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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ F ] / Fairfax

Fairfax Çeviri İspanyolca

570 parallel translation
The Fairfax home for –
- Han telefoneado del orfanato.
Beatrice Fairfax, don't you dare
Beatrice Fairfax no te atrevas
Could you tell me if there's anyone here... from Mrs. Fairfax at Thornfield Hall?
¿ Podría decirme si hay alguien aquí de parte de la Sra. Fairfax de Thornfield Hall?
- I'll tell Mrs. Fairfax you're here.
Le diré a la Sra. Fairfax que usted ha llegado. Gracias.
I'm Mrs. Fairfax.
Soy la Sra. Fairfax.
Shall I have the pleasure of seeing Miss Fairfax tonight?
¿ Tendré el placer de conocer a la Srta. Fairfax esta noche?
Miss Fairfax?
¿ Srta. Fairfax?
I advertised and Mrs. Fairfax answered the advertisement.
Puse un anuncio, y la Sra. Fairfax lo vio...
Good night, Mrs. Fairfax.
Buenas noches, Sra. Fairfax.
Shall I call Mrs. Fairfax?
¿ Llamo a la Sra. Fairfax?
What the deuce do you want to call her for?
¿ La Sra. Fairfax? ¿ Para qué diablos quiere llamarla?
- To that simple old Fairfax. - Yes.
Y con la simple vieja Sra. Fairfax.
Monsieur, there's no one I'd rather you marry. Not even Mrs. Fairfax.
Monsieur, no hay nadie que prefiera para que usted se case, ni siquiera la Sra. Fairfax.
- Mrs. Fairfax?
¿ Sra. Fairfax? ¿ Sí, Sr.?
One night several years ago I was walking down Fairfax Street between 18th and 19th.
Hace varios años, iba caminando una noche por la calle Fairfax, entre la calle 18 y la 19.
I've been spending my life among fly specks, while miracles have been leaning on lamp-posts at 18th and Fairfax.
Me he pasado la vida con nimiedades, mientras los milagros se apoyaban en farolas en la calle 18 y Fairfax.
Give me Fairfax 3408.
Póngame con Fairfax 3408.
Now when people want a cab, the first one they call on is me.
Y ahora, si quieren un taxi en Fairfax, soy al primero que llaman.
Slim, see what you can find out about the companies in this state.
A ver qué averiguas de las empresas del estado. Fairfax Daily Power, Trade State, Defall Lors.
Janice how would you like to marry a guy who is editor of the Fairbanks Herald?
Janice, ¿ qué te parecería casarte con el editor del Fairfax Herald?
Okay, Beatrice Fairfax, my pogo sticks.
De acuerdo, Cupido, mis zancos.
On March 12, we found that he'd checked into Fairfax Emergency... with head lacerations and slight concussion.
Encontramos que había estado en urgencias en Fairfax el 12 de marzo con heridas en la cabeza y ligera conmoción.
Mrs. Starkie, on March 12 your husband was treated at Fairfax Hospital... for injuries received in a beating. Want to tell us about it?
Sra. Starkie, el 12 de marzo su marido fue atendido en el Fairfax Hospital por heridas producidas por una paliza. ¿ Quiere hablarnos de ello?
Edwin Fairfax Vere, post captain, royal navy.
Edwin Fairfax Vere, capitán, Marina Real.
Proceedings of the court-martial held aboard HMS Avenger on the 28th August, 1797 convened under the authority of Edwin Fairfax Vere, post captain, royal navy and composed of the first, second and third lieutenants of said vessel.
Registro de la corte marcial celebrada a bordo del HMS Avenger, del 28 de agosto de 1797, convocada bajo la autoridad... de Edwin Fairfax Vere, capitán de la Marina Real, y compuesta por los tenientes primero, segundo y tercero de esta nave.
Who asked you, Beatrice Fairfax?
¿ Quién te pregunta a ti, Beatrice Fairfax?
Fairfax Street.
Calle Fairfax.
Dr. Fairfax, I'm developing a way to sensitize the human eye so that it sees radiation, up to and including the gamma rays and the meson wind.
Dr. Fairfax, estoy desarrollando una manera... de sensibilizar al ojo humano para que vea la radiación, incluyendo los rayos gamma y el mesón.
Dr. Fairfax...
Dr. Fairfax...
I've been asked by Dr. Fairfax to speak on his behalf about the continuation of his research funds.
La Dra. Fairfax me pidió que hablara... sobre la continuación de sus fondos de investigación.
I'm very sorry, Dr. Fairfax, but I believe our foundation can no longer channel its funds into this work.
Lo siento mucho, Dra. Fairfax, pero ya no podemos invertir más fondos en este trabajo.
If you were his nephew, you'd hardly be called Emma Fairfax. - If I were a man... - Fred Fairfax?
En temporada de caza, una mofeta corre con los zorros para despistar a los perros.
- You make it sound... - Furthermore...
- Me llamo Emma Fairfax.
Furthermore, I would deem it a favor if in the future... you and your bloodthirsty relatives... would avoid coming here and upsetting the animals.
Si fuera su sobrino, no se llamaría Emma. - Si fuera un hombre... - Fred Fairfax.
I'd give anything just to have one single day there
Querida Srta. Fairfax, me parece que no lo ha entendido.
My dear Miss Fairfax, you seem to have entirely missed the point.
¡ Tendremos que navegar hasta el fin de la Tierra hasta que nuestra búsqueda del caracol se haya completado!
That's faintly familiar. Yes, yes, yes, yes. " Seashore, sea slug, sea snail.
Srta. Fairfax, ésta es una expedición zoo geográfica seria, no un crucero de placer organizado para usted.
If we ever find enough bits, we'll put them together and find out.
O lo estaremos, si encontramos a la Srta. Fairfax. Pobre Fred.
- At least, we will be as soon as we find Miss Fairfax. - Poor Fred.
Y mira que la até a la balsa.
¡ FairfaX!
Carter, Brewster, Fairfax.
Carter, Brewster, FairfaX.
I'll wait for Fairfax.
Esperaré a FairfaX.
What about Fairfax?
¿ Y FairfaX?
Fairfax is a man who signs checks.
FairfaX es el que firma los cheques.
Fairfax isn't going to give you anything.
FairfaX no te dará nada.
Fairfax is dead, he just doesn't know it yet.
Ha muerto pero no lo sabe.
Get me Mr. Fairfax, will you?
Conécteme con FairfaX.
How much is Brewster worth to you, Fairfax?
¿ Cuánto te vale Brewster, FairfaX?
Fairfax, I think he's getting ready to fire the gun.
Creo que está por disparar, FairfaX.
- Mrs. Fairfax?
Sra. Fairfax. ¿ Sí, querida?

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