Epsom Çeviri İspanyolca
123 parallel translation
Can't you see us picking up loose change at Epsom?
¿ Nos ve recogiendo calderilla en Epsom?
- Your mother's Epsom, unmistakably.
- Su madre es de Epsom, sin lugar a dudas.
I was brought up in Large Lady Park, near Epsom.
Me crié en Large Lady Park, cerca de Epsom.
All the way to Epsom.
- Sí, hasta el mismo Exham.
Epsom 2-1 to Lucky.
Epsom 2-1 a Lucky.
CONTROLLER : Hello, Epsom Leader, 25-plus bandits approaching Pedestal from the north.
Guía Epsom, 25 enemigos yendo hacia Pedestal desde el norte.
Hello, Epsom Leader. Vector 2-9-0.
Guía Epsom, Vector 2-9-0.
Hello, Pedestal, this is Epsom Leader.
Pedestal, aquí Guía Epsom.
Bring me a pail of hot water and that bag of Epsom salts.
Tráeme agua caliente y esa bolsa de sales Epsom.
We're out of Epsom salts but the Lady in the Zimmer 36 is bringing some.
No tenemos sales Epsom pero la dama de la Zimmer 36 va a traer un poco.
- I brought the Epsom salts.
- Traje las sales Epsom.
Somebody ought to poison her Epsom salts.
Alguien debería envenenar sus antiinflamatorios.
Epsom Downs was my second home.
Epsom Downs fue mi segundo hogar.
( Steed ) That's Epsom, isn't it?
- Eso es Epsom, ¿ no?
I shall hold him over Epsom until I get landing clearance.
Yo se lo lleve a Epsom hasta que obtenga un permiso de aterrizaje.
Climb to 10,000 feet and hold in Epsom control zone to await landing clearance.
pies a 10.000 Suba y mantener en La zona de control de Epsom a la espera de autorización de aterrizaje.
For a jaunt down to Epsom?
Por un paseito a Epson.
I made a fortune on the Epsom Derby.
Gané un montón en el Derby.
And now we leave Lords and go over to Epsom for the 3 o'clock.
Ahora vamos a Epsom para ver la de las tres.
Well here at Epsom we take up the running with 50 yards of this mile and a half race to go and it's the wash basin in the lead from WC Pedestal.
En Epsom todavía falta media carrera... y el lavabo gana al váter.
That's Miss Epsom Salts of 1912 talking.
Habló Miss América 1912.
So let's go straight over to epsom and brian mcnulty.
Es la hora de las carreras. Vayamos a Epson, con Brian McNutty.
Well, over here at epsom, there are chances aplenty For those who want to make a good start in... Dentistry.
En Epson hay muchas oportunidades para los que quieran dedicarse a... a hacer de dentista.
And the people of epsom are a very nice class of person.
Hasta puede tener jardín. Y los habitantes de Epson son muy amables.
Well, here in high street, epsom There are ample opportunities for all kinds of redevelopment.
En High Street, en Epson, hay muchas oportunidades de desarrollo.
We ought to help out that cow, Give her Epsom salts and get this thing moving,
Ayudemos a la vaca. Dale sulfato de magnesia para que esto comience.
Money goes through you like Epsom salts.
Digieres el dinero como un puergante.
These are the only crystals I could find, apart from a packet of Epsom salts.
Estos son los únicos cristales que pude encontrar, a parte de un paquete de sales de baño.
Soak it in Epsom salt.
Remójala con sales.
- Soak it in Epsom salts.
- Remójala en sales.
First time his wife got pregnant, coach probably had her soak it in Epsom salts keep the swelling down.
Coach bañó a su mujer en sales cuando se embarazó, para desinflamarla.
Well, actually, Jessica, apart from this morning, I haven't seen Willard since, uh, the Derby at Epsom in April.
Bueno, en realidad, Jessica, aparte de esta mañana, no había visto a Willard desde el derbi de Epson, en abril.
- The Derby race at Epsom?
En el derbi de Epson.
Not to mention all the money I'd save on Epsom salts and Ace bandages.
Imagínate lo que me ahorraría en vendas elásticas.
So your sister's husband works in Epsom?
¿ Así que tu cuñado trabaja en Epsom?
Epsom, yes.
Sí, Epsom.
Epsom's in Surrey... near London.
Epsom está en Surrey... cerca de Londres.
You gotta put that foot in some epsom salts, get that swelling'outta there.
Mete el pie en sulfato de magnesia. Eso te quitará la hinchazón.
OK, Daphne, let's get you home and soak your feet in Epsom salts.
Daphne vamos a casa y remojemos tus pies en sales Epson.
We gotta fill this thing with Epsom salts and jam over to the old folks'home.
Debemos llenar esto con sales de Epsom...
At fourteen he was already an apprentice at Tommy Gosling's racing stable in Epsom at fifteen he left school
A los catorce ya era un aprendiz en el establo de Tommy Gosling en Epsom A los quince abandonó la escuela
And then the deputy, who vanished from a bathtub full of Epsom salts...
Y el ayudante desapareció de una bañera llena de sal de higuera.
I reckon they should chuck you over the straight at Epsom.
Tus cenizas tendrían que tirarlas en el hipódromo de Epsom.
And besides, it's right near Epsom.
Además, queda cerca de Epsom.
I wonder if the guard would bring us some Epsom salts... if I asked politely.
Me pregunto si el guardia nos traería algunas Sales de Epsom si se lo pedimos cortésmente.
Epsom salts, oil of ricin, sodium sulphate, rhubarb, styptics, napthol beta, bismuth ( sub-nitrate ), anti-fever pills, quinine, sleeping pills, chloral am,
magnesia calcinada, aceite de ricino, sulfato de soda, ruibarbo, estípticos, naftol-beta, bismuto ( subnitrato ), antifebril, quinina, soporíferos,
You just happened to be in Epsom? Yeah, I was in the car, I'm on standby.
Lo que demando es la devolución de mi Blackberry.
Oh, beg pardon, my lord, my most southerly venture is Epsom.
Oh.. pido perdon Milord Mi mas sureña ventura solo llego a Epsom.
Epsom salts.
Sales Epsom.
Thank you, Epsom.
Gracias, Epsom.
Well, a very exciting race there at epsom.
Una carrera muy emocionante.