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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Dorinda

Dorinda Çeviri İspanyolca

133 parallel translation
I got a date, and she's gonna get mad if I'm late.
Tengo cita con Dorinda.
O.K. Tell Dorinda for me she's lucky you got back at all.
Dígale que por poco no vuelve.
Well, that Dorinda is certainly crazy about me. She's an hour late already.
Veo que Dorinda está loca por mí.
And, ask miss Dorinda Durston of the ferrying command if she'll stop in and see me.
Y diga a la Srta. Thurston si puede venir a verme.
Hello, Dorinda.
Hola Dorinda.
What trick was that? Showing Dorinda those pictures.
Enseñarle las fotos a ella.
Dorinda, you're as pretty as a pair of yellow shoes.
Radiante como el sol.
Gosh. Have a drink.
Toma algo, Dorinda.
I reckon maybe you're missing Dorinda little bit?
Puede que eches de menos a Dorinda...
Slow poison love's what you and Dorinda got..
A ti y a Dorinda os dió el veneno lento.
Dorinda, don't be a pig-headed fool.
No serás tozuda como una mula.
You know, Dorinda, the madder you get, the prettier you are.
Cuanto más te enfadas, más guapa te pones.
Aw, now, don't talk nonsense, Dorinda.
No digas tonterías.
Well, Dorinda - don't tell me, Al.
Dorinda... No digas nada.
I dunno why these things have to happen, Dorinda, but just seems like maybe there was something pushing him on and on and on.
No sé por qué tienen que suceder esas cosas... Es como si algo le empujase...,
How is Dorinda?
¿ Cómo es Dorinda?
She was, but good-looking girl like Dorinda doesn't have any trouble making new friends.
Lo estaba. Pero si es guapa, le costará poco hacer amigos.
Hello, Dorinda. Al!
- Hola, Dorinda.
I did that on purpose, Dorinda.
Lo dije a proposito.
You're gonna have to get over this, Dorinda.
Tienes que curarte del pasado.
That's not the gal I know, honey.
Esta no es mi Dorinda.
Dorinda! Hey, girl, it's me, Pete.
¡ Oye, chica, soy yo, Pete!
Dorinda, you gotta listen to me, I...
And you look good enough to eat, Dorinda.
Estás muy bien.
You know, Dorinda, some people seem prettier when you dream about them than they really are.
Al soñar, recuerdas a la gente más bella que en la realidad.
You know a funny thing, Dorinda? I haven't forgotten one little thing that ever happened between us.
No he olvidado ni un detalle de lo que hicimos juntos.
I'm Dorinda Durston, ferry service.
- Sí. Dorinda Thurston.
I'm glad to know you, Dorinda Durston.
Del transporte femenino. Encantado.
- No, I'm afraid not. - Come on, Dorinda.
- Me temo no poder.
Dorinda and I are gonna be married.
Me caso con Dorinda.
Dorinda, I got something to tell you.
Dorinda, tengo algo que decirte.
We don't count, Dorinda. We're just nothing.
O que cualquiera de nosotros.
I wish you could hear what I'm saying to you, Dorinda.
Si pudieses oír lo que te digo...
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda.
Te juro que te lo traeré sano y salvo.
I love you. I love you, Dorinda, with all my heart, and I want you to be happy.
Que te quiero, con toda mi alma, y quiero que seas feliz.
I'm in love with a guy named Pete Sandidge. - Stop it, Dorinda.
Quiero a un tal Pete Sandidge.
But he's dead, Dorinda.
Yo soy así. ¡ Esta muerto, Dorinda!
Dorinda, I'm just on my way to headquarters. I had to stop and tell you something, something I think you oughta know.
Me marcho, pero tengo que decirte.
Dorinda, cut it out.
Para de una vez, Dorinda.
What are you all steamed up about, Dorinda?
¿ Qué te preocupa, Dorinda?
That Dorinda girl.
La pobre Dorinda.
- Dorinda Durston.
- Dorinda Thurston.
I can take a lot, you know, and I have. Now, look, Dorinda.
You know, you shouldn't stay away so long, Dorinda.
Pero no debiste tardar tanto.
Easy, Dorinda.
Tranquila, Dorinda.
Dorinda, I'm gonna marry you.
A casarme contigo.
I've been learning a lot, Dorinda.
He aprendido mucho.
Good-bye, Dorinda.
Adios, Dorinda.
Dorinda, what is it?
¿ Qué te pasa, Dorinda?
What is it, Dorinda. What is it?
Dime qué te pasa.
No so good, Dorinda.
No muchas.

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