todo, no digas nada a François, ni una palabra.
I don't have left hope, but I would like to say a single thing in my favor... a ni.ito could take me
No me queda esperanza, pero me gustaría decir una sola cosa en mi favor... un niñito podría llevarme
" Say, you might be a star on Broadway, but you don't mean a thing to me!
¡ Podrás ser una estrella en Broadway, pero no significas nada para mí!
I don't understand a thing you say.
No entiendo nada.
Please don't say such a thing,
No digas eso.
Don't say such a thing!
¡ No digas esas cosas!
That's the sweetest thing one woman could say to another. And you do mean it, don't you?
Es lo más bonito que una mujer puede decir a otra.
I don't want to say such a thing, but if not, you go too much into raptures.
No quiero decir algo semejante, pero de no ser así, entrabas demasiado en éxtasis.
Don't say a thing.
No hable.
Don't say such a thing.
No digas eso.
Don't say a thing!
La necesidad.
I don't know what History will say... or if you'll be a good or bad Emperor... but I do know one thing
No sé qué dirá de ti la Historia, no sé si serás buen o mal Emperador. Sólo sé una cosa.
- Don't say a thing.
- No digas una palabra.
- Don't say such a thing!
Don't you dare say a thing like that.
No digas una cosa así.
Say, why don't you two young people go and dance while Charlie and I talk this thing over?
¿ Por qué no van ustedes que son jóvenes a bailar mientras Charlie y yo discutimos de esto?
Well, you don't say. I never tasted a thing.
Pues no noté nada.
Don't say such a thing.
No digas tal cosa.
You don't believe a thing I say, do you?
No crees una palabra de lo que digo, ¿ verdad?
Since this is my first visit, I don't see how you can say such a thing.
Es mi primera visita, no se como puedes decir algo así.
I don " t want to fight again. You say one thing and mean another.
No quiero volver a discutir con Ud. Dice esto y quiere decir lo otro.
He wasn't at all certain. Mrs. Shackleford, I don't see how you dare say such a thing.
Pero cuando se fue a la mañana siguiente,... no estaba tan convencido.
- Don't say a thing like that.
- No diga eso.
You don't usually hear a man say a thing like that... especially about his wife, so I wrote it down.
No se suele oír a un hombre decir una cosa así... especialmente sobre su esposa, así que lo anoté.
This thing that happened tonight - I don't want you to say one word about what happened to anyone, not even your father.
Esto que ha pasado esta noche no quiero que digas una palabra de lo que pasó a nadie, ni siquiera a tu padre.
No, no, Frank. Don't say a thing like that. That would be horrible.
No, no digas eso, eso sería horrible.
We don't have to say a thing if we don't want to.
Tenemos derecho a callar.
Don't say such a thing.
No digas disparates.
Say, Doc, I don't recall anyone using that thing before.
Nunca he visto a nadie usar eso.
Oh, ruth, don't say such a thing.
Ruth, no digas eso.
I'll say one thing for poor people, they don't disinherit their children.
Diré algo a favor de los pobres : no desheredan a sus hijos.
You know just the right thing to say to a girl at the right time, don't you?
Sabes siempre qué decirle a una chica y en el momento oportuno, verdad?
Don't say such a thing.
No digas algo así.
You say you don't know a thing.
Dices no saber nada.
Don't say such a thing!
¡ No hagas tal cosa!
Even when I'm a little... on the cautious side? Don't you ever say a thing like that again.
¿ Incluso cuando soy... demasiado cauto?
Don't you ever let me hear you say a thing like that again!
¡ Que no vuelva a oírte jamás decir algo así!
How can she say a thing like that when I saw her with my own eyes? If I hadn't been there, I don't know what she'd have done.
¿ Cómo puede decir que no cuando lo vi con mis propios ojos?
I'll say one thing, she don't take sass from them bonehead bulls.
Te diré una cosa, no les replica a los toros tontos.
Listen, don't say a thing and let's hide him.
Escucha, no digas nada y vamos a esconderlo.
Don't say such a thing!
¡ No digas eso!
I won't say a word about the other thing, don't worry.
De lo demás no diré ni una palabra, no te preocupes.
That's a very piquant thing to say, don't you think?
Es un comentario inquietante, ¿ no crees?
Midori, please don't say such a thing.
Midori, por favor no digas eso.
You say you understand, but you don't understand a thing!
Dijisteis que lo habíais comprendido, y sin embargo no habéis entendido nada.
[Gasps] Lily, don't say such a thing, dear.
Lily, no digas eso, amor.
You see... those outcasts who work those barges stick together and don't listen to a thing we say.
Escucha esos parias están muy unidos entre ellos. Siempre van a su aire.
I already explained that to you. You don't remember a thing I say.
De los pies planos ya te hablé, se te olvida todo lo que digo.
One thing more, I would like that we don't say anything about this for a few days.
Algo más, querría que lo mantuviera en secreto... durante unos días.
Don't say such a stupid thing!
¡ No digas tonterías!
Don't waste your breath, I won't say a thing
Tus insultos son vanos, mis labios son mudos

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