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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't say that to me

Don't say that to me Çeviri İspanyolca

885 parallel translation
Don't say that to me.
Ni digas eso de mi.
cause you don't have to know me when we get there. - what do you say to that son?
Y cuando nos encontremos harás cómo que no me conoces.
- Well, he don't see me and I don't say anything... but when he keeps comin'back, I get suspicious... and I'm just about to tell my friend that something funny's going on... when, sure enough, back he comes again... and, this time, he says he's a bishop.
Él no me vio y yo no dije nada... pero como no hacía más que regresar, empecé a sospechar... y estaba a punto de decirle a mi amigo que me olía algo raro... cuando, cómo no, él volvió a entrar... y esta vez, dijo que era un obispo.
Oliver, I... I don't like to say this, but... The paper is going to rack and ruin with me hidden away in that water cooler.
Perdone que le diga, pero si me relega, no sé qué será de este periódico.
I know he pulled that horse, although I don't like to say anything against a gentleman jockey.
Sé que no dejó que ganara. Aunque no me gusta hablar mal de un jinete aficionado.
Don't say that to me, Tom.
No me digas eso, Tom.
You can't tell me that you don't look forward to the day... when you can come in here, stand on your two feet... and say, "From now on, it's share and share alike."
No puedes decirme que no esperas con ansias el día en que puedas entrar aquí, plantarte y decir : "Desde ahora, compartiremos todo en partes iguales".
Don't you ever say that to me again, do you hear?
No vuelvas a decirme eso, ¿ me oíste?
excuse me, your excellency, I cannot think as quickly as you can and I don't know whether Dunja wants to go it's possible that she'll say that she'll prefer to stay with me her life with me is not bad
Perdone, Excelencia, yo no pienso a la velocidad que Ud. habla, y ni siquiera sé si Dunia quiere... Es posible que quizás diga... que quiere quedarse conmigo. No está nada mal, aquí.
- I'm giving you a chance to blow. If you stick, I'll shoot the first one that don't do as I say.
- Si os quedáis dispararé contra el que me desobedezca.
Well, I can only say that if you think you can get her away from the Salvation Army... by talking to her as you've been talking to me, then you don't know Barbara.
Sólo le diré que si creer poder alejarla del Ejército de Salvación... hablándole como me acaba de hablar, es que no conoce a Barbara.
- Don't talk that way. What do you want me to say...
- No Io sé.
Well that doesn't matter its Peter, they say they'll do something to him if I don't tell them.
No importa. ¿ Y Peter? Me dijeron que le harían daño si yo no hablaba.
Jeff.. don't ever say anything like that to me.
Jeff, no vuelvas a decirme algo así.
I don't think I deserve people to say anything like that about me
No creo merecer que la gente diga eso de mí.
Don't guess it'd do me any good for me to say anything, Bender, a couple other men tried that and got nowhere.
No diré nada, Bender. Un par de hombres trataron de hacerlo... y no llegaron a ningún lado.
Don't you always say to me that I should tell the truth?
¿ No me dices siempre que diga la verdad?
Why don't you say that I'm worthless? A heartless ruffian. AII those things you use to say to me?
¿ Di que soy el último de Ios miserables, un bandido sin corazón, todas Ias cosas, en fin, que acostumbras decirme?
I just dropped in to say hello to you. - I don't want that old job back.
No quiero que me devuelvan mi viejo empleo.
- Don't say that to me. Don't ever... - Look, baby...
¡ No vuelvas a decir eso!
There wasn't any reason for you to say that unless you liked me. You do, don't you?
No tenía mucho por que venir por mi, ¿ verdad?
You're forcing me to say things that I don't want to say but if you're going to act cold and virtuous about it you'll hear them.
5.000 dólares no son nada para él. Será mejor que te marches de aquí antes de que pierda el control.
Oh, please don't say that. You are the only woman in London I really like to have to listen to me.
No diga eso, es la única mujer de Londres a la que disfruto teniendo que escuchar.
I don't know what to say, except you didn't have to tell me that.
No sé qué decir. Pero no tenías que decirme eso.
No, no tenemos que hablar de él, pero me alegra, que antes del final supiera lo que es ser un hombre.
Don't say that, he told me to ask you
Me dijo que te preguntara.
Don't say that to me. I'll kill you with my own hands Rather than let you
No vuelvas a decir eso... si no quieres que te mate yo mismo, antes de que conviertas a mi hermano en un criminal.
You want to say that you don't want to see me again?
¿ Quiere decir que no quieres verme otra vez?
Don't say that to me.
No me digas eso.
Don't say that to me, "Toro".
Ay, "Torito". Te hinchas de la charola.
I don't like the long worse skirt, there is that to use it, if not what people will say.
No me gusta la falda larga, peor hay que usarla, si no qué dirá la gente.
You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that.
No sabes lo feliz que me hace oírte decir eso.
I don't let anybody say that to me.
No tolero que nadie me diga eso.
Don't you ever say that to me again, do you hear?
No me digas eso otra vez, ¿ oyes?
I've lived a good many years without knowing how to read or write and without wishing to praise myself I think I may say I've done my duty in that state of life in which it has pleased a merciful providence to place me and if I could learn now I don't know as I would want to
Llevo muchos años sin saber leer ni escribir, y, modestia aparte, siempre he cumplido con mi deber tal como Dios me ha hecho.
Don't say things like that to me.
No me diga cosas así.
If I may say so, monsieur, you have brought something to it... that I don't think you saw in the original.
Si me permite decirlo, monsieur, ha hecho algo... que no creo que haya visto en el original.
I don't like people to say "get in" or "get out" in that tone of voice.
No me gusta la gente que dice "entra" o "vete" en ese tono de voz.
I don't like to hear you say that
No me gusta que digas eso.
What do you want me to do? Say that I read when I don't read?
¿ Quiere que diga que sé leer?
When you say things that hurt me, I... try to hurt you back, don't you see?
Cuando dices cosas que me hieren, yo hago lo mismo contigo...
Don't say that to me, Edie, don't say that to me now.
No me digas eso, Edie, no me digas eso ahora.
I'm happy to see you don't hold a grudge for that sad and tragic... - How do you say in French...? - Oh, I didn't introduce you.
Me alegra ver que no me guarda ningún rencor por ese triste y trágico ¿ cómo se dice en francés?
Don't say that, I'm so pleased to meet you.
Estoy indignada. No me diga. ¿ Por qué?
Don't ever say that to me.
No vuelvas a decirme eso.
I like you to say things like that, even if you don't mean them.
Me gusta que digas esas cosas, aunque no vayan en serio.
You ask me, and I say you don't even feel sorry about what happened to that poor little boy.
¡ No creo que sientas pena por lo que le pasó a ese niño!
Don't you say that to me.
No me digas eso.
I always believed that. But when Gino came to say goodbye, he said, "Mama, don't trust Kubik."
Siempre lo creí, pero cuando Gino vino a despedirse, me dijo : "mamá, no confíes en Kubik".
Don't you ever say that to me again in front of anyone.
No vuelvas a decirme eso delante de nadie.
I could say I was going on business, that I'd be back in a few weeks but I don't have to pretend with you.
Podría decir que me voy por negocios, que volveré en unas semanas pero no tengo que fingir contigo.

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