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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Donnelly

Donnelly Çeviri İspanyolca

749 parallel translation
Well, Mr. Donnelly's been promising we'd get together for some time.
Vaya, el Sr. Donnelly me había prometido que íbamos a conocernos.
When Dick Donnelly tells you you'll meet someone, you meet him.
Cuando Dick Donnelly dice que vas a conocer a alguien, lo conoces.
Well, try Mr. Donnelly.
Bueno, intente con el Sr. Donnelly.
Mr. Donnelly, Miss Saunders is here. Shall I send her in?
Sr. Donnelly, la Srta. Saunders está aquí. ¿ La hago pasar?
Steve, I want you to meet Dick Donnelly.
Steve, quiero presentarte a Dick Donnelly.
Mr. Donnelly.
Sr. Donnelly.
Uh, Mr. Donnelly or Mr. Bennett.
El Sr. Donnelly o el Sr. Bennett.
Oh! Or Mr. Donnelly.
O al Sr. Donnelly.
And how do you do, Mr. Donnelly?
¿ Qué tal está, Sr. Donnelly?
Well, Miss Graham, this is Mrs. Donnelly, my wife.
Srta. Graham, le presento a la Sra. Donnelly, mi esposa.
You're putting her up to it, Donnelly!
¡ Tú hiciste que lo dijera, Donnelly!
Mr. Bishop, meet Mr. Donnelly.
Sr. Bishop, le presento al Sr. Donnelly.
Mr. Donnelly, Mr. Bishop.
El Sr. Donnelly, el Sr. Bishop.
Mr. Bishop, Mr. Donnelly...
El Sr. Bishop, el Sr. Donnelly...
Oh, Mr. Donnelly, Mr. Bishop.
- El Sr. Donnelly, el Sr. Bishop.
Oh, Mrs. Donnelly, Dick never knew Linda.
Sra. Donnelly, Dick no conocía a Linda.
Where Father Donnelly, Notre Dame 1917, all-American fullback for two years, now simply Chaplain Donnelly, is working the second shift.
El padre Donnelly, que fue a Notre Dame y jugó de defensa en la liga durante dos años, es simplemente el capellán Donnelly y está oficiando el segundo turno.
- Father Donnelly.
- Padre Donnelly.
Father Donnelly.
Padre Donnelly.
Donnelly, clear that barricade further back.
Donnelly, recorre la barricada hacia atrás.
Donnelly, sing it.
Donnelly, cántala.
Fred, you better call Inspector Donnelly.
Llama al Inspector Donnelly.
It could be a break like Inspector Donnelly said.
Podría ser una pista, como dijo Donnelly...
Men like Donnelly have had years and...
Donnelly sabe lo que hace.
Inspector Donnelly called off the alarm on the sedan and we won't interfere with the payment tomorrow.
El Inspector anuló la búsqueda del coche. No interferiremos mañana con el pago.
I know it's too late. Inspector Donnelly knows it too.
Y el Inspector Donnelly lo sabe.
Oh, so that does it, huh? Well, who does Donnelly think he is to give up for Willy Calhoun?
¿ Quién se cree Donnelly para rendirse por mí?
Look, as soon as you can call my office upstairs. Get Inspector Donnelly.
Llame a mi oficina, al Inspector Donnelly.
- Sal Donley, but you won't remember.
Lea Donnelly, pero no te acordarás.
- [Donnelly] Go on playing. - Will you excuse me a moment?
- ¿ Me disculpas un momento?
- OK, Donnelly, so you`re a big man.
- Donnelly, eres todo un hombre.
Donnelly, did he?
¿ Y usted, Donnelly?
Well, Donnelly?
¿ Y bien?
- No one. - You knew that Carleen Donnelly got married, didn't you?
Sabía que Arlene Donnelly se casó, ¿ no?
- You remember her brother, Beckett Donnelly?
¿ Recuerdas a su hermano, Beckett Donnelly? - No.
Mrs. Donnelly, please.
¿ Y cómo se encuentra mi atractiva joven viuda favorita?
Get hold of John Donnelly at NSA. And have him send over the security file on Edgar Scoville. Make that a rush.
Llama a John Donelly de la agencia de seguridad y dile que me expida el expediente de Edgar Scoville inmediatamente.
This is Jim Donnelly, WNEW News.
Soy Jim Donally del noticiero NNW.
Mrs. Donnelly?
¿ Sra. Donnelly?
As it's Mrs. Donnelly's day off, we might eat out together somewhere.
Como es el día libre de la Sra. Donnelly, podríamos ir a comer a algún lado.
It's all right, Mrs. Donnelly.
Está bien, Sra. Donnelly.
Thank you, Mrs. Donnelly.
Gracias, Sra. Donnelly.
- Hello, Mrs. Donnelly.
- Hola, Sra. Donnelly.
Him and Donnelly were partners for over 12 years.
Hace 12 años que Donnelly y él eran compañeros. Tom Donnelly.
Tom Donnelly. They never made a finer cop.
Nunca he conocido a un policía mejor.
$ 10,000, Theo. They found it on Donnelly.
Se los han encontrado a Donnelly.
Feels that since Donnelly was one of your men that... maybe you're not the person to head up the investigation.
quizá no seas la persona indicada para llevar la investigación.
Now, you look, Chief, we've known Tom Donnelly from the beginning.
Mire, jefe, conocemos a Tom Donnelly desde que entró en el cuerpo.
Well, I mean, whatever else, Donnelly is a slain cop.
- Después de todo, es un policía asesinado. - Cómo, ¿ un funeral de inspector?
I'm biased, Commissioner. Tom Donnelly was a friend of mine.
Tom Donnelly era amigo mío.

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